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Everything posted by Procyon

  1. AP has been the target of a criticism that I think it's hypocrit, at the least. In a lot of forums, there are one or two AP-haters that have banging on the duo about not playing "live", playing from this or that source, etc...It is hypocrit for two reasons: First, electronic music was never a genre to be played live. I have a friend who thought his dream came true when he went to a New Order show, one of the last with the superb Gillian Gilbert on the synths. What happened is that they indeed played live: each one playing a side instrument besides some pre-sequenced ones. What happened is that you couldn't recognize any of the songs, not even the legendary ones. He swears that Blue Monday and Bizarre Love Triangle were not played, it was impossible. But they were played, indeed. Second: thank God that the majority of electronic artists know that and they don't do monkeyish things with instruments that sound good only in the studio. So, it's unfair to call AP live "fake", for everybody plays pre-sequenced instruments. I wonder why the video with the great UvanTam in the party section is not target of such criticism, for he is doing exactly what AP does. What really matters to me in a live show is to see them close, and I DO want to hear exactly what I play at home. I do not want to distract my attention and keep trying to figure out if they're playing "Utopia" or "Amen", as happened to my friend. So, please, let's grow up about this. This sort of criticism I highly associate with bored teenagers with synths in their bedrooms or wanna-be failed artists.
  2. Lucky you! I have three tracks (one ambient, one house, one synthpop) that haunt me. The worst thing about not knowing a track title is that you can not hear it, only in your mind.
  3. Ha. I have flyers that travels back to 1994. I proudly show them off to my envious friends:)
  4. I always say that AP is trying to find a new path.
  5. I disagree. What button they play live does not matter. But I concede their recent work is boring and generic.
  6. I would say "give it a try". My city certainly knows less about Goa or psy than yours, given that Brazilians are less globalized than Americans, but parties here attract a good crowd. I think most people who like electronic music haven't heard of Goa but they know what psy trance is.
  7. Ronnie Dio was a great showman, my friend said his performance was so powerful that after the show he said he would have Dio as the frontman of Sabbath, despite Osbourne being charismatic and the original vocalist. In the hair-band kingdom, I too prefer Sammy Hagar to Roth as the vocalist for Van Halen. KISS is aging, but still the most profitable band in the world. They're coming to Rio, Sao Paulo and Porto Alegre in November. Tickets start at U$200, may reach U$320. All sold out in minutes. Hope you have paid less for Black Sabbath.
  8. Well, I don't want to prove you wrong, as you are living in USA and I am not. But every party I went in Japan, there were a large crowd of Americans who I am sure brought goa back to their cities. I met one guy from Georgia who even learnt how to paint backdrops to make his own party. Of course, 10 or 20 guys doesn't make a scene, but in big cities there are some parties going on, like in NY. You said you're new to the scene, so believe: if you want people to know more about goa and create a local scene, then just don't wait to bump on some guys with the same musical taste. Throw a small party, this will help gather people interested. Perhaps there are more people who like goa near you, you just haven't met them yet.
  9. Though I am not a heavy metal fan, I have friends who dream of seeing them live. One of them paid a small fortune to see Dio live in a closed event in Tokyo. Rock'n roll-wise, my dream is to see Def Leppard and some other hair bands. Saw KISS once, was worth every cent.
  10. I am a member of another forum where they have a strong tech section and everytime they start talking about games I feel I am completely floating on the moon. This is part because my last experience with games was with an Atari, so you can see how I don't understand this world. I read in the forum that there are games that pays the winner, and other ones that are connected to the real world, involving companies and foundations. I am not talking about gambling, but about games with monsters, shoot-outs, etc...Also, there are those sad stories about guys found dead after 72h playing games non-stop. My question is: do you play games often? Which ones? Why? What does it make you feel? Have you ever played to exhaustion? Does it make you get money? Does it affect your real relantionships? Satisfy my curiosity, if you will.
  11. Gaah! Sorry for the OT, but is this the formula for how-to-build-an-Airbus-a380-at-home? I simply DON'T understand a single thing you wrote above. But, man, I wish I could. I am musically illiterate.
  12. Procyon

    why i love psynews

    I like Psynews because most Infos here are worthy, people tend to be mature, reviews are funny and it's one of the few forums - if not the sole one - where psychedelic trance is discussed as it deserves to be. Plus, I give thumbs up to the people behind the stage who run it smoothly. Last, culturally it's interesting. The off-topic section though not in its apex as in the past - as veterans gere say - is one of the best of its kind. Long live Psynews!
  13. She is toothless, you won't forget her talents :!
  14. With my eyes closed, my body motionless? And strangely, I am in this state til the moment I wake up!!
  15. I hope the last two slots go to the darker side of goa, namely my recently discovered favorites: Alienapia and Psy-H Project.
  16. Now seriously. I am ultra afraid of FB. You don't know who visits you and what they learn from your comments and Infos.
  17. If you only could see my mother...she looks like Ethyl Philips . Ethyl Philips deteriorated, I mean.
  18. I want to thank moderators/administrators for deleting the "sexual fantasies" thread. I would like to express some words: I know I am no saint and certainly some of my opinions are really ugly, for example, what I said about Jews some weeks ago. However, musical taste, religion, prejudices, nationalities, cultural backgrounds and all the human factors aside, I am sure that all of us agree that paedophilia is the unthinkable. We don't need to go too far to see that this kind of atrocity happens everyday, everywhere, sadly, but this doesn't mean we should get used to it. (just this week a sobbing 3 years-old girl was taken to a hospital by her mother in Rio, there she discovered that the her little girl's body was devastated internally by a penetration, her father-in-law's. She died). Also invalid is the argument that a 16 year-old is ready for sex. Legally, in most countries, she is underage. We just read about the 16-year-old Canadian girl who took her own life. I enjoyed the thread while it was showing our dark sense of humor. Unfortunately, it became obnoxious with that sort of twisted "taste". Two adults having any sort of strange sex is one thing, they're aware of what they're doing. An adult and an innocent kid is a world apart.
  19. AFAIK, Joomla is very well known, but it's not that popular. It is the Linux of the computer world.
  20. When I was in the stage of developing a site to sell bags I own, I decided for Wordpress and not Joomla for this very reason. Joomla is confused and confusing in comparison to WP. Ok, I don't know if this work this way for Joomla, but for WP, you have to save your DB, then upgrade it and refresh the site with the DB. As for the player, I am sure there are widgets for Joomla that do that. Make inquiries in Joomla communities, they;ll be more helpful.
  21. I didn't know that about concrete. Well, what really caught my interest was a group of German architects who are building an entire community with mud and corn leaves near Berlin. I saw them on TV. Their houses are awesome and green, perhaps the real future is there.
  22. @techno: it was a joke ok. I have had my share of American guys. Way too complicated, you guys
  23. Ok sweetheart. Only if you remember to not slam the door when leaving the bed tomorrow morning. I sleep lightly.
  24. I found this article backing my opinion. There are more over the web: http://www.brazzil.com/pages/trasep99.htm
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