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Everything posted by @reyu

  1. I'm glad Nate has found this thread and chose to comment here. I've bought his first album when it came out and liked it, it had some very emotional uplifting melodies. I even remember reading an interview with Nate about gettin signed to Nano. The label manager, I think his name is Ans, said that the sound of his demos was too trancey, not psychedelic enough. Well, full circle I guess. I, for one, am not too happy about the way full on psy evolved these last years, but there's still stuff I can dig, in every subgenre...So I can understand Nates' sound shifting and I wish him all the best. I haven't heard any of his new stuff yet, but I will eventually, there's too much other stuff I gotta go through first. "One world is enough for all of us"
  2. I really dig hexfires' comment on this. I prefer to listen and party to Goa/psytrance but I can really appreciate a good trance track, even with vocals. The same with other genres of music, as much as I love psytrance and psychill, I cannot listen to it the whole time. I stopped using the connotation "commercial" too because it just don't make sense to me. It's good or bad, period, you don't need to get all worked up on it. Edit: Ormion is probably gonna post that I'm wrong, aren't you Edit 2: I did read your post Mr Nate, you and only you make the decision which way to go artisticly and no one else. Respect! You just cannot please everyone.
  3. Mayor: Now Drebin, I don't want any trouble like you had on the South Side last year, that's my policy. Frank: Well, when I see five weirdos, dressed in togas, stabbing a man in the middle of the park in full view of a hundred people, I shoot the bastards, that's *my* policy! Mayor: That was a Shakespeare-In-The-Park production of 'Julius Caesar,' you moron! You killed five actors! Good ones. :lol:
  4. Sadly enough I'm not a party organiser, or you would be on the top of my list together with Dickster, Prometheus, Lucas and Hallucinogen. Now that would be a great line-up, wouldn't it. "A breath of fresh air productions presents..." héhé...I'm dreaming out loud. Great!
  5. I hope they will come to Belgium, OOOD or Voice of Cod, soon.
  6. It's just not layered enough for me, maybe because they don't use a mixer. And oh...I'm not questioning their talent...I've seen psytrance before with drums and guitar and live synths(IM,...). This sounds better but it's just not my thing. OOOD is another story, I know they incorporate live percussion and drums in their recordings, but it's mixed more subtle. I don't know if they incorporate it in their live show too cause I haven't seen them live yet. Last year I saw Dimension 5, they use a guitar in their lives shows, but again subtle chords and licks here and there, no screaming solo's on top of it.
  7. I don't think it's bad, but good? I prefer Juno Reaktor. Much more psychedelic it is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QF7W0V_NRI
  8. I couldn't have put it in better words Colin. Exactly like my view on trance-dancing. This music has given me so much...it's impossible to wipe out trance-culture. I believe there is still a future for psynews...lots of younger kids are already infected by the Goa/psytrance virus. I'm not an oldtimer here on PN, so I cannot comment on the way things were but I think it's important to look to the future of PN now. A new administrator can give new impulses to the forum, a fresh look on things can benefit the forum a lot. At the same time, Mars, you did a great job these 11 years in keeping this site alive, and by doing so, allowing me to join it.
  9. Tales of head is really, really good imo. If you still care for psytrance this is a must have. It's psychedelic yet not dark.
  10. I wanna help out as a mod if necessary. It's just that I haven't got any experience whatsoever. I hope PN can stay the way as it is and maybe get the OT started again.
  11. I've been here since april 2010 and it has been an interesting ride so far. The review section is amazing. I'm a music lover always looking for the best stuff and I've discovered a lot here. I hope someone is up for the job cause I'll def gonna miss it.
  12. I got mine today and I must say I'm not dissapointed. I prefer Hallucinogen over Avalon anyday but that's just a minor complaint. Avalon track is the weakest link of the pack. I hope the new and established producers are picking this up and get inspired by this release. Is someone gonna review this? I would like to but I just don't have the skills to do it properly.
  13. @reyu

    Asura - 360

    You are forgiven. Keep on reviewing!
  14. @reyu

    Asura - 360

    Nothing wrong with the review except for one thing...TIN TIN creator Hergé is from BELGIUM. Yes we still are a nation for the time being...just wanted to get the facts straight. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tintin_%28character%29
  15. It was absolutely fantastic!

  16. I like'm all. I'm really not good at these best of pols and threads. I've seen BPC live(really don't know if it was a Dj set or live) and that was awesome.
  17. Hey hey, Bastian. :)

  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4poy9lIlzP8 It's strange but with these trance tracks, there always is some kinda special feeling or emotion connected to them. Like the first time you heard that trance track you love you were in that particular kinda state emotionally. OK music generally does that, but because these tracks are made to generate deep emotions, you're connected to that track even more so than other types of music. Just thinkin...
  19. Yep indeed. As for mine it's in boxes, closets and cupboards scattered all around my appartment. Haven't counted it yet but I guess well over 1000 CD's and between 200 and 300 LP's.
  20. Hi, For Goa I recommend the two Synsun records on Phototropic: Full power of goaZelur project Full on labels: DACRU records; NANO records...to name a few. Don't forget to take a look at the review section of this site!
  21. Ready to get lost? Crossing Mind is growing on me...
  22. Anything soothing...like some old R&B. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fh6lGI1bOkw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0I6mhZ5wMw
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