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Everything posted by Procyon

  1. I am not hyperactive at all. Quite the contrary, I walk slowly and like doing so, for instance. But I do have some degree of attention deficit. I sometimes don't remember what a person who is talking to me said when we started talking three minutes earlier, can't remember some faces, facts, dates, talks. Sometimes people say I did something, say, five years ago and my memory says that I did something quite different, but I know they're right. And I daydream a lot. I have been said to be absent minded, I agree . It makes life easer, I think.
  2. Great track SIAM, as usual!!
  3. @d.leeriun: I back pedal a little on what I have said. Although most parties are really boring nowadays, there are still some good ones - but you have to use a magnifying lens to find them. As a party organizer, I think the problem is that there are two generations of psy-trancers: the old one and the new one. The new one is who is organizing most parties, but as they knew psytrance from mid-2000 on, they think that psytrance is full-on, minimal and dark, and goa is progressive psy. These 3 subgenres are rich enough to keep a good party going on for days. But, unfortunately, the 2000s were the bottom line for these 3 subgenres too. Full on circa 2006 was so bad we joke about it now. Minimal replaced proper tech-trance, and click-click trance we hear currently is boredom at its best. Dark psy is good, sometimes. In short, people who know what good trance is are not in the scene anymore. The ones doing parties don't know what they are doing and how bad their taste is, music-wise. Some guys don't know the difference between goa and progressive psy (hello YSE Records!), between minimal and tech-trance, full-on and forest and dark psy. Thus you see these flyers promising Goa trance, just to find out at the party that they're playing progressive and forest. Don't give up though, there good stuff around. Nice parties too.
  4. Sorry to tell you this, but the train of really good atmospheric parties with smiling people, incenses, real fluo deco and hypnotic trance that couldn't let you even go to drink water has long departed. Parties nowadays look like a zombie zone, with music matching.
  5. You, apparently, collapsed a probability (one of the explanations from quantum mechanics) and the reality that your friend dreamt of didnt' solidify when you choose to turn the corner and walk another street. I had a friend who was very very poor when he was a child, and his grandmother worked like a tractor to provide the best she could for him. But when times were really hard, when they had no food, she would ask him to go to the backyard, she would then relax and enter a sleepy state and in her dreams she would see the numbers of the lottery, but only the ones that would pay the minimum prize - which would be enough for them to buy food for a month or so. He told us that she never wanted to see the six numbers that would pay the full prize, she said it would be ruin. She died as poor as she was born, he's very proud of her.
  6. This last Saturday to Sunday night, a supermarket just two blocks from home was robbed at gun point, they broke an ATM machine and fled with some thousand reais. Here is the phenomena: my mother dreamt of the robbery the night from Thursday to Friday, i.e., the night before the fact. She told us this strange dream she had but we just heard it and forgot it the next minute. After the robbery, she tried to recall what she saw more clearly and now she says she can identify the boss (they were three). Of course, we are not going to the police based on a dream. But what she really wants to do is check if the man that she saw on her dream is the same one who robbed the supermarket, after he is caught. We joked if she can't see the lottery numbers that are drawn every Saturday
  7. I read in another site why Apple won't allow apps that emulate touchpads and mouses on iPad to be in the App Store: the day it occurs, their profitable MacBook Air line would simply stop selling, people would simply do what I am trying to do - buy an iPad and a side keyboard and have a notebook and a tablet, two-in-one for half the price of a MBA. I had not thought of that.
  8. Funny, we have been using it for sometime, it never crashed and we're in an interesting situation because mine is running on SL and my bf's macbook is using ML. We swap our Macs every now and then, and I don't have any problems or haven't heard any from his side. And he indeed doesn't like having to use mine, as he is used to Mountain Lion by now. What I really found difficult to use is an iPad, I am using my sister-in-law's one, (I want to buy a new MacBook Air, but I have read these forums of people buying an iPad and a detachable cover and wanted to give it a try) but the lack of a phyisical keyboard is really something I think I can't get used to. I have been trying my Wireless Apple keyboard to handle the iPad. But it lacks a pointer, a touchpad, the spreadsheets from different programs I have tried don't work satisfactorily - I can't even select cells with values I want to make an addition operation. When I finally select then, there's no simple command to have them added as in a laptop. All programs ask me to write the whole SUM formula...without a trackpad or a mouse. I really like Apple devices, but I honestly admit that iPads are not productive. A pity really because other tablets out there can do everything a laptop does. But I cant' use Android or Windows anymore. Will buy a new MBA with Mavericks, it was my final decision.
  9. I like the Substance remix, it rocked dance floors.
  10. Why? I have Mountain Lion running in on MB and Snow Leopard in another. The Lion beats the Leopard in every aspect.
  11. My BF is a graphic designer so we bought an iMac some years ago, because it was his dream to have one. At that point we were Windows users. After the iMac experience, we switched to Apple devices. We use it because we share two agendas thru iCloud, one for our lounge, another personal, using two iPhones and two MacBooks. I can't even imagine myself using another OS. We are using Mountain Lion, which runs smoothly, never had a problem. with our computers or devices. The main reason we keep using OSX is that it's stable. One example: when a group of people makes a big reservation, I put it in iCal and this data is immediately synched thru iCloud, my BF gets this info wherever he is, then makes a list of things we need to buy: wines, kitchen ware, etc... We couldn't do that using a system that is not solid or reliable enough. In short, OSX and iOS are essential for our business. I see our iDevices as partners in our success.
