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  1. DrWeevil

    Goa Cds

    What does this have to do with you Basilisk, is he your boyfriend or are you his internet white knight or what? Kindly fuck off. I'm not posting random lies, I have my reasons for believing this to be the sad case and might expand upon them in the future. Judging by the prices he wanted on Discogs for these CDs (ie. $280 for Rabtu missing a cover!) I consider it unlikely that he'll get many successful sales over Psynews, but best of luck to all buyers. Good day
  2. I am listening again for about the 100th time, this music is just purely awesome. Someone must put up billboards to locate the artist and I will pray every night that it still exists in HQ. Perfect blend of acid sounds.
  3. DrWeevil

    Goa Cds

    You are the deranged person for 2 reasons: 1. You proclaim everyone who says or does anything you don't like to be bwhale. 2. You post on multiple accounts (djzen = kagdila) to agree with yourself. Good luck selling your super rare CDs. Do you have any more Blue Moon Samplers or Psychedelic Life CDrs or sold all your "last copy"s already?
  4. Rendevous is great. Constellations is nice spacey ambient too from very early. Other is some good, other not so good.
  5. This is SynSUN's best album of all in my opinion, including their other non-released ones. Up until 2010 at least. Surely their best goa unless they start making it again (they should!, but doubtful).
  6. Yes! I listened to Crossing Mind again (takes many hours to hear them all) and I agree there are some nice works worthy of a release. But it's not so perfect IMO, only "4/5" material. Imperial Project is in a bad place because their tracks are all 128kbps or lower (the supposed 320kbps are just transcodes from a lower bitrate). IF the original WAVs exist somewhere they should sound a lot better. Combined with mastering I imagine it would truly be up there with the Dimension 5 and Etnicas.
  7. EDP album would be good idea!
  8. DrWeevil

    Goa Cds

    These are possibly/likely bootlegs. Goa Trax - Mint Dj Nivoc "infinity" (no front cover) Goa Europe Xpress (promo) NM Trance Foundation (Kuro and friends 2001 Baobab recs.) NM Mahassidhi (no covers) Rabtu Gawa - NM, back cover a bit weaved (not me, a friend sales it) These are home-burned on blank CDrs with scribbling on them (from the original artist). Psyquest "age of reason" M Psyquest "a cosmic link" M Buy with caution.
  9. Don't be weird, I listened to all the tracks and the level of detail and structure is not up to caliber with the legends. All those artists you mentioned had a very polished sound, this is very raw. Like I said the basic arrangement and melodies are nice, if it was more polished then a release would be interesting. I think Imperial Project was a better.
  10. -5 There is enough unreleased DAT material which everyone will buy, no need for Hunab Ku (if it was possible, there must be a reason they didn't release it with the other 2). Good news good luck with Etnica and Crossing mind would be cool (if mastered well..).
  11. It's good arrangement but not finished enough to be worthy of a release in my opinion. Compared closely with any released music from the entire 90s it doesn't sound so great.
  12. first!
  13. I would like to, I am a great admirer of your old work. Could we remix Trancelestial Psychobabas instead?
  14. I think these animals sound kind of brutal.
  15. This track sends shivers up my spine, along with the 30 min track that follows it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws0U0pO0uHU Ambient tribal trance, often close to goa sound. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gdlofkrp4I (Not beatless, just wanted to give a flavor of some good FAX releases, I can add more later if you wish.)
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