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Everything posted by Procyon

  1. I was thinking exactly the same, it's not goa. But it sounds OK, or so I hope...
  2. Boloto Trip bassline is awesome, the rest of the tracks is powerful. Reminds me of the Blue Moon parties.
  3. The sample is short, but it has indeed an emotional layer to it. Liked the melody a lot.
  4. @padmapani: The paper I read wasn't about the legalization. It only dealt with the psycho and social aspects of drugs. I see this way: people tend to recur to philosophy, agencies recur to pragmatism, about drugs. In between philosophy and pragmatism there's an imperfect, real world, where neither laws nor freedom are used in the right way.
  5. I want to congratulate London and the British people for the Games, it was fun. It may sound "old thinking" these days, but I believe that events like the Olympics make us remember that we are different, but we are equals at the same time, living on the same Earth. It was good to come home and see my mom and my boyfriend rooting for athletes from distant countries. My mom loved the opening and closing ceremonies, she cried a lot. I loved to lay on my bed and watch people doing their best for their countries, in peace
  6. *I read "The Elegant Universe" again, and again the string theory does not sound solid to me. It is funny, I am a true believer of the multiverse theory, but can't accept the strings. *Read again "The Hidden Life of Dogs", a funny book, good to make you laugh. *Read "Memorias de Um Suicida" (Memoirs of A Suicidal) - a psychographed book true to its title: a description of the horrible afterlife of a suicidal. Mind you, it's not fiction, it's real. Or so it is for those who decide to read it, like me. The first forty pages are haunting, it is so scary that anyone thinking of the hard exit would give up after reading about the umbral.
  7. They have changed a lot, you can't compare it with their 1990s stuff. It is completely different: now it's faster, the melodies are not so embracing. I liked it, but I miss the rich melody. I wish them luck with their new work anyway.
  8. I read some years ago a book (I can't remember the title!!!) on a FBI report studying the effects of alcohol on crime. Making a long story short, teenagers who are introduced to beer soon will probably start smoking cigarretes (while all those who started smoking first will eventually drink something very strong), a high percentage will then start drinking more frequently, and inside this number of smokers/chain drinkers, another high percentage will start making use of either marijuana or even stronger substances, depending on the geographics. At this point those who are "dysfunctional" will commit their first crime, usually pet theft. From there in a span of a few years, they will commit their first serious crime: robbery, rape, dealing, etc...And at this point, if the MO is associated with some brain dysfunction, is where a high percentage of "serial killers" will start appearing in FBI profiles related to brutal crimes (involving blood bath or cyber robberis, there's a huge spectrum of what is considered a "brutal crime" to FBI and other agencies). This continuos chain of legal/illegal drugs illustrates how an "innocent" drug, such as pot can be a door to a crime in later part of life. Of course, this is not the rule, but the exception. From a legal point of view, it's the parameter from which most laws are created (that's why a small quantity of pot can put someone behind bars in some states). I mentioned heroin, but any other drug could be mentioned. Here in Brazil people are smoking Colombian or Bolivian crack at parties along with taking X. I don't know how it makes in US and Europe. But Brazilian Police reckons that the vast majority of reported crimes nowadays are related to crack dealers and users, to the point that the federal administration is now creating a program to deal with specifically with crack alone. I have experienced this recently: last year a 20-yo man broke into our lounge and stole some valuables, when he was caught he had crack stones in his possession. Have you ever seen those movies about Detroit neighboorhods where you can't walk streets anymore? That is how some rich Brazilian cities are looking like. Police says that crack users are now starting using a even more potent drug called onyx, which causes even more dependence, they think it's a matter of time until heroin debuts here. As much as drugs are part of the electronic music scene, this is not an excuse to close your eyes to it and say it's OK. IMO. I don't doubt Ozora and Boom will eventually be closed down. Haven't this happened in England? The country whose creativity gave us acid house, trance, now can't have parties, or so I read.
  9. Any way to donate after the campaign is over? We are back from a trip, cards are in a near-death comatose for a couple of months.
  10. @Monahium: don't get me wrong. Alcohool is as prejudicial as illegal drugs, more perhaps. Cannabis should be legallized, at least for medicinal use. Problem is that marijuana is the door to stronger drugs, heroin for instance, that cause no benefit at all. So, IMO: alcohool is a drug and should be treated as such. Cannabis should be legallized. Though I don't know what is worse, a drunk guy or a stoned guy.
  11. @goodthings: people are free to think that drugs are a essential part of their personality. I think people who have to use drugs to discover themselves are empty bags, that have to get full of smoke or substances to feel some sort of acomplishment. But my opinion does not mind, each to its own. What really matters is that drugs are main reason parties are being cancelled or prohibited, after millions of money are invested by organizers. Killing artists' investiments and the whole scene, as side effect. Here in Brazil, which is as tolerant country towards drugs, there are states that have prohibited open air parties. Near my hometown, two cities have already passed laws prohibiting psychedelic parties, my city is in the process of banning parties. Main reason is not violence itself, but the always present drugs. Wanna take drugs? Take it at home, it's your place, your money. That's my policy as an organizer.
  12. Hey Walruz, good night too. You see, as unbelievable as it may be to you, there are people who go to parties for the music and the joy of it.
  13. 1) I have a friend, who can't remember what he did yesterday. He is only 33, he says his brain must look like a piece of cheese, so many X he took. He is in a imbecile state of mind now. 2) I went to a festival once, two guys went to a nearby river to take X. The stronger one raped the younger one, he was only 16, he was with his girlfriend. I am totally against any kind of drugs, don't know what cocaine looks like, never had an X on my hands. As much as I love trance, I hate the idiots taking drugs in parties and festivals. Do this at home.
  14. Have you guys seen the American athlete that had a huge erection after receiving the gold medal? :D :D :D
  15. Well, Canadians surely hate USA after the imbroglio in the soccer quarterfinal match. I have Canadian friends who get red everytime they talk about the match, LOL.
  16. Yesterday we were in a mall shopping and everybody was in front of TVs watching Brazil vs Russia playing the women's volleyball quarterfinals. A huge crowd, everybody shouting everytime Brazil saved the Russian's matchpoints (five). Then everybody was shouting and jumping when Brazil made two consecutive points and won the game. Magic.
  17. I watched a lot of sports this past week: tennis, volleyball, soccer, diving, water polo, gymnastics, athlestism and then some. I feel fascinated by all of them, I know this because I can't stop watching a match or a race until it's over. The only sports that does not catch my eyes is basketball. Right now I am taking part in a forum where Americans are enraged by the two World Records broken by the Chinese swimmers by more than 1.5 seconds - an eternity in swimming. Some are saying that there's some sort of concealed doping involved, I tend to agree with them.
  18. Procyon

