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Everything posted by reger

  1. perhaps you did see it, but didnt notice it consciously, but subconsciously ?
  2. if he comes back alive
  3. its not. listen to saikosounds samples.
  4. or to put it simple - bukkake him.
  5. but before we do that, santo and pavel should perform bukakke on him.
  6. well, me too, but, it might fail my expectations, ive seen trailer, and i did not like that part where that guy panicked and ran away from borat, it looked like it was an actor, dont know the context why he ran away, but i certainly wouldnt enjoy borats movie full of pre-made episodes with hidden actors . borat is master of freestyle, master of mis-interpretations, so should it stay
  7. omfg, how dared he!
  8. nah, thats just plain japlanese* [equall to engrish, but this time its other way around] mr rain has lots of skills, two of them are engrish and now he adds japranese* *choose the one you like the most, all rights reserved
  9. all opinions are subjective. do i care how some average Ivan perceived and translated/interpret my message? fuck no youre such a child rezwalker . "bye bye " - , wtf? is borat movie released allready worldwide or what ?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
  10. yeah, i mean, that guy uses extremely rude sworn language in his jokes and then all of a sudden gets offended when he receives exactly the same jokes JOKES! whatever, another example of psy-shantier than thou-emo kid.
  11. lol, dude, what explanations? and what about vimana remix, im not mