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Everything posted by Spindrift
It's the dogs bollocks. When it comes to synthesis it's the most flexible and best sounding pice of kit I laid my hands on. And I used a lot of synths in my days.
Shpongle is the sucks
external soundcard for the laptop
Spindrift replied to vnvmod's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
It's not. Been running a creamware pulsar with my laptop for more than four years now. Just add one of these sweet little boxes to your setup: http://www.mobl.com/expansion/pci/1slot/index.html Then you can run Scope, Protools and RME cards at least. I guess they work fine with Powercore and UAD-1 as well. -
I think you better head over to http://www.planetz.com. There you find many very knowledgable Pulsar users and a lot of nice free synths and fx.. You should for sure get the latest pulsar OS, scope fusion 4.0, from creamwares site. The older ones will run ok under xp from my experience but better start with the latest one. But without knowing exacly what the problem is it's not so much advice I can give. Pulsar can be picky about the system configuration and will run like crap many times on a regular XP install. You need to do the xp audio tweaks if you like a smooth system. Depending on what chipset you have on your mobo you might need to install XP in "standard PC" mode instead of the default ACPI. To do that you press "F5" in the very beginning of the XP install procedure. With many more modern chipsets APIC mode will work fine though. To run the ADAT to the yama, just plug in the cables and set the 02R to sync from ADAT. Then add the ADAT destinations and sources to your scope project and you can start routing your audio as you like. The scope mixer does sound better than the yama though you might find, so when I have been using the same setup I have normally just been running a stereo pair from the pulsar to the desk. Specify exacly what you been doing and what the problem is I can see if I can be of more help.
Thanks DeathPosture for the nice review. And of course big thanks to Vins for his great music. Great stuff!
Thanks for informing me than paypal cannot be used even from Belgium. For now i have PM'ed you with the other options I can present to make it possible for you to get hold of copies. I have been looking in to getting other payment options. But the volume is to small for it to be worth setting up a proper merchant account so paypal is very convenient solution. But they could cover more countries and I'm looking at other services and will sort out more alternatives that can be good complements when I can find time. I guess I spare you any details of internal relations between me, Jonas and Andreas. According to stone age homepage Andreas is on "on holiday from the project at the moment" and "Steptime is currently on ice". I can say for sure that there will be no more Steptime. Of course I don't like to go in here as to the reasons or what have been spoken to me in private. If Andreas will be involved in any more Trashlord(s?) tracks is up to him to confirm or deny. But I am hoping he take a break from his work and will show up here again for a Twisted Mister session sometime soon. He has a very nice feeling for music and is good in producing as well so he's a pleasure to work with.
Your browser or network doesn't work Maybe the server was down for a sec, it's for sure working now.
Suntrip / Psynews Party (march 25th 05, Brussels)
Spindrift replied to mars's topic in General Psytrance
Wasn't there rumours about a Ka-Sol double Cd coming on Shlab? I think it was Dave himself that mentioned something in here a while back. -
I want to start producing!
Spindrift replied to doggBALLZ's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
I must say that in general I am more interested in a nice workflow than pristine sound and is not that fuzzy. But sine I work very fast and without problems in Logic the clearer sound I get still make it more inspiring for me to use. I did a couple of tracks with Abelton and worked hard to keep the gain structure optimal. But in my ears the definition and depth in the sound was clearly different compared to Logic, otherwise I would without doubt switched because functionality and workflow wise Live beats anything I tried. I will use it for DJ'ing and playing live anyway because there the benefits by far outweigh the inferior sound though. And the problems with the sound of the mixing with a lot of software only becomes obvious when using a lot of channels, which is only really the case when you are doing the actual production. -
It's not a pure old school compilation, but it sure is not regular full on or darkpsy either. Just go to the site and listen and you can tell me instead You can listen thru the full tracks of the whole compilation there. Leenuz, Random and E-mantra I never heard about until a couple of weeks ago, but is very happy to be able to feature them on the compilation. Moodsyne is a very good artists and made some super tracks in the past, but the only release he had so far AFAIK is on "hippies with and altitude". http://www.altitude-recordings.tk/ Electrypnose you for sure heard about before... http://www.electrypnose.ch And Spindrift doesn't need an introduction of course The Maximizers is a project I have with Nicklas aka Hooga Booga. And like mentioned above Twisted Misters is me with Andreas from Trashlords.
