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Everything posted by Procyon

  1. Best pure goa trance parties I have been to were small, in Japanese clubs, with 100 people or less.
  2. A little too late reply, but I disagree. IMO, all five tracks are posterior to other classics that influenced a lot of the modern music. Just to mention one, the album "Substance 1987" by New Order. Even Pet Shop Boys did - really good - dance music back in the days. "Suburbia", "Love Comes Quickly" , among others. Just a personal curiosity, I think that "Suburbia" is the best track that mirrors London. I don't know why, I guess it's be because of the refined melody and the melancholy present in the track.
  3. Ouch! I remember how thrilled I would feel when I would find any new DG at my local CD store. I don't have this one, but I wish I was wise enough to have bought all of them. In another 20 years, they're going to be (already are to some) like the original Pink Floyd albums are to rock. Legend.
  4. RIP. Pete Namlook was one the driving forces behind the ambient scene in Europe. Very good ambient tracks, I still play some of them to our customers. He is part of an era that was golden.
  5. Now it's my turn to say: what a silly thread, blah-blah-blah :lol: . Seriously, this is silly. You should do like we did in the other thread: HIM: Asshole! ME: Kid! End of the story.
  6. It is a pity, their style of Goa was so distinct that it could be a subgenre of its own, had they continues releasing tracks. Hope they get on the neogoa train.
  7. Thanks Richpa, has he released tracks lately?
  8. By the way, I used to play this track. Still one of the best acid goa tracks ever made, I wish there was a more recent version. There's an effect throughout the track that I think it's magic.
  9. I know GS from some 12 years ago, but lost track of this wonderful work. I was youtubing and found this wonderful track, but couldn't find year of release. Anyone?
  10. I still stick to Alienapia album, it's one of those that gets better as time goes by.
  11. Best monitor headphones I ever had were Technics: clear, and durable.
  12. I think Hypnotizer is by large, one of the most authentic goa tracks. It is experimental - something that was so common those days, always loved its acidness and driving kicks. Still play it now and then, people like it a lot.
  13. Last, but very relevant, is that the two more voted options were these: 1. DJs are not LIVE acts. 2. LIVE acts take some live instrumentation. Digital instruments alone does not make it LIVE. Thanks for your participation!
  14. Holy cow! A tracklist is the soul of any artist, and then of any party. Just an insight: if I decide to play a setlist of all Astral Projection tracks - unless it was announced I was playing a tribute to them - I would get tomatoed, probably, by other DJs and the public. Now, I don't want that happening to my expensive Vibe Tribe t-shirts!
  15. Because OOOD shattered your perfect vision of Hallucinogen's playing a live set? Edit: plus, you have just discovered that he doesn't have 8 arms, as thought before :lol:
  16. Hmmm, AFAIK, when an artist is paid to play LIVE it means the he will play a setlist of his tracks only, no matter if he keeps pushing play/cue/pause or he plays live instruments. On the other hand, when he is paid to play as a DJ, it means the he is expected to play most of his tracks, but he is also free to play other artists' tracks that he would not play as in his LIVE performance. So, basically, the difference of his playing LIVE or as a DJ, is the setlist, not what he does on stage. Or am I mistaken? EDIT: It came to my mind a Swedish artist (his name will come later to my mind), that was featured as LIVE ACT and DJ ACT at the same party I went. His live act was all his tracks mixed. The DJ act was some old tracks of his that he didn't play in the firts set, plus some other artists works.
  17. As the creator of this poll, I ask you to besides emitting your point of view, you do vote. So, we can have a clear view on the matter. Will you?
  18. If I were you, I would hit the nearest bar, have a double whisky and start all over again. But, there's no need to feel insulted. Nice that OOOD, oodly , shed some light on the subject, from an artist's point of view.
  19. It seems that everybody agrees that DJs are not live acts. I myself never thought I was doing live.
  20. Almost all of them are well-known and famous. It is just that they don't make news here in Psytrance.
  21. Hmmm, let's our intelligent fellows decide on this for us.
  22. I think the first option covers it.
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