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Everything posted by Procyon

  1. I finally listened to it. I liked the bassline a lot, much more energetic than the usual neogoa bass we see around. But I didn't like the fast noisy FX that is spread throughout the album. A good work anyway.
  2. To me, this album is battling against Nova Fractal work for the top spot as the best neo goa trance release. Intelligente melodies and what I like best: a hard kick that doesn't let the dancefloor stop. Very, very good! It is a pity that it was released commercially and not as a free download work, I am sure it would have caused more noise. Such a good work is lost in the mid of shelves and shelves of bad full on in the sites where it's being sold. Nonetheless, it's a brilliant piece of goa. I have played some tracks in my lounge bar and people come to the counter asking about it.
  3. Does it sound more like Filteria or Portamento?
  4. 21 x 9 : 189 tracks. It is a lot of editing. Awesome job!
  5. Apparently you haven't read that Greeks elected neo Nazis in this last election. Here's what CNN has to say about Greece today: http://edition.cnn.com/2012/05/10/world/europe/greece-why-care/index.html?hpt=hp_c1
  6. Of course Germany is not a saint in any situation, but economically speaking no one can deny it's a powerhouse. Anyway, ideologies apart, Greece must make something soon, for the government does not have money enough to pay public workers in May - next month! - let alone banks and international debts. IMF has said it won't hand Greece the 30 billion loan if the situation deteriorates, which could lead to the domino effect the rest of the world is afraid of. To show that the "sunbathing" theory has some ground, Portugal has just announced it cancelled 4 national holidays this year in order to make workers, well...eerr..., to work. More.
  7. It is not "media", but respected economists from different nations who have diagnosed the Mediterranean problem. Only yesterday I heard an American friend who said a great simple truth: prosper Germany is the example to be followed in Europe. The others should adopt reforms now. Ormion, it is a fact that Greece has more than doubled the GDP since it entered the eurozone, a fact that Greece alone wouldn't have achieved without the help of neighboor nations. So Greece has grown inside Europe. Problem is that Greece needs to make a deep financial/social/economic reform in order to grow more.
  8. Yes, looking with naked eyes, the OECD ranking system make Greeks the people who work more in whole Europe. But this is a misinformation, according to specialists: a large portion of Greek working force tend to concentrate on self-employers, mainly in farming and shop-keepers, who work more. This is why they have more working hours than the rest of Europeans. On the other hand, in the ranking that really matters - productivity - the Greeks don't make not even the top 10, losing even to smaller nations. It is worse when the rank is looked from the other side - the least productives - then Greece appears at the #8 position, losing only to Eastern Europe nations, who are excused since all of them, as Estonia and Slovakia have been introduced to the notion of free commerce only recently. Making Greece position clear as a "lazy" nation is its proximity to Portugal in the least productive European nations. Portugal is long seen as an example of an England gone wrong. The crude reality is that Greeks work more hours, produce less. Is not this the recipe of a lazy, greedy, employee who wants to get a fat salary while not producing an equivalent working output? Do not take this personally Ormion, I am Brazilian and I know how lazy Portugal is, this is an inheritance we got from Portugal - work less, rest more. Brazil, despite being the richest nation in natural resources in the world is always in the bottom in the financial rankings: if we were in Europe, our way of doing business - and our size - would have sunk EU decades ago. I am aware that Brazilians are lazy, greedy and state-dependents. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-17155304
  9. German premier Angela Merkel is right: Greeks - and other Mediterranean nations - need to stop living as if they're part of the top of the financial pyramid and work more, rest less. While the northern European nations have the culture of hard working, the southern nations have the culture of hard savoir-faire: too much dependence on a failing welfare, high undeserved wages, premature retirements, a massive bad presence of the state in almost every financial transaction, too much days-off and national holidays. Of course, Greeks think they deserve it and don't want, deliberately, to let their comforts provide by the state to go easily. The solution to the Greek drama is clear, as pointed by Merkel. But this election has shown that Greeks want to keep their floaty way of living. As insulting as it may seem to some Greeks this is a problem that is affecting other nations too: Spain, Portugal, France - not surprising all Mediterranean nations, where it is more pleasant to rest under the sun than to face bitter financial medicines, the ones that could bring the cure for their problems. Wait and see Greek to be expelled, or to expell herself from the Eurozone.
  10. Well, it's Oforia. I mean, when he was writing decent tracks. He had a great sense of melodies back then. I read in another thread that there's an artist called Adrenalin Run. What now with the resurrection of old Adrenalin Drum? . Those un-searched names.
  11. I finally listened to the whole album, it's great. But honestly I think only one track is outstanding: RA, the first track I mean. Very energetic and complex. The rest of the album is way too soft to me.
  12. That is what I call good news, I love Adrenalin Drum acid lines. IMO they're the best goa with an old acid house approach. Can't wait for that! I still play "The Sorcerer" to this day, and people go crazy with that track.
  13. Silky and Gaia, our French Bulldogs taking a sunbath.
  14. I may be mistaken, but I think this book became a movie in the 1980s. Quite melancholic if I remember well.
  15. You mean he is not going to work on the new two albums, as you previously said? Sad to hear that. He is one of my goa/tech-trance heroes.
  16. Well, South-Eastern Europe Goa Trance then! Whatever we call it, I showed a friend Nova Fractal tracks, he is now blasting the sound in his car, it seems we're gonna have a party in the middle of a park!
  17. Sorry for my ignorance, but Balkans is considered what then?
  18. The last free version for Mac and Windows you can do all these things alright. Plus, it has a good beatmatching tool. There is also a paid pro version with a lot of features. I have seen a lot of DJs using it. AFAIK, it is the best free mixing table in the market.
  19. The great point is that East Europeans have their own musicality, they're bringing a new background to Goa.
  20. It seems that a moderator corrected the title, thanks guys!
  21. Ooops! And a big ooops! I wrote "West Europe", but I meant EAST EUROPE....me and this wine here
  22. I was taking a look at the authors of more than 20 neogoa tracks I listen more, and geographically more than 3/4 are from Eastern Europe. Any explanation for that? I think it is interesting, for the first wave of goa and psy, we hardly had any artist from, say, Croatia or Romania. Now we have even a very good compilation from a certain country.
  23. I think there are two distinct groups when we talk about goa: one who likes old goa frenzy sounds and another who likes the more energetic tracks. I can appreciate Hallucinogen (M-run too) at home, but I could never like it on the dancefloors. On the other hand, I love the sharp beats of old X-Dream sounds.
  24. The ubiquitious Virtual DJ soft is free, easy to handle and you can record your mix into a mp3 file, then burn it.
  25. Lucky you, Richpa! I still have hours to work. It is a gorgeous track, isn't it?
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