Yes, E-mantra is very nice stuff. Really intense and deep old-school stuff. He has quite a few great tracks, and if he don't find other labels that will release them I will be more than happy to put up more on the site. For those of you who do go and check out the compilation on the site, feel free to leave some more feedback here wheather you like it or not. Always nice to get some responses, but I been too lazy to make ratings and comments for releases on the site yet :\
I want to start producing!
Spindrift replied to doggBALLZ's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
There is of course a long list on what logic or cubase does that reason, fruity or abelton don't do. But it's not all that important, and especially with abelton it's many thing it does very well that logic or cubase doesn't as well. Easy and inspiering workflow is very important IMO, more so than loads of features. But I still work in Logic even if I really prefer how Abelton works. I just can't get the sound I'm used to in the simpler sequencers I have tried: abelton, fruity and orion. Since I'm very fluent in Logic it's fine for me still, but I reallty wish abelton get the sound up to scratch by the time 64bit windows, sequencers and plugins is commonplace. But for a year or two more i'll be stuck with Logic it seems. Since I grew up with using sequencers I don't understand whats so damned hard to learn. You stick in notes, move blocks around and insert fx and instruments. To start with fruity or reason if you think you will want to learn how Logic or Cubase works seems like a waste of time to me. Fruity and Reason in particular have a a bit different ways of working, so I would think it would rather be a confusing introduction. Orion would maybe be a good way to ease in to how the majority of sequencers work and have great workflow....but unfortunally not very good sound. But like I said, I have very little understanding about how it is to learn a sequencer from scratch, so I might be wrong. -
Need advice on budget monitors
Spindrift replied to Sonixotic's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
Ohh...Turnkey...I worked there for a year. It's a very bad company indeed I can tell you. I normally tried to give the customers good advice, even if it would mean that they would have saved a few pound. But the bosses complained about it, even though I was the top selling out of their 30 or so salesmen. I also worked for DV and they had a much nicer attitude and seemed to understand that good service could actually make people come back for more. But I heard they don't have the same commision system any more so things might have become a bit better. Bu tmost UK shops have a policy to beat any price, at least they used to a few years ago. So I would probably haggle with another shop, or what I have been doing last times I bought gear, order from germany. For example http://www.musicians-friend.com used to have very good prices on a lot of stuff. Ok, now you made you order already, so I should shut up. But i did try a lot of monitors and tried a lot of material on different monitors in the test room at turnkey. And Tannoy Reveal is the best budget monitor I have ever used. Really clear and defined sound, but not as sharp as many other monitors and hence less tiering for the ears. If I would spend more I would go for dynaudio, but considering how good the reveals are I don't think it's really worthwhile unless we are talking a huge full range system for a properly treated room. -
No, maybe a bit too similar name I admit, but they have nothing to do with Twisted System. It's me and former trashlords member Andreas. We just thought it was such a great name, so we couldn't help using it even if we thought it might be a bit confusing
New compilation available now from ResonantEarth: Various Artists - Sinister Sunrise Location: somewhere in the the deep forests. Time: sun is just about to rise. Sinister Sunrise is the compilation for those special moments in the party just around sunrise when night transforms into day. Not the regular kind of morning anthems and not really crazy night music. Enter the twilight zone.... Tracklist: 1. spindrift - bhole 2. e-mantra - neural vortex 3. electrypnose - mystery sun 4. the maximizers - trigger 5. spindrift - jack on 6. twisted misters - back on 7. moodsyne - tuppkoko 8. random - great putuu 9. leenuz - avp 10. random - plasmons Available now as 320k mp3 and FLAC downloads or on CD at http://www.resonantearth.com Enjoy Folks!
I want to start producing!
Spindrift replied to doggBALLZ's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
Get a DSP card. Thats by far the most bang for the buck and much more convenient that having a setup with an analog mixer without recall facilities, which you sure will not get below $2500. Creamware scope for great synthesis features is my recommendation. You might want to spend a bit on plugins for that to make the most of it, like the sonic timeworks bundle for great EQ, compression and reverb. You can look in to UAD-1 or Powercore as well, but they are more limited in the synthesis department and doesn't have the I/O but come with good FX for mixing. Then good monitors, Tannoy Reveal is really great but not very expensive. Dynaudio have great bass for making dance music and would be my second choice. And a controller keyboard with many knobs on it is nice to have as well. -
Ian did his fair share of "know and great" songs thru the years and is still active, for sure you know what other projects he's been involved in. I'm not sure what the other guy have been doing ltely, but Overlords is a very small part of at least of Ian's involvement in the trance scene. And......god's eye is not a bad track, but it's more average than sundown and a lot of koxbox tracks in my ears.
