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IronSun last won the day on November 10 2017

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About IronSun

  • Birthday 07/19/1987

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    Antwerp, Belgium
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    Psytrance, psychoactives, popculture, games, data analysis...

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  1. Dear psy-newsers... It is finally here!! Cronomi Records is pleased to present the first full-length album of Syb Unity Nettwerk, The Goa Years (Singles and Selected Works) is a masterful classic Goa collection revived from the gothic archives of Kris Kylven (UX, Faithealers, Element Over Nature, The Dark Prince). This heavy-hitting selection of original, alternate, and live remixes represents a chronological journey through Kris’s sonic manipulations in his London studio between 1995 and 1996. For the best possible auditory experience, each arrangement has been expertly restored and craftily mastered by Colin Bennun (STOOODIO Mastering). Conceived between his Odds project and the famed UX (with Pete Martin), Syb Unity Nettwerk is one of Kris’s solo projects and has been released on many labels including Transient, Flying Rhino, Sirius Records, Rumour Records, Aquarius and YoYo. Kris has long been influenced by a passion for sci-fi movies, as well as his love of 70s new age electronica, industrial bands such as Skinny Puppy and Frontline Assembly, plus well-known Goa pioneers, Pleiadians, Kox Box and Total Eclipse. A true electronic music innovator, Kris leads psychonauts on an unparalleled adventure through 8 distinct tales, along a storyline that manipulates the very fabric of reality itself. We hear in this music a well-crafted and mature approach to the psychedelic experience that hints at what’s yet to come from Kris’s future endeavours. A must for any collection, this timeless masterpiece is sure to shake dance floors from here to Chapora Fort and beyond to other dimensions. Play loud and dance often. Boom Bolenath! Get your copy here: https://cronomi.bandcamp.com/album/goa-years-singles-selected-works All Tracks recorded in London, St. Lukes Road @ Syb Unit 1 Studio, Portobello between 95 & 96 Artwork and Art direction: Kris Kylven Label Design Adaptation & Editing: Sara Costança Mastering: Colin Bennun @ STOOODIO Mastering
  2. Definitely check these out! UX - Audissey (Live & Beyond) (https://cronomi.bandcamp.com/album/aud-ssey-live-beyond) M-Run - Live Session Album (https://cronomi.bandcamp.com/album/live-session-album) Artha - Dream Telepathy (https://cronomi.bandcamp.com/album/dream-telepathy) Ufomatka - Off The Beaten Track Of The Universe (https://cronomi.bandcamp.com/album/ufomatka-off-the-beaten-track-of-the-universe) Todra - Dust From The Past (https://unreleasedgoarecords.bandcamp.com/album/dust-from-the-past) HYPNOXOCK - Eurythmia (https://beatspace-goamadness.bandcamp.com/album/hypnoxock-eurythmia) Everything released on DAT Records in the past 4 years Total Eclipse - Tokyo Live 1998 (https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/album/tokyo-live-1998) Sykespico - Perspective (https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/album/perspective) Triquetra - Human Control (https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/album/human-control)
  3. I think you really outdid yourself on this one! Genre-defying brilliantly detailed psychedelia with a very authentic sound. It's probably one of the best albums I've heard these past few years, I tip my hat to you!
  4. So what's your meta-workflow like? I suppose you don't always start from your entire presumably huge collection when selecting tracks for a set? Do you keep something like playlists as an inbetween? Thanks to the others for the replies, very insightful! It's an incredibly interesting topic I think, one we'll collectively get better at as this whole digitilisation goes on. I used to keep an excel with everything in my collection but maintaining that became too tedious and why do everything manually if you can have automated processes which these tags pretty much fulfill? The downside with using traktor or rekordbox ofcourse is that there's inherent path dependecy: the longer you go on using that way of working the greater the cost becomes of switching to another way of working. Not entirely given the nature of the id3 tag but still... Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts!
  5. Short background: I noticed last year it was foolish of me to back up all my cd's in wav format because it's just impossible for metadata editing and using the files in apps like Traktor, winamp, etc... So I've been busying myself ripping my entire cd collection again in FLAC. The thing I keep running into though is how to approach genre classification. I generally follow all the discogs conventions but when we arrive at genre/style it's a real conondrum. Everything psy related will become 'electronic' but there's no equivalent to style in metadata (or I just haven't found it yet). But I'll be damned if every electronic music track I have is categorized under genre electronic in traktor for example. How do you guys and girls handle this? Do you follow a specfic convention, and how do you keep a straight line in that? For everything Goa it's pretty easy, I just take the style Goa Trance and put it as genre, but the rest of the psy-trance family all gets lumped together under 'Psy-Trance'. To be quite honest I don't want all my forest and full-on to be together under 1 genre... Even though they are subgenre's of the psy-trance genre.
  6. In general I think cd is as good as dead. Most of my friends don't even have a cd player anymore because it's simply not included in most devices. So you need to specifically invest in a cd player and I think for most casual listeners that's a bridge too far. So from that perspective it seems only really engaged people and collectors will buy cd's. But that's where the strength of a platform like bandcamp comes in, it offers you everything as a customer. Personally I still buy cd's but I'm also gradually transitioning to complete digital which has been quite an adventure. Over the past couple of years I've moved away from itunes (what a bad decision to use it in the first place, I know...), bought an amp with wifi for the living room, got a NAS, installed a plex media server on it and can now listen to my entire collection from any of my devices anywhere I want. I also got a traktor controller and started using traktor at home after years of resisting it because djíng with cd's was somehow 'better' in my opinion (which it isn't and to all the people bitching about how a controller makes stuff easier and requires much less skill I would say try it out. You'll be amazed at the control and versatility it gives you while having your entire collection at the click of your mouse). So the future for sure is digital streaming, most people won't even bother to have the music files somewhere locally because it's much easier to listen to it on spotify, youtube, tidal, bandcamp, etc...
  7. That's great news! Very curious to hear what you're going to come up with
  8. Dohm - unstoppable fate ...good forest!
  9. You forgot the dash of forest How is it though? I was wondering about this one myself.
  10. Thanks for your feedback Antic! Pity you don't like it right off the bat. Then again it's not an ordinary goa album but a complete live concept where every track was recorded in 1 take, there's even more detail in the description as Mario added his thoughts on the entire process. I really recommend to keep listening though as there's a lot to be discovered in here! Good music just keeps on getting better
  11. Yes yes yes looking forward meeting you all! See you tomorrow!
  12. The time-table is just bonkers again. I have no clue how to fit in some sleep... Gonna have to make some tough decisions btw 4 hours of xenomorph live... Poor braincells...
  13. I'm planning on attending as well, let's meet up!
  14. Somehow this is the first time I read this.... Thanks a lot for the nice words! I tried to give the tracks the time to breathe and build the story and I was really thrilled by the way it turned out, indeed reaching that supertwisted place in the middle but then finding exactly the right tracks to flow into Transparent Sea which I find an absolute beauty, so emotional.
  15. It's great! Everybody looking for a fresh take should check it out imho. For me the Ufomatka, Smuds, Morphic Resonance and Veasna albums have been the best new ouput this year. The Etnica re-issue is absolutely fantastic as well (duh) and both the long-overdue gangguru .release as well as the compilation with tracks of Ray Castle and collaborators showcase just how good this music was in the nineties.
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