    EDM in USA

    I just came upon this article about dance music in USA. Note that the word "trance" appears only once, "psychedelic" is not mentioned. http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2012/aug/02/how-rave-music-conquered-america
  19. eheh. Beat the old lady a little bit, divorce your wife. Then sue both. Not my piece of cake, but your review made want to give it a try.
  20. Great tracks man. I don't know if it's only my ears, but your tracks don't sound clear. They could use some engineering, imo.
  21. Hosting the Olympics is important to put a city on the map. Not that London wasn's there, but the last 3 decades London generated (almost) only bad news: recession, unemployment and crime. Now with the city showing herself to the world as beautifully as she doing now, London will attract more tourists for starts, and in the long run, investiments. In Brazil the biggest three TV channels are showing how London is outside the Olympic venue. Only yesterday they aired a special about a gallery called The Foundry and how London underground arts scene is thriving. The other channel paid a tribute to London architecture, I doubt London would get such massive free advertisement to 180 million Brazilians in she was not hosting the games. I myself now see London with different eyes, and I want to visit UK in the future. Back to the topic, I am watching as many sports as I can. I think they are refreshing somehow, I don't know why.
  22. It definetely is 1990s AP, but I can't name it. Have not heard it before. It could be one of their AFX alias track. Let us know when you discover its title.
  23. Me! I turned of the TV and the archery competition was been aired. I was surprised catching myseld thrilled by such an obscure sport. BTW, Italy beat USA to get the golden medal by only one point
  24. Not a fan of full-on, but this album is outstanding. The "outer space" atmosphere that permeates the album is great.
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