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Everything posted by D3lirious

  1. Glad If I could help. If it is Bring your own Bios it Rocks for Sure. I Love that track too
  2. Hmm..Im not sure. They have a flora of sounds that might be something like that but maybe Bring your own Bios?
  3. Respect to all DJs. Especially the Good ones hehe I Can´t say that a DJ has saved my life but certainly a great number of parties. I think it´s truly a pleasure to listen to a DJ that knows his business, so you guys just keep on spinning. We hear ya!
  4. Well...when people ask me what Goa/psy is all about I usually play some Hux Flux or Kox Box to them
  5. Blablabla...You are getting boring, you know that? Good music doesn´t need to be hard to make! We would all listen to frikkin Mozart all the time if that was the case. It´s just about taste but you can still respect the things you dislike AND admit that it takes something to create it EVEN if you happen to dislike it! Sorry for being rude but you could be a bit more mature than this. I myself also love Oldschool goa but I can still give credit to good music when I hear it, even if I don´t listen to it 24/7!
  6. Great Work. Happy to see the Board up and running again
  7. The Doors - The End Led Zeppelin -Stairway to Heaven The Rolling Stones- Wild Horses The Rolling Stones- Blinded By Rainbows and hmm...maybe GnR - Patience or Knockin on heavens door In Pystrance Hux Flux- Bring your own Bios A Green nun and Tristan - Babylon n`ting Etnica- Infinite Dream
  8. Forest parties and the goa sound
  9. Pradox http://www.pradox.com/ Irschtas http://www.irschtas.com/main.htm
  10. Finland: There is more but these are pretty much the ones that I listen to, Texas Faggot Mandalavandalz Squaremeat Flying Scorpions Astroschnautzer Torakka Eraser vs. Yöjalka Haltya Tripteaser Puoskari Salakavala Kiwa Troll Scientists Huopatossu Mononen Irschtas (coming up)
  11. I saw them in 97 and they are coming here too..maybe I should go check them out
  12. Ahh..so many good ones. I chose Pleiadians/Etnica but would also like to mention Transwave, Hallucinogen and Kox Box
  13. Well... the guy knows what he is talking about...I was at the Monkey Walley party on 7 Jan. That was a great party.one of the best I have been to in Goa I think. Even tho goa is not the same as before I still love the place
  14. Case settled! ...Neeeext!
  15. I really love Huxflux. for me the their best track is bring your own bios And by the way. For me the difference between dark and morning sound is quite much based on the feeling the music delivers. Personally I don´t want to hear morning sound at the darkest hours but ofcourse we all like different things and some for sure do. The ideal party for me starts in the evening a bit light and then at the darkest hour it turns darker, maybe a bit more aggressive, scary (not necessary) and if it is going to be fast, this is where it should be. Atleast I enjoy beautiful melodies as the cold night ends and the first sunrays lit up the darkness and warm your cold body. Really beautiful and sometimes it can just be perfect when all elements combine precisely at the right point. It all reminds me a bit of a surfer who searches for the perfect ride you know. the perfect party with the right elements. Ofcourse the elements may be different for eveybody but I hope you understood my point
  16. we are going to Rome on the 2nd. Going to buzz around there for a couple of days and eat a lot of Pizza and Pasta! We are going home the 13th...a good chill after parties never hurt
  17. I don´t know...but we have a pirate flag with us
  18. I´ll be there with Kolibri, Irschtas and a bunch of other guys. See you all there!
  19. Sounds nice...That kind of party would suit me good too in between. Could be fun and as you said that way you can get many friends with you that are into different types of music too
  20. Yep..I can´t really complain too much... Some major Vibes coming over!
  21. Good morning dear psynewsers It´s 8.15 and After a great night at a great party I feel truly happy and energetic...The sun is shining and the birds are singing. ahh..I love when the summer is making it´s way. I Can´t sleep so I thought about harrassing you guys for a while. Krumelur and Sentient played Pretty good sets...especially Krumelur Hardcore dancing all night long I haven´t been to a party this good for a long time.The place was so beautifully decorated and the people were lovely
  22. Sandman -Witchcraft from saikosounds yesterday
  23. Well..I have been listening to Goa as long as you have Telepathu so I consider myself atleast a bit more than someone who has just met this music. I have to disagree with you that goa isn´t able to do it emotionally. It differs a lot from "ordinary" music with lyrics ofcourse and from other genres as well. It isn´t always very easy, atleast for me to be touched by it but when it does, it certainly can be very powerful. For me that is part of the charm. One has to really sink into it to get the best out of it and there is so much room for your mind to travel. Sometimes I find that words destroy a bit of the freedom this kind of music (and other kinds also sometimes) provides. It is a bit like when you read a book it is almost always better than the movie feeling, you know There is ofcourse a lot of crap Psy out there too...but the good ones make it all worthwhile There is so much good music out there so I guess the best thing for all of us to do is to pick the kind of music we want to hear at the moment we need it. We all differ a lot but I´m sure there is something for all of us out there, right?
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