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Everything posted by Procyon

  1. Problem, Neurogen, is that in nothing more than to push a button. Mixing is about pushing a button, from one side of the deck to the other. BPM changing and matching is about pushing a button. Tweaking is about twisting a button. Muting/unmuting is about pushing a button. Now, this is serious. An artist that only matches the bpm of recorded tracks and makes a transition using effects/songs is acceptable and the rule. An artist that comes to stage with a 90-minutes recorded set is a real FAKE. Do you mean that AP comes to stage with a 90-minute pre-recorded set? If the last option is true, I myself will contact them and ask for explanations. This is unacceptable in DJ world and it's a rule that not even two tracks can be "merged" at home before the set, let alone in an artist set, who gets paid a good sum of money. Which is it?
  2. Now I see it!
  3. Most of you read me and Neurogen trying to define if Astral Projection plays live or not. According to Neurogen, LIVE is when an artist mixes and twitches pre-recorded, or not, sequences during his set. Example: 9 out 10 psy artists (and all DJs I know), give or take. According to me, LIVE is when the artist plays acostically as much as possible, making use of drums, guitars, bass and whatnot, all of them not pre-recorded. Example: Juno Reactor, Sun Project, System 7. DJs do not do that. IMO, LIVE used in psychedelic/goa parties means only that the artist will be at the party IN PERSON, not that he will play any instrument on stage. So, according to me, Astral Projection does play LIVE, just like almost every other psy artist. In Neurogen's opinion, it was a fake live, for AP was only pressing buttons, and there was no new sounds thrown in the middle of their sets. What do you say?
  4. Uh, your questions: there was no message. It is just that after I clicked "finished" I thought it disappeared. Will try again. Thanx!
  5. LOL. Best cartoon of the year!
  6. It was in General Psytrance. Do I have to create a thread and then a poll to it? Or vice-versa?
  7. I tried to create a poll, but after clicking on "finished" nothing happened. Did I miss something? Thanx!!
  8. Talking about spiritualism, hidden dimensions...this last night I woke up to pee, when I sat on the bed I saw a man - his spirit actually - near the wardrobe, looking at us calmly. When I was about to ask him if I could help, he vanished. So I prayed for him. I am sure I will see him again.
  9. You're right. Can't remember some titles by heart. The Water Machine must be because I was doing the laundry Lol
  10. In my city of, circa, 350 thousand inhabitants, there's a good psychedelic trance scene, with a 4 timer a year festival that attracts 5000 payers. But they're too commercial, some artists will play Lady Gaga psy mixes if asked. Goa-wise, I am the only one DJ I know of in my city, but I am fighting hard to change it. The solutions is throwing parties that attract 50-150 people, I have realised that there some guys who come every party, so it means they like the sound. Hopefully, they'll want to DJ, which is crucial for a scene to get known. Back to the question, in Brazil there must be huge goa crowd, spread thru the country. Locally, I guess there are 100 people who liked goa.
  11. Neurogen, I appreciate you efforts. But IMO, there are more than 100 tracks missing from the list. To name a few: MOS-Clouds, Astral Projection-Cosmic Ascension (Joerg remix), Chi-ad - Biocandy, Oforia - Maximizer, KURO - Matrox, MWNN- Axis Flip, X-Dream - Thorazin, X-Dream - Water Machine, Spirallianz - Fast Forward, Three Drives - Greece 2000 (MWNN mix), Children of Paradise - Martian Civilization, Transwave - Land of Freedom. This is part of my list alone, you guess everyone of us have their own list. Definite 10 is hard to decide on, let alone gathering nominees.
  12. It must be "The Flame of Eternal Life" the second half of it still causes me goosebumps. One of the most beautiful electronic music tracks ever done. Miss Chi-ad a lot EDIT: I made a search, but there are three versions of "The Flame", I know the one you're talking about, but it can't be found. Fortunately I have the sole compilation featuring it, will upload and share with you guys. EDIT #2: found it. It is a pity that the mastering was not good, but try twitch with it on your sound system. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4jN2rGFJhU
  13. You can't get more minimal than this. Plus, there's a bonus attached to it: mystery of nature.
  14. Here in Brazil a "prophet" said the world would end in October 14th, at 16:00 sharp. 150 followers gave up work, families, and secluded in the prophet's house. When 16:10 came, so also the police and the business owners where the followers were owing money . Everybody got angry at everybody, and then they saw it was more "profitable" if they focused on one person, the very prophet. He is incarcerated, but keeps saying that he miscalculated and a new end-of-the-world-appointment would come soon :D ,
  15. There's indeed a planet that will pass thru Earth. Only that it is in a dimension invisible to us, but it will affect mankind deeply. There won't be any catastrophe here. But in our after death, some will be taken away by this immense planet. Only some of us will remain here, in a better Earth then. BTW, its passing by us will last another 200 years. There's time enough for each of us to fix wrongdoings and collectively make a better mankind.
  16. Well, I saw a lot of old acts playing lives (whatever that means). Most unforgettable was a 3D Record party with Absolum, when he was doing decent music. Errr, last one I saw was a friend DJ LIVE, after me, LIVE too :D
  17. I agree with you here.
  18. Could someone create a poll on this? It would be interesting to know opinions in numbers.
  19. Neurogen, don't take it personally. I am not trying to defeat you, as you may feel. We just need to make clear what LIVE is, because it's important. In the other forum we-can-not-talk-about, there's a huge thread solely created to bash Astral Projection for this lack of definition of what LIVE is. Some people even said they would react violently if they think AP is not playing live, and it's one of the reasons Goa is not what it was before: technicalities became more important than what was coming from the speakers. My 2 cents.
  20. Well, according to your new parameter then I will advertise on the flyer for the party I am throwing this next 22nd November: DJ PROCYON (LIVE with Nova Fractal, Alienapia, Psy-H Project, Artha, and many more) For all these artists have created files that I am using to mix.
  21. @neurogen: it's not that I THINK what live is. It is what it is. LIVE was initially a word used to make audience know that artists would be playing acoustically, in loco, their instruments mainly in rock concerts. So, for starts, it is wrongly used in electronic music flyers. Second, tweaking and twitching and mixing is basically what a DJ does. Again, you either say that AP is fake, but all the rest is too. Or everybody is live, including me moving my mouse.
  22. Well, according to your parameter of what LIVE means, then I will start pressing on my flyers that I am a LIVE DJ playing from a MacBook, for I tweak, twitch, and mix two different tracks with a third one, thus creating a different track no one heard. Indeed, if AP does not that then they're fake. Now that I know that some people think that I play as a live DJ I am thinking of seriously training some flipping backwards on stage. It can't be more live than that!
  23. Live takes people playings instruments, like New Order, or Juno does: guitars, drums, bass and not pre-sequenced synths. Aside Juno, System 7, and UNI I don't think any psy/goa artist play unrecorded instruments. But my point is this: you guys either keep saying that AP does not play live and put a lot of names in this list of "fake live" or you agree that live is not possible in psy/goa and let them alone. It is not fair to single out a band if they're doing exactly what everybody else does.
  24. IMO, this is not live, this is mixing tracks with pre-sequenced pieces, this piece may be known or not by the general public. What some artists do is to create a piece exclusive to live acts, but it's does not make the show live at all. Live is what Juno Reactor does, and not completely. This piece thing is easy to do, I myself did this with three tracks.
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