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Everything posted by D3lirious

  1. If Love Is a Red Dress (Hang Me in Rags) - Maria McKee One of my favorite "feeling blue" songs... My heart is empty. Your eyes are dark. Once we were hungry, Now we are full. These chains that bind us, Can't beat these chains. If love is shelter, I'm gonna walk in the rain.
  2. http://d3lirious.deviantart.com/ Just started loading my stuff over... Just a few works there right now. I´ll load up more as soon as I can...
  3. Thank you very much! Have a look at some of my other work at Deviantart
  4. Some of my work. Drawn in illustrator, contains scanned watercolour elements , finished up in photoshop... Not really finished yet tho. Some of the shading especially around the lips is still pretty rough and also the lower part of the hair is still not good. I´ll think I also try to get a little more depth into the pic by adjusting the cirkles a bit... Soon
  5. Radi has totally destroyed Simon popford
  6. Luvly stuff. One of my favorites. Brings back good memories... actually I am not sure if it´s so good because of all the good memories or just the music and it doesn´t really matter. I still love it
  7. Yeah.. I don´t know if it would be a healthy combination tho... I would probably end up a looney
  8. hehe.. Staley and Morrison might be too much for one head to handle. But the outcome would be interesting, no doubt... and destrctive If I had to pick artists from the Goa scene.. Hmm posford, FrankE, and the original Etnica lineup
  9. Jim Morrison (The Doors) Layne Staley (Alice in Chains) Nigel Evan Dennis (Graphic Designer/Artist) Mike Orduna (Graphic Designer/Artist) Scott Hansen (Graphic Designer/Artist)
  10. Wow... Thanks Nemo. What an awesome post! That was a fun read through the past More please
  11. I have got 3 and 6. Nice ones
  12. whos that in your avatar :D?

  13. You know... there´s a lot more people getting into Britney Spears in no time too, but that doesn´t mean it´s any good So your argument kind of sucks you see... Most of the music i like the most didn´t open up immidiately to me... It kind of grew over time.
  14. What can you say, ...Shpongle would probably do well on MTV I guess.
  15. Kolibriscope
  16. Kox box
  17. Gotan Project -Lunático
  18. I like rock music but I do not want it served with a cup of Psytrance , you know. But I am glad you like it
  19. I haven´t heard it but I can assure you that my expectations are not too high
  20. A Very nice guy that makes awesome music
  21. www.elixiria.fi -Finnish site
  22. la lala lala Yes..we all like goa. Can we discuss something else?
  23. Shrug... Anyone remember Sonica? That one IM song with lyrics was played atleast 124 times
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