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Everything posted by xiphiaz

  1. LOL, no it's me (: though people have told me I like a bit like him..
  2. Song updated once again, please comment (: thanks.
  3. Sounds like a mix of IM's scorpion frog and blue muppets (:
  4. February 2004, Alien project - Who has the marijuana
  5. How about "Phantacid"?
  6. Really nice! Didn't like the melodystick from 3:16 -> 3:56 that goes on a bit after that as well though, but otherwise awesome!
  7. Thanks man (: Although the intro is the one thing I'm not quite sure of (; But the rest of the song is quite OK I think. Cybernetika: Thank you too (: I'm already working on extending it a bit. (: Edit: Song updated: http://rexz.monoworld.ath.cx/music/xiphiaz...20feel%20it.mp3
  8. Here's my new fullon that I've been working on since yesterday http://rexz.monoworld.ath.cx/music/xiphiaz...20feel%20it.mp3 please comment and such (: thanks!
  9. Would like some feedback on a new track of mine (: The "speedy" one: http://rexz.monoworld.ath.cx/music/deBjerndell_eximo.mp3 And the other: http://rexz.monoworld.ath.cx/music/xiphiaz%20-%20eximo.mp3 Please comment, thanks!
  10. Here's a track I made a couple of months ago, don't really know what you can call it.. happy melodic maybe (: listen for yourselves! http://rexz.monoworld.ath.cx/music/deBjern...20a%20dream.mp3 Check this one out as well, it's a bit more psy: http://rexz.monoworld.ath.cx/music/deBjern...croflashing.mp3
  11. Nice tracks (: liked em'!
  12. Hey, would like some feedback on a track of mine (: http://rexz.monoworld.ath.cx/music/xiphiaz...ve_thinking.mp3 Any comments are welcome as usual! Thanks.
  13. I had the same problem with Cubase SX 2.0. But all I had to do was to copy a file called "SYNSOACC.DLL" into the cubase directory, then it worked(works) just fine! Don't really know if you can do the same thing with 3.0, but hey, it's worth a try, isn't it?
  14. I think it sounds pretty good, not labelish good, but good (: what software are you using? sounds a bit like FLstudio?
  15. Hehe thanks (: If you're using rsn, just download loads and loads of refills, and search em' for nice sounds (;
  16. I have some problems with my neighbors living in the apartment under me, they're quite sensetive about sound I must say. Therefore I can't use speakers while making music and have to use headphones, which is really annoying when you listen to your stuff on speakers: it'll surely sound crazy and you'll have to ajust everything all over again. But there are a couple of headphones that are quite accurate actually, I would recommend these: * AKG K171 STUDIO * BEYER DT770PRO * Sennheiser HD 280 Pro * Sennheiser HD 250 II They may be expensive, but they are the shit amongst headphones (:
  17. Yeah I know, I just began yesterday, so that's the only think I've come up with (; there's more to come, so don't worry =)
  18. Hey! would like some feedback on a track i'm working on, don't bother to bring up that i should master it, because i haven't really done that yet (: it's still in the making http://rexz.monoworld.ath.cx/music/xiphiaz_big_moves.mp3 any comments are welcome, thanks!
  19. Sounds a lot like alien project, good job! (:
  20. Here's a little something i just mashed together, to try out a full on bassline as of the tutorial I was given (: http://rexz.monoworld.ath.cx/music/xiphiaz...logue_dream.mp3 Does it sound OK?
  21. Thanks a lot! These packs were great! ((:
  22. Wow thanks That one helped a lot! (:
  23. Well, yeah, both the melody buildup and the sound itself, can't get it to sound 'clean', if you know what I mean?
  24. Does anyone know if there will be support for VST-plugins in RSN3? I've heard rumors about it.. or was I dreaming maybe? (:
  25. Hey everyone, Just one question, how do you make a full on bassline, somewhat like alien project, eskimo, astrix and so on. I've been listening thoroughly to multiple examples, but I just can't figure it out! I'm currently using reason, and the closest thing I was able to come up with sounds something like this: http://rexz.monoworld.ath.cx/music/xiphiaz...ve_thinking.mp3 But it's not satisfying me really (: Thanks! /xiphiaz
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