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Prio Alea

Mad old ones
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Everything posted by Prio Alea

  1. For me it's almost all the time. I'm more and more certain it's my connection, or some routing problem at my ISP since some other sites works perfectly while others (like psynews) are slow as hell.
  2. I wonder if it's only me, but psynews has been slooooooooooooow for me after the upgrade. Takes forever to open pages and it often just stops in the middle of loading. Anyone else? If not I guess the problem is at my end, since another site is slow as hell too (after they upgraded their server aswell).
  3. Check the "Edit Options Add the 'Edit by' line in this post?" box at the bottom.
  4. I think sqeezing Charlie out of this box is a superb idea!

  5. Tjena din 08:a...eller inte :b Var det Umeå du bodde i?

  6. Topic moved to Artist News and Labels announcements.
  7. Topic moved to Artist News and Labels announcements.
  8. yes, prio, charlie loves that auto-fellatio thingie :D

  9. I'll comment in your profile. I think you deserve it. And don't worry about commenting in your own profile, I've been doing that for ages. :D

  10. I'm commenting myself. I'm pathetic.

  11. egg & bacon wankyfucks
  12. negative, just old thread.
  13. Almost.. It was the standard cheat kode for all Konami games.
  14. whooosh over my head. Never bothered to watch that show.
  15. I listen mostly to this kind of music lately.
  16. Fonzerelli - Moonlight Party (Aaron McClelland Mix) So damn good!
  17. Exactly. Suck. All. You.
  18. you guys le suck if you don't get it!
  19. Le updated. And good night.
  20. Yeah ok, let me. Right so..... uh I got nothing.
  21. 1 Radio (9:53) 2 Freak (9:30) 3 Electromagnetic (8:34) 4 Telegram (9:27) 5 The Frog (7:59) 6 Psychomachine (8:02) 7 Oscillator (10:11) 8 Out Of Your Control (7:59) Good shit!
  22. Great vid that one.
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