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Persistent Aura

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About Persistent Aura

  • Birthday 12/29/1988

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  • Interests
    Psychedelic things, music/production, fractal geometry, physics, ethnobotany, Mantids
  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFECMYIfddY
  2. Mandelbulb3D Fractals
  3. It's been a very long time since I updated this thread with some new artwork. Here's some of my newest creations Apophysis Fractals
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Foki0ARC5jg
  5. haha thanks imba. The intro is indeed interesting and good for inspiration don't understand the rest of the track though funny music! Will send a few demos soon filipe
  6. I will send some demos soon
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aW9WeHuTAU "Most sacred architects maintain that the ultimate reality exists beyond the mundane plane of temporary forms. As such, that higher reality, infinite in nature, can make itself known to the finite living entities, in the world here below. It does so through revealed forms which, while seemingly limited and temporary, provide a bridge between the finite and the infinite."
  8. Here's a totally different way of using fractals to create images that I haven't presented to you yet. Fractal Terrain! The program I've been using is Terragen, but there are a few other ones as well. I haven't been doing this much yet as my pc is way to slow for even rendering the preview so making full landscapes is allmost impossible because I just can't see what I'm doing. If I keep to relatively simple terrains and clouds then renders are possible. Basically everything you see is made by using fractals, the terrain, clouds, stones,... . It's stunning how realistic these landscapes can look. This is the first one I made. after fiddling with the software for quite some time. After that I decided to follow a tutorial so I would learn quicker. That's the reason why it's much more detailed I didn't use the software for more than a half year. Just because it's so hard to make images with it on my pc. But a week ago I felt like trying again. Again some desert to keep it simple.
  9. First succesfull animation this took 57hours to render!! Compression is bad so the playback isn't allways that smooth and quality could have been better. I'm a total noob at video compression and couldn't get it better. The original looks amazing though (more than 4gb large for 2m26) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU4daQsS5-Y
  10. First try at animating 3D fractals. Sorry for the low quality http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSAs8y4dIsk
  11. well it's been quite a while since I updated this thread. I've made a LOT more stuff. Here's some of the things I made since I last updated this thread. This is just a small selection so make sure to check out my deviantart gallery for more! http://persistentaura.deviantart.com/gallery/
  12. And a newer track http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIH-35HAte8
  13. A downtempo track from the summer of 2009 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVXNI1XsjCE
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