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Everything posted by Procyon

  1. @Veracohr: of course, this is subjective. But not that much. In 1996, when Goa was rocking all big London clubs, iD magazine decided to ask all big DJs why Goa was such a big hit. Technically. Most said that no other genre had such great combination of basslines and fast kicks, plus the inverted layered melodies were themselves alone body-shakers. I read that. Mind you this was a serious debate when electronic music was changing the face of underground London. And we are not talking about popularity: Goa was never for the masses. House lost its refinement (where is today's The Age of Love, for instance?), that's why it is so popular nowadays: it's poor in quality. Goa, on the other hand, lost its ground for psytrance - which is popular today. But we can't compare 1990s Goa to current psy. Or dare you compare, say, MFG to Melicia?
  2. Every style of music has had its apex some point in the past. Rock had it in the 1970s. Pop couldn't be better than the 1980s. Classic two centuries ago. Electronica had Goa as its most danceable subgenre, and its apex was in 1990s. It is something fans from every style try to understand - how pop was so good in the 1980s, and is so crappy now? I believe Goa was ahead of its time, right. Because I was a huge fan of electronic music, I bought every issue of London's iD magazine - then the bible of underground music - to get informed of what was hot, and where. and I was into everything: house, epic trance, techno. But when I heard Goa for the first time, it was like I was taken to another world. This shock I never felt again, that's why I say that, yes, Goa was the future music that had arrived. I still hear MFG, Chi-ad, and try to understand what happened back then. I wish we could travel in time, I would return to 1990s Goa parties again, and again, and again...
  3. As MWNN's fan #1, I say that the 1st video features "Track With No Name" - never heard it before, hopefully it belongs to a new album. BTW, people in the video need a lesson on how to dance to Goa (gah! I even saw a guy with a business shirt dancing there ). Ozora's video...isn't it "Dirty Trick" from TIP's Future Masters from 1996 ?
  4. Apotheosis - Put Me In A Trance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nghQRmPA774
  5. Yeah, I saw them. Shaltu's cover is very tribal, which makes sense if you have seen previous Suntrip's releases. What I meant is that it's not related to neogoa, there's no psychedelism in it. Not that other "psy" covers are better that Shaltu's. I just expected some sort of mysticism or "crazy happines" art, to match the sounds inside. No offense intented, sorry for that.
  6. I liked it a lot, though I don't use my FB profile often. Or Twitter. But for FB people who love Goa/Psy it is a must. Good job. But what comes to my mind is: if you want more people visiting, talking, and knowing about Psynews.org, admins should bring festival-goers to both Psynews.org and the FB page. This year we have Ozora and Boom in August, why aren't we talking about them, while other sites have more than 12 pages dedicated to Boom alone? Ozora is expected to host more than 40 thousand people. Aren't we missing this crowd? Editing: IMO, the "parties" sub-menu should be in the upper half of psynews' site, in the PROMOTIONAL section. And it shouldn't be "divided" by world regions. Party organizers could post their event side by side with parties in Japan or South Africa, it would give a sense of "melting pot" psy-trancers like.
  7. Great playlist and mixing. Keep Goa going! I disagree it needs an intro and an outro, like "everybody else does". Your mix has to have your personality. I am totally against those robotic mixes. This is something neogoa needs urgently: some imperfection, some noise, some human personality. That's why I love Gil, he's a terrible mixer. But you won't forget his sets. Congrats!!
  8. Thank you guys. I appreciate you help.
  9. Hi guys, again. I feel sorta dumb for asking you this, but can any of you PM me again with a reset PW? This time I really forgot my new PW, and I need it to get connected in a new toy I got. Sorry for my short memory. Thanks in advance.
  10. And, mind you, I illustrated only one side of this "fish school mentality". One day I will write about the side effects of this forced harmony in the most dreadful place in Japan: corporations offices. Once inside an office, you may do yourself a great favor by forgetting who you are, for your own good.
  11. Great reviews, I will give it a try later. The only minus, IMO, is the cover art. Poor. It's art, but it does not match the tracks, I am sure.
  12. I agree 100%, it happens in every culture. But in Japan it's really something you can feel in your skin, if you are the nail that sticks up.
