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Everything posted by D3lirious

  1. In my living room mostly with this setup: Harman/Kardon HK 3480 stereo amplifier Harman/Kardon HD 755 CD-player Tannoy Fusion speakers
  2. Sun Project -looking for you
  3. Chi AD "Sacred Vision" 'Looking up, he sees a Raven. Raven stared intently at man.' 'When Raven returned, he had made the birds, fish and animals. But Raven was worried that man would destroy everything he had made inhabit to the earth. So he woke Bear to be feared by man and to protect the land.' 'Hear the gods sing! I listen to what they say.' Infected Mushroom "Psycho" 'You hear me? You, psycho!' Logic Bomb "Extension" 'Having the view from 30.000 feet. The only problem with having the view from 30.000 feet is that at that hight everyone looks like ants. Everyone looks like ants.' Space Tribe "Dance Like Nobody's Watching!" 'Instructions for life, Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. Respect for self, respect for others, and responsibility for all your actions. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly. open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values. Spend some time alone every day. Approach love with reckless abandon. Share your knowledge, it's a way to achieve immortality. Be gentle with the earth. Dance like nobody's watching'
  4. True...Far out express is a Great album indeed I still find Muses rapt to be quite goa too.I don´t personally like the new album that much tho. Rock bitch mafia is Great....pure Goa, just like pleiadians
  5. I sort mine the same way
  6. Ahhhh...I want to come tooooo
  7. well not that rare...I ordered rock Bitch mafia 3 weeks ago from Amazon So no need to rip any needed bodyparts for that http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=glance&s=music
  8. Nice...I wish you a Very happy journey If there is any information you still need just pm me.
  9. Hehe gotta say 32
  10. 30 dollars for IFO
  11. That´s why i love Goa so much Never gets Boring because the formula is not the same in the strict sense comparing for example with full on.
  12. Yep..thats it for me too. I´ll skip the new thingie too Too bad Juno didn´t make it tho
  13. A new Hallucinogen would be a blast And so would a new Pleiadians with the old sound
  14. well as you said..not gonna happen. Tickets are quite pricey already and I dont think that we got a wide enough base of people here to raise them any further. Especially if the party ends at 04 am.
  15. I think Orkidea is pretty good at what he´s doing but I dont like his music either. Does anybody know what kind of set he´s going perform?His regular stuff most likely... hardly psy or what?
  16. I dont know who you would find that plays the same kind of music that Juno does? They have their own style. Don´t know about Halo and Orkidea, if it´s good or bad that they start but it will be a easy landing for people that aren´t that much into psy at least. Juno is Very much influenced by other Genres so I guess a quite a bit of different people will come there to listen anyway.
  17. Yes, It was a psy track...but it could ofcourse be a remix of that one. I´m almost certain it´s based on some old track, because it sounded familiar.
  18. Ok...My friend and I were at Voov experience 2003 and herd a song there which I´ve been trying to sort out what it was ever since. The difficult part is that I was quite wasted, so I dont remember much of it. The only thing that I got stuck with is the line -Dance , dance, dance! (with strong hihats). I think that the whole line went something like: -if the rhytm makes you dance.... "dance, dance,dance" Anybody heard or know what it is?
  19. Some of the Goa Head Collections can still be found at www.cdon.com at least they have Goa head 2, 6 ,7, 9, 10 etc and I think Amazon also has some of them?
  20. Well...its Very innovative I think, but the best way I can describe it is maybe a blend of tribal drumming, trance, ethnic/world influenced, sometimes guitar. They certainly have their own sound . But take a listen for yourself: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/met/met1cd276.html or just browse the forum on album rewievs for other peoples opinions
  21. Green Nuns Of The Revolution Hallucinogen Kox Box Rinkadink Hux Flux And eeehm if I still could fit them in The Delta
  22. LOL !!!!!
  23. Nah... No big deal... You all are great. Im Honored to be here with you all... This seems to be the first forum for me to become addicted to tho
  24. Very sweet music..touches that soft spot in my heart I like Mama kallu, Ashes to ashes and also 5AM (beautiful guitar....ok a bit cheesy but still... )
  25. Just give me something that sounds even a bit like "are you shpongled" and i´ll be a very happy man...beija flor or not!
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