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Prio Alea

Mad old ones
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Everything posted by Prio Alea

  1. So I haven't really made anything special in 4 years now for various reasons, but some nights ago I felt I had to do something. So out comes this mind dump. Don't know how to describe it, but Jungle/DnB ish-mix maybe? Only 01:50 long (and I'm not planning to make it any longer) so it won't have time to bore you to death (I hope). Just a fun piece of music, although very rough. There's probably clipping and stuff since there virtually no mastering, except some slight eq-ing. edit: new version: http://www.speedyshare.com/359858818.html old version was embarrassing.
  2. Ohh I'm verrrrrry tempted to buy. Really want to come, although I have NO idea what I'm doing in October.
  3. This is amazing as always. Aww are you gonna release this or other special reason for no download link on acidplanet?
  4. Why would he ask a member he doesn't know and not a mod?
  5. Try ctrl+z next time. I'm a big fan too, they were the first goa/psy I heard and it was them that made me start listening to the genre. I love all albums up to and including Amen. Haven't even heard Ten actually, but since I heard not so good stuff about it I chose not to listen. Maybe someday. I'm excited about the new album and I hope they won't let me down. Don't want another Infected Mushroom.
  6. Nice reading, always kewl to see what Gods think.
  7. Aww our boy has grown up.
  8. You need 1 more. Can you do it?
  9. This is actually pm material, sorry nemo.
  10. O RLY? Gonna listen to some previews to see what you're raving about.
  11. Aww crap.. so they had to be 2000-> ??? Reading too fast. I'll make a new list later then.
  12. I haven't heard much, but I'm intrigued to explore it more. I find this track absolutely amazing: Electric Deluxe - Electric Deluxe (Original Mix) It's a Speedy J alias, and I think he's awesome.
  13. I can't order them, so I'll just namedrop.... some tracks that pops into my mind right now and that has meant something special for me (made me discover a new genre or similiar): The Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds Kraftwerk - The Robots U96 - Das Boot Prodigy - Out Of Space/Voodoo People/No Good/Their Law/ (ah I like em all ) Daft Punk - Around the World Fluke - Slap It (or Zion if you prefer) Röyksopp - Röyksopp's Night Out Trentemoller - Moan (Trentemoller Remix) Astral Projection - Another World/Enlightened Evolution Marmion - Schöneberg (MWNN Remix) Eat Static - Bony Incus (MWNN Remix) Infected Mushroom - Bust a Move Wiliam Orbit - Barber's Adagio For Strings (Ferry Corten Remix) I know I'm breaking the threads rules over and over again but I have to include this: Extrawelt - Dasding Plattenleger (20-05-2006) I might be back to edit the list (and abide the rules).
  14. Astral Projection - Chaos
  15. Extrawelt. No doubt.
  16. I've only seen his avatar as black background with strange yellow lines/stuff for a while now? edit: nvm.. ctrl+refresh fixed it
  17. Are we talking about the album version? Well it's the only one I've heard and I LOVE that track. Well I love most (if not all) of AP's old stuff.
  18. Daft Punk - Discovery album
  19. Yes it sure is. I just love it. I get goosebumps every time I listen to it. It doesn't have the typical goa sound (303 etc) which I find refreshing too.
  20. Yeah me too, got me interested now. Nice one! Here's some of mine: Hallucinogen - Angelic Particles Tandu - Alien Pump Astral Projection - Another World Eat Static - Bony Incus (MWNN Remix) Marmion - Schöneberg (MWNN Remix) MWNN - Teleport (MWNN 2000 Remix) I'm sure there's more.
  21. I'm bad at genres... is Sigur Rós considered psychedelic? Also I find some Beatles tracks very psychedelic.
  22. Eat Static - Bony Incus (MWNN Remix)
  23. My choice: Eat Static - Bony Incus (MWNN Remix) One of my all time favorites and I think it fits like a glove to the description. So awesome, so psy, yet different.
  24. Please read and respect these rules/guidelines before posting new reviews. HERE WE'RE TALKING ABOUT REVIEWS. NOT SIMPLE COMMENTS, NOT DISCUSSIONS, BUT REVIEWS ! 1. Please use the appropriate release year before posting . If you're posting in a "multiple year" thread (ie. 2002 - 1998) then specify the release year in the thread title. 2. If you’re an artist / label that wants to promote a new release please use the “Promos” group and not this one! ANY promos found in the reviews section will be moved. 3. This section is for psytrance reviews and psytrance related genres reviews only! If you want to discuss the best releases this year, what albums should be considered “classics”, the reviews section layout, the quality of reviews, the latest Tool release, want to request a review, etc. etc., then please use the General or Off-Topic sections of the forum!!! This is intended for psytrance music and subgenres only so no reviews of parties or other music genres. A bigger tolerance will be allowed for old stuff (stuff released before 96) since back then there wasn't an "official definition" of psytrance. 4. BEFORE posting a new review, check if a review of the album hasn’t already been written. If it’s the case then write your review in the already existing thread and do NOT open a new one! Finding older topics should be easy, use the “Search” function: type part or the whole album title and don’t forget to limit the search to the subforum of the year you want to post in. If you're starting a new thread for a compilation then you should ALWAYS write the title under the format : "V/A - Name of comp". So that all the compilations will be easier to find. So do NOT start a topic with "VA" (no "/" between the V and the A) or "V/A :" (":" instead of "-"), "VA Name of Comp" (no "-" between the V/A and the name) etc. 5. When opening a new thread put the name of the album and artist in the topic title and make sure it doesn’t have any typos (or else the search function won’t work). If you made a mistake, you can easily re-edit the title by using the “Edit” button at the end of your post, if that function is not working, then report your topic to moderators asking to correct the typos. 6. Please say WHY you like/dislike an album and don’t write childish one-phrase reviews like “This is a killer release!! 10/10!” or “This sucks. 0/10”. Reviews like that are not very informative and don’t do much except annoy others who are looking for full reviews … Also, if you have received an album as a promo directly from the artist/label try not to be an ass-licker in the review… most of the time it shows and it’s VERY annoying not to mention that in the long run your credibility as an objective reviewer will be tarnished. 7. Personal grudges against artists or reviewers are not welcomed and will be deleted and might lead to moderation so try to use your brain before posting. If you have anything to say to the artist or another reviewer you can always PM (Private Message) or e-mail them. 8. It would be nice that whenever someone opens a new thread for a review they start with the full album stats (pic of the cover, track names, label, release date, etc.). 9. We advise and ask you not to write reviews for samples of releases. It's best if you post in the Reviews section after having listened to the whole release. Happy reviewing smile.gif and as always, suggestions are welcome (as long as you post them in this thread and don't open a new one) (Text written by Moni, just adding it to this subforum) /Prio Alea
  25. I need to buy this. Soon.
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