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Everything posted by Procyon

  1. They aren't. Japanese guys smoke Mild Seven and then pay 25,000 yen for a hoodie. They can, they will.
  2. We could have a conclave. White smoke and all:)
  3. It is irritating that you found it irritating!
  4. Understand as you wish, but there's no Bible involved, or any religion, culture, backgrounds. The only thing involved is what we call "conscience". Our best judge.
  5. What happened to Siam? I think he felt hurt for some comments here, but I want to believe he's still around. One of the best neogoa producers, IMO. Every now and then people ask what track we're playing, most times it's one of his. Have just discovered this one, from 2010. Can't get better than that.
  6. Repetitive patterns in fast music (namely basslines) are one of the best inductors to trance. I suggest you make a search on hypnosis and frequencies. A well constructed bassline is able to put a person in a euphoric state for hours, melodies also are trance inductors. And I disagree with you about drugs: I have never taken any and I felt a complete state of euphoria and trance while dancing to goa and psychedelic.
  7. My boyfriend asked me to read it all again, slowly. You both are right. I understood Vera was ponting that iTunes was the cause of the problem, not the right solution. A comment Marcius said is completely true: I read jumping words and I listen to people but I remember only part of what they said. Which is a good thing, according to him.
  8. After all Vera, this feature in iTunes is a problem or not? Let'ts make this right, because I want to understand if this is an iTunes fail or not. You know, it will make the whole difference. For if you prove it's an iTunes fail, I will ask to have this thread deleted. Because then, it won't be a production problem (the loud peaks we hear in chill-out tracks), but an iTunes failure when playing the same tracks here in out lounge bar. Or it not an iTunes problem at all - it's indeed a production problem - and this thread has some reason to be kept alive. To give artists some feedback.
  9. I can't understand you: I have said I tested the sound system with other softwares that also have a build-in equalizer, and nothing worked. I also said that by now I know some tracks by heart and the moments when they become louder and it's patent this is because they were produced that way, and you keep insisting it's an iTunes problem?? Excuse me??
  10. It is not an iTunes problem. I have tested using other players and it gets the same response: some tracks have loud moments that are just written that way. Right now "Ayumi Hamasaki - Connected (Ferry Corsten remix)" is being played direct from the album and there's a moment in the track when she sings "sudeni", the "ni" part gets so loud I have learnt to turn equalize manually before someone comes complaining about the apparent high volume. It is a wonderful song, by the way. Another thing I realised it that online FMs like Di.FM and Sky.fm, when a track starts the first 5 seconds are played in a higher volume. I think it's to separate the previous track from the incoming one. Or is it just my ears? Edit: Ayumi Hamasaki's song was remixed in a chill-out style. There's a huge popular euro-trance version too. But the chill-out version is the one where her fine high-pitch voice is at its best, way too much best, according to some of my clients
  11. One of them is Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars (Mango remix), there's a guitar riff that peaks high and it's very irky. I liked your comparison to classic music - which has real loud moments, but classic music is not supposed to make you feel relaxed - as chill-out is. So, I do expect the storm moments in classic music, but not in chill-out tracks. Most times I play Ibiza chill-out, it's relaxing, but also it's the genre that has the most annoying chill-out section.
  12. To a certain point, a very open-minded man. He may be in love with another man, I think. One thing he wrote I agree with, in my words: just like there are hetero couples that can shock, same-sex couples can do it too. But there are ladies and gentlemen, even if they're in a few number nowadays. And I know lady-lady and gentleman-gentleman couples that are as discreet, respectful and nice like a lady-gentleman couple. Problem is that these quiet couples are under the radar, given their discreet way of loving, while the lousy same-sex couples are easier to notice. So, it's a problem of point of view. Just don't put everybody in the same basket. He used the Bible to score his points. Others use psychology, freedom of act, sexual revolution as arguments. I am ok with that, as long as there're respect for everybody involved.
  13. When I feel like you described, I listen to the surroundings: dogs barking, birds, water from the tap, the truck in front of my house. Just don't listen to TV or radio. Or when "white noise" doesn't work, I then look for some fat tech-trance tracks, and most times it works.
  14. Tonight at our lounge bar the sound system is irritating everybody. Almost everyone is complaining the volume is way too loud. Which is not. What's going on is that some chill-out tracks are badly mastered, or badly written and there are these loud peaks in the middle of most musics when arpeggios, cloud or sea effects, or any other instrument (electric guitar riffs are the worst) are "highlighted" and from a relaxing mood you get instanly annoyed by the sudden loud sound. Some tracks have a 5 or 10 seconds high peak, but others last for more than 1 minute. Despite using iTunes to playback - and its built-in sound equalizer that, well, equalizes highs and lows - there are tracks that I have to correct manually, so loud they get at some points. Sorry for venting, but I hope that writters or chill-out, of any genre, are aware that instead of chilling out, some tracks just annoy-out. Last but not the least: drum and bass chill-out should be banned. Worst thing ever!
  15. It is a matter of believing, don't you agree? I believe, and that's what matters to me. As a matter of fact, I have just finished another important book to all spiritualists: Evoluçao Planetaria (only in Portuguese, Esperanto and Latin, sorry). It cast some light on the 2005 Asia tsunami, from its spiritual side. According to a pleaides of mediums, the tsunami was the most visible part of a phenomenon that is currently happening to mankind, a phenomenon that started some 120 years ago and will last another 50, 60 years: all spirits that have didn't do their best, in their path towards evolution, in the 2000 year span since Christ taught us, are being moved out to another planet unknown to us. The ones who did their best to a better world are going to stay here, joining other more intelligent, elevated spirits that are - right now - children who are being born in huge masses since 10 years ago. In other worlds we are in the middle of our planet revolution, when it's finished, Earth will be a better planet.
  16. Let's not ourselves be radicals: not 100% or 0% darkness. What I meant is that the dancefloors now could be darker, but not to the point of one grabing a man's dick thinking it's a bamboo pole supporting the decoration. By mistake, of course .
  17. If it's for while Dj-ing there are apps that count bpm with finger tappings. I use one on my iPhone, there are versions for other OS.
  18. It seems he didn't give up psychedelia after all. Hope he makes a great comeback👍
  19. Since I mentioned old parties, I will elaborate on an idea (kinda silly, indeed) that came to my mind after watching some current Goa parties videos: modern goa parties are too light. I mean, part of the magic in old parties was that you had only blacklights on the dancefloor and the only white light you could see was the one from the DJ booth. As a party organizer I know how having white lights and not made an important difference to the people dancing. Currently organizers use strobe light, lasers and whitle light all together, which killl the unique effect of total darkness that is necessary to UV lights to work properly.
  20. Good gold old times: if you think these MFG tracks are amazing, you had to experience them in full power blasting from giant speakers, with the smell of incenses, the glow deco hovering above...it was magic!!
  21. Good to see that after 15 years MFG still awes new listeners. "Why" is one the most beautiful psychedelic tracks, IMO.
  22. The closest to X-Dream sounds I have found so far: https://soundcloud.com/psyjukebox/ectima-1
  23. I consider myself an authority in tech-trance, so I was surprised I didn't know this INNERSOUND release. Amazing, creative. I feel I missed it big time. On the topic: it's indeed a pity that tech-trance didn't create a soiid school. I was lucky enough to live thru the apex of The Delta, Mittelskinder Ohne Strom, Booreka, X-Dream, Spirallianz and many others.
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