  13. Being 1/4 Japanese, I think I can have a say about this: Japanese people are, since childhood, taught that they have a name and a surname. And that they MUST be, think and behave like every other Japanese. This is essential for what they call "wa" - harmony. What happens then is that a girl will dresses, eats, has a hairdo, says they words - exactly like the group she belongs to does. Once I read they are like a fish school: they're individuals, but they are a huge unit too. And they are proud of that. So, this is the reason if you are in Japan you may think you have crossed with the same girl time after time: they all use the same hair color - according to magazines and TV shows that decide which color will be "hot" that year. They all carry Louis Vuitton bags - God forbid if a girl shows up carrying, say, a Chanel bag while her other 9 friends are all carrying LVs. She will be shunned and ignored. the same goes for dress style, fashion brands. That goes for everything you can imagine. Japanese women - men too - are taught that if they behave, dress differently from their close peers they can all of a sudden be friendless, be bullied, lose their jobs. There's aa saying it's always said in conversations when this subject (individuality) comes around: "The nail that sticks up must be hammered down". The saddest side of this "wa" is that when a Japanese person is shunned or bullied by their peers, the only exit they see for this problem is suicide. Amongst the most developed nations, Japan has the highest number of suicidals per 100 thousand inhabitants. Of course there are other factors such as financial bankruptcy, diseases, being very old and alone. Even sadder is that the number has increased year after year. As you guys can see, being the mirror of one another in Japan is essential for survival. Being different is a privilege for foreigners there.
  14. If they can reset it, then I agree with it. They just have to PM me later with it, so I can change to a new PW. I really can't find the current PW, but I remember it's a long line of numbers and letters. Thanks for your help.
  15. It is only my opinion. If it works for you, then good for you. But I can't appreciate pop full-on, sorry.
  16. This compilation is a perfect portrait of the current Japanese psy-scene: some very young, Melicia/Skazi/Beat Bizarre-influenced, tacky ones (Sine6, TriForce). Some very talented ones (Cylon, Diabolic Art). And the monsters: Masa, KURO, Ree.k, Fujino. I liked it a lot, except, of course, for the tacky Sine6 and TriForce. The rest of the tracks (especailly the techy ones) will make sense only if you liste to them at Ageha or Womb - they need that Japanese ambience you can't find anywhere else in the world.
  17. I like your work Siam, you are one of the best neogoa producers. This track is energetic from 0s, very powerful, melodic, I would love to hear it on a dancefloor, I would dance like crazy. These days it is rare a track cause me goosebumps, yours did that to me. .My only suggestion is that at 6:16 you could enter some sort of a riff, a cosmic one for instance, it would make it perfect.
  18. Hi, I am having this problem: I access internet from 4 different machines, all my passwords are uptodated in all of them - but my Psynews one. I accessed the panel control when I tried to set up a new (and one I CAN remember, so I can update the rest of my computers). Very easy, except for one detail: my current password is a very complex one. It was generated some months ago by Psynews itself after I had forgot my original password. What I am asking one of the moderators is if one of you can PM me with my current password, so I can reset it. Thanks in advance.
  19. Wow !! To me, the first track opened Goa 2012 in great style. It is a wonderful track: everything is good, bassline, melodies, the amazing acid lines, the galloping rhythm. Loved the acid line at 6:11. The night track is great too, but it was the first one that caused me goosebumps. Congrats Javi, you're a proof that Goa is alive, talented and kicking.
  20. Really great track guys :o . I loved the 1st minute, and the rest is awesome too. IMBA, may I ask you how you two got in touch? And, do you know when he will release his new album? I hope to hear more of you two.
  21. I hear ambient a lot, say 1/2 of the time when I hear electronic music 10 hours non-stop at our lounge bar. 1/4 goa trance - old tracks mostly, the other 1/4 I listen to tech-trance. I hardly listen to psytrance these days.
  22. I read that The Police's "Every Breath You Take" was voted years ago as the Song of the 1980s. I was thinking if we can somehow decide on some kind of "Best Goa Trance Track of the 1990s", and "Best Goa Trance Track of the 2000s", and so on with other subgenres. Is that important? No it's not. But if someone can decide on that, it's Psynews. It is the only forum where psy culture is talked with some knowledge and authority. I just have the idea, not the methodology. What do you guys think about that?
  23. I am sure I will like your partnership, it's great to see a legend like KURO working together with this new talented generation. Good job IMBA!!
  24. Another great news. KURO is what comes to my mind when I think of "elegant" dance music. I remember when Satisfaction was released and they were playing it at my favorite CD store, I entered the store and then this beautiful, contagious song made me stop and go straight to the counter and ask WTF was that? KURO, of course.
  25. I am shocked! This album is what I have been dream for for years!
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