Sundown is amazing, and there is a couple of tracks from around that time that is nice as well like "Organic". But they haven't made a lot of tunes and "god's eye" is not all that. But Ian has of course gone on to do many great tunes thruout the years and is one of the absolute top producers in this scene if you ask me.
to all djs/artists/deco makers/organisers,...
Spindrift replied to Anoebis's topic in General Psytrance
If it is a free party I play. and make decorations. If the organisers charge an entrance fee it's IMO a ripp off if I should not get paid if they don't earn money. You have no insight into the financials of the event, and if they make loads of money on the party you just get the normal fee in the end. As a party organiser sometime you loose sometimes you wi. If you you make parties where you charge people money and get people to work for you, you just have to make sure you have money for anyone who is not involved on a level where they know about the financials behind and know how big share of any eventual profits they will get. People working in the bar, soundsystem, venue, DJ's and deco all have to get paid and should demand to get paid if there is any money involved. -
Fullon Bassline on Virus B
Spindrift replied to DiMT's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
There is really not much to programming a bass. It's really all about what synth you use. 303 clones is good, because they only contain the very few elements that is needed for a bass. One OSC, one or two envelope followers and a filter is all you need really. Then is just a matter of setting the filter cutoff, the filter envelope decay and the amount it should modulate. What synth you use will make all the difference. So, try many synths until you find one that have a response in the envelopes that can do what you like and enough density in the sound. Not many hardware VA's i used give that great bass sounds. I would probably go for some VSTi 303 clones. My favorites for basses is all on my Pulsar card. The higher processing resolution compared to VSTi's seems to make a lot of difference. -
The big players is keen for fights if they have some money to talk about to get from it. That you know someone that has been sued for movie samples is interesting, where they making psychedelic trance music? I would be amazed if thats the case. I mean most trance we are talking $100-$500 per track. I have problem imagining Disneys lawyers negotiating how many % of $500 Disney should have. The lawers would cost more for 10 minutes of work than they could get if they managed to get 100% of the revenue from that track. And I would like to see someone getting OJ's lawer to defend them against disney for haggling about $500. Actualy I would be amazed to see anyone getting a lawyer at a cost that makes it worth to try to defend amounts like that. I never ever heard about anyone in the psytrance scene getting sued for movie samples before, and yet very many of the tracks released is contains movie samples. IMO you have to be damned paranoid about money if you don't use a sample that you think would be nice for your track.
what about fruityloops and reason ?
Spindrift replied to BeOn's topic in Music Making and Production/Industry
I hope you don't mean: http://audiotests.batcave.net/article0001.htm Four tracks of dithered 16 bit files is not much of a test really. But the same people did another test that they unfortunally did not publish. This was the conclusion from that test though: Please stop going on about it all being about production skills. First compare for yourself on a quality monitoring system. Since you have not done that please don't bother to comment and try to establish your loose presumptions as fact. Sure one can make good music with fruity and decent sounding productions if you are a skilled producer. But the sound is inferior, there is really no point arguing about that, especially without actually having tried properly for yourself. -
LOL You don't go to jail for sampling. If you think you will be earning millions of dollars, you might have to pay up to 100% of your earnings to the film company or artists you sampled. For that to happen there is no limit in seconds, if it's recognisable it's not allowed. Just be happy to screw the warner bros and sample whatever you like, there is nowhere near the amount of money needed for them to get thier lawyers working to retrive it. Just chill and make the most of freedom of expression while we still have it. Sample all you like, worst thing that can happen if you use some samples and upload it to a site which would be anal enought to get concerned about a movie sample in a track is that they remove it and you have to find another host.
IMO the best labels with dark music is self distrtibuted...ie more money for the artists and cheaper for you, like it should be. Schlabbaduerst Rekkords Sanaton Records Nabi Records And of course the shameless selfpromotion: Resonant Earth