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About Roua

  • Birthday 04/05/1980

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  1. Hello My friend did this. He'll make an user soon. Please tell us what you think. Do you like it? http://www.myspace.com/vividrainmusic
  2. great wonderfull
  3. yes yes yes nice party lot's of energy... bucharest is cool too ... right???
  4. Moni here's another reason to come to bucharest : on the 4th of mars we have a party. and for turkey it seems that train to istanbul and then bus to antalya. i'm buying a new camera for turkey ... we'll be the paparazzi group taking pictures of each other :-))
  5. we've been to constanta last weekend and some guys from there are coming too .. huraaayyy! they told us about this train pass for 5 days for the balkans - 50 Euro I haven't gotten into it yet got to check it ! ... by train ... would be the answer
  6. hello we are six people from bucharest - we've bought the tickets so i'll see u there we can't wait ; it'll be great !!! good luck and travel safely !
  7. Hello Here is something I made for you now. Not much - i mean it is probably not enough but I can never make a playlist before and actually stick to it. The thing is that I've just discovered Neelix and I can't hold still. About the hour - dunno- warm up or morning , whateva... Meller - Phase Nach (Etnoscope remix) Lish -Sunday Muse Frechbax- Lollipop Sensient - Guns'n Amo Freq - FreqTal(Zero One edit) Neelix - Complication Magnetrixxx - Skaphander Echotek vs Side effect - Another Era Sensient - Tropicana Neelix - The Next Tell me...
  8. can't wait
  9. This album is OK as far as i can remember I think i really liked the I and the II track. intelligent and ....pfffffftt i'm not good at labeling music - all the music i like is intelligent. obvious !
  10. Nice thread . I'll answer first and then read all the other replies. in short... my father is a jazz maniac. he 's really pasionate about it. i remember being little - he bought records from Poland ( in Romania back then you couldn't find many foreign jazz records) , I remember dancing togheter with him and my brother :-)) My mom ... don't know why she's not into music , she buys stuff ocasionally :-( My music budy growing up was my brother even if sometimes we lost track of one another. I liked different kinds of music, when i was 14 I went on holiday in Germany (thats 1994) and found rave and Marusha, Dune etc Then highschool and i had new class mates and it was that Nirvana period. Then I got into "harder" rock - doom,... can't even remember the names of the styles but I remember Theater of Tragedy then I had the boyfriend and i got so caught up in it that for one year i had general music taste ( very sad, i know) then i broke up with him and after a while i was born again into goa trance :-)) since that moment i listened to that constantly even if in the last two years i started listening almost exclusively .. happy end. or? To be continued
  11. I can't decide between funny and wrong. i live in bucharest romania and we romanians always tend to compare things with our ex-communists - "in transition" neighbours. What happens in Moscow is an exception in this area. I guess there are some factors that would explain the whole situation but still it's somehow of a shock. So I wonder ... how does it feel to live in a society where psy is "almost" mainstream. I decided: I'll go with confused ...
  12. I'm shocked by the poor reviews here.:-( I think that every one of the songs of this album has been a favourite for me. It is that kind of music that speaks to you. Or to me at least :-( just my favourite on 2005 so far :-))
  13. This album is very good and it's a mistake to listen to it from the first' album point of view. Take it as it is. It's clear and coherent , intelligent, danceble (it's always an important point in my book). Now Sensient is one of my favourites. Thanks for many happy moments. :-)
  14. Great album. and I love how every track is different. and the depeche thing ... i loooove it and that juno reactor track just makes me dance whatever i do and time machine - 5 - 6:30 - pure bliss and heaven for me
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