  12. Great line-up. Wish I could go!!
  13. There must be a physical explanation for this. But it's interesting anyway. An Egyptian statue moves by itself in a London museum: http://noticias.uol.com.br/tabloide/ultimas-noticias/tabloideanas/2013/06/24/estatua-encontrada-com-mumia-se-move-sozinha-em-museu-ingles.htm
  14. Interesting topic. IMO, you may try as much as you want, but you'll never get a perfect acoustic for goa in your home, or in headphones. There's this air movement that only huge sound systems can provide - the subsonics - that can't be heard/felt in small devices. And it's the most powerful 'sound' in electronic music. It makes the most boring track at home come alive with layers of energy when played out loud. Only if you have been in front of a wall of speakers you'll understand that. @Komix: I think that "Arcana" is a completely different album if it's played in big sound systems. At home it does sound a little bit fluffy.
  15. Yes, you have a point here. You can't play dead and hope people discover you're alive. That is not it. My point was that some of your views can be changed for better, become more proactive. For instance, when you said above that advisers were not professionals, have you thought that any of us here could be a potential employer and by reading that we already have a negative view of your attitude? Or that they are good professionals indeed and you are just judging them wrong? This happens. Take a more positive attitude, it helps a lot. You will feel more confident and humble, and interviewers can feel that. The same way they feel when a candidate have a wrong pre-judgement about them, the work, the world. Remember that most RH directors and interviewers are psychologists, they're prepared to assess capabilities and the lack of them. Take their advices. And good luck!
  16. As you made this your problem public in a forum, I feel free to express my opinion about that: reading your posts (which are a good reflex of the real us, in our daily lives) there's something that catches the eyes - you think you are ready to work but employers are losers who can't see your potential. Well, this is not the reality: while you're a nice person in this forum, you sound like someone who can't work in a group. Your interactions here in Psynews range from weird to violent. You react knee-jerking to simple comments and some of your opinions make people laugh - that's great in a forum about music - but they would sound completely out of place in a work place. Also your point of view "me right", "they wrong" on employers and advisers is a sign that there's something that needs to be fixed about this. Your skills too, need to be improved. For instance, you brag about that your English is very good. It is indeed for a non-native speaker. But it should be a native speaker that had to say that your English is very good, not yourself. I have an American friend who speaks Portuguese perfectly, better that some native speakers. But I never heard her praising herself, and when praised, she denies adamantly that she is fluent. This is what a well-centered person does. I do hope you get a nice job. But I think this attitude of yours is easily perceived during interviews, and in your CVs too. Don't take this as an offense, but I think that if you reflect a little on your stance, you could change a little and more opportunities would be opened to you.
  17. @fat: JD is for remote control, I use one similar with my MacBook. And Logitech keyboards lack the touchpad function, which I need. Finally, Apple has a beautiful trackpad, but I don't want to carry one to my meetings. Or a mouse.
  18. Yes, Asus is a great example of how tablets are replacing desktops and notebooks. I want a keyboard exactly like that, that works with iOS. Dolmot, can you share your experience with us on touchscreen versus trackpad? What about text editing? Image editing? Spreadsheets? Thanks in advance!
  19. A touchscreen should be enough, but there are certain tasks that using a pointer make them done faster, such as text editing. And I have read that a lot of people who buys a MBA instead of an iPad solely because of a trackpad - I am one.
  20. As I see lots of well educated people in the technology are unemployed, I will give you an idea it can make you rich: create a keyboard-case with a trackpad that can be attached to iPads, turning it into a MacBook running iOS. Yes, there are some models in Amazon and eBay. But none of them have a trackpad. There's a huge crowd waiting for this to happen, willing to spend up to $200 dollars for one of these. I am one of them. I was in doubt between a brand new MB air or an iPad with a keyboard cover-case. I am just waiting a keyboard with a trackpad to buy the iPad. It is the future, IMO.
  21. Well, you could jump from a plane without parachutes and then I'd check later if you became a ghost or not, if you are there or not. But I don't recommend it, unless you want it so much, of course
  22. And this is the definition of s**t applied to full-on, IMO. He simply turned a synthpop classic in the tackiest track ever. Wrecked Machines - Enjoy the Silence
  23. There are some FX in FO that are very annoying. I remember that Wrecked Machines used one in almost all of his tracks. Here it is also present in Cosma, in 1:02 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxeaVlRjleo I think FO has great moments, but the vast majority is simply mediocre work.
  24. If you don't believe, then you don't believe. What is the point?
  25. Let's not turn this into a "I believe!" "I don't" topic, this is senseless. As I have some experience with photographing entities (by chance, as I will explain below), I would like to explain what happens in shootings like the video I posted. First, any place where a non-natural death happened, and the people involved weren't ready for the post-life, an energy remains in the place. In suicides case, the entity feels so desperate it took its own life - and this despair is so deep that it feels trapped in that crucial moment of its path, that it keeps "recalling" the event over and over, until it finds some rest. I would like to emphasize that the suicide takes two distinct moments: before and after. The before is the person taking this difficult decision, believing that there's nothingness on the other side. The after is the consciousness of this person discovering that not only life goes on in a different way on the other side, but that it also made a mistake. It the video, the person who jumped (and this place in Okinawa is a known place for high number of suicides), is "recalling" the fall. But to get it into a tape - an image or a voice - it needs a person with a special energy nearby, and this person is the one who has to be holding the electronic device. What happens is that the energy of place interacts with the energy emanating from the person and all result in the recording. This is exactly the method used in the Instrumental Trans-Communication, a technique used in laboratories with radios and television sets. Want to know if you are a person with this energy I mentioned above. Then, put your mind at easy, relax, go to a silent place, turn on a radio over a table and adjust it to white noite, turn on any record device - it may be your smartphone - and place it nearby the radio while holding it with on your hands. Close your eyes and record for at least 5 minutes. Check it later. Tell us what happened. Ok?
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