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Everything posted by Procyon

  1. As comments are disabled in "Interviews", I would like to say that the interview with Asia 2001 (actually, with almost everybody that were interviewed) was quite informative and entertaining. I would like to see more frequent interviews, it's a good channel to update with artists that can't be reached, let alone be questioned. Good job Insejn
  2. Interesting. I once thought of creating a topic directed to artists and labels called "Ripping off or oblivion?". I have a friend who mixed some tracks and posted in YT, with lots of viewings. Then one of the artists told him that he hadn't been asked to allow his track to be part of the setlist. My friend had to withdraw the mix from YT and did all again, minus the said track. Problem was, with or without being part of the DJ mix, the track was unknown, and also the artist. At least with the track he had the chance of having his track listened by more people.
  3. Alright. Then what you need is a good pair of headphones when going out of your house. And, oh yeah, iPhone rules
  4. But Radi, you think of yourself as a man of culture and I don't doubt that. Considering yourself so, you get angry when dealing with plain people. But there's another side to it: the more knowledge you get the more humble you become, because knowledge involves accepting and understanding people of all levels, of all cultures, of all backgrounds. If one doesn't become humble with knowledge, then he actually didn't become wise at all. Patience is a sign of wisdom. IMO.
  5. None of my business, but how is it possible to get infected by trojans by visiting a site? AFAIK, this happens in two circunstances: 1) one gives free remote access to his computer or 2) one downloads and opens infected files. Or am I being naive, and one can get infected by visiting sites?
  6. I am more open minded after listening to tech-house. It can be as powerful as goa or psy. Lately I have been listening to tribal-house (amazing, really!), and little by litlle returning to the source (Return To The Source party, anyone? BTW)...listening to techno more and more.
  7. Hey Radi, let the youth enjoy their short freedom, before they have to worry about jobs, marriage, mortgage, and so many other things that they will have plenty of time to worry about for the rest of their lives. What you hear they saying in Germany is the same everywhere, they talk about music, techs, gadgets, fashion and sex. Have a break, don't be so serious. In front of our house there is a group of 12 teenagers - from 10 to 18. Sometimes it's so good to sit in our sidewalk and hear them telling their adventures, or playing dodge or soccer. They are full of life, they don't worry about what future is all about yet.
  8. Uh!? You realize you're been as annoying as the ones you're criticizing, don't you? All I understood is that you don't enjoy youth, Turks and the iPhone
  9. As I am 1/4 Japanese, this sort of news is quite ridiculous to my Western point of view, but understable as well if I think like a Japanese. AKB48 is one of the worst things musically ever, but it's a multi-billion phenomenon in Japan and neighborhood. IMO, all Japanese are bipolars, the only explanation for a behavior like this. It is a headline in all Japanese papers, sites, etc... Briefing: she is part of a 90 plus girl-band, they can't date, they can't have sex or else, they face punishments by their producers and their fans. Ridiculous. Ps. Most comments in the article are by expats living in - or deeply related to - Japan. http://www.japantoday.com/category/entertainment/view/akb48-singer-shaves-her-head-as-act-of-contrition-for-dating
  10. Great mix +1. And awesome art✌
  11. If you are online now, connect to di.fh techno channel, there's an amazing set "Alex Bau presents - Wasabi Tunes 034 (February 2013)". Perhaps the best techno set I heard in ages.
  12. Great mix man, Endora and Kuro my favs. Don't worry about one or two mistakes. I like the human hand on the mix, don't like the robotic perfection. Well, you may say that I am a fan of Goa Gil "mixing with lights turned off" style
  13. Hi Star, here's the link to uptobox. http://uptobox.com/r7gwmdjx9x89
  14. Yes, unbelievable as it is. A club with capacity for 650 people had more than 1,500 inside, with foam insulation and - I can't believe in this day and age - pyrotechnics work inside. A tragedy that could be avoided, like most fires. RIP. I believe in karma, the only explanation why God would let 231 young people die in such an horrendous way.
  15. I don't know if you guys are aware of the tragedy that took place in Southern Brazil this last Saturday: a fire in a nightclub that killed 231 people. The whole country is in shock, I caught myself crying in front of the TV http://edition.cnn.com/2013/01/28/world/americas/brazil-nightclub-fire/index.html?hpt=hp_c1
  16. This is the LINK topic. You can link anything you want that you think it's relevant to your world and possibly to Psynews people. The intention is to share what happens in your world that other members woudn't know, either because it's a local news or because it's obscure. Comments are ok, this is the intention of this topic. What you can't post here: senseless youtube videos, animations without a message that matters, things that are meaningless. In other words: let's be serious! Please post an explanation before the link, so the busy people can have an idea of what it is all about before opening it. Hope this is ok with Mods
  17. Err, I didn't explain myself well. Here I go again: is it possible to ask Psynews to interview an artist? As you said it is ok, then I' d love to see Martin Freeland interviewed. I am his fan, have been waiting his new album for ages. Perhaps an interview would cast some light on a date, his plans, etc... Goa Gil?? No thanks, I will pass that😲.
  18. Is it possible to ask an artist to be interviewed, given he is willing to do so?
  19. I remixed seven barely known (to most) tracks written by the goa god Martin Freeland (Man With No Name), and some of his tracks remixed by other artists. I would like to highlight the brilliance atmospherics of Kanc Cover (Opsy) remix, the gem that is the punkish touch of MVO of "Seratonin Essence", the goa remix of "These Are The Days", a classic track of the legendary British 1980s band The Human League, and the emotional sequences of "Greece 2000". Martin is my favorite Goa artist, one of two I would like to meet personally. His Goa tracks are timeless, the perfect blend of bass, kicks and melodies. Hope you enjoy it! 1. Sugar Rush by MWNN - remixed by Kanc Cover 2. One Way - by Dreadzone (MWNN remix) 3. Floor Essence by MWNN - remixed (Apogee remix) 4. Seratonin Essence by MWNN - remixed by MVO 5. Infernal Machine - by Loin Kind (MWNN remix) 6. These Are The Days - by The Human League (MWNN remix) 7. Greece 2000 - by 3 Hard Driver (MWNN remix) https://soundcloud.com/djprocyon/man-with-no-name-tracks
  20. Hmm, yes, it's ok. But superficial. Imagine "Trainspotting 2012", downgrade it 3 or 4 times, then you have "Paraisos...". The most "important" take of the movie was the lesbo scene, so you have the picture of how shallow it is. Plus, the whole soundtrack is ultra full-on. Unless you take some hallucinogen to watch along, it's dull.
  21. Thanks for the invitation. I will go to India someday! Interesting, I didn't know that Cardamon was not an indian name for the spice. What's the difference between Hindi and Kannada languages? Do you speak both?
  22. His psychiatrist agrees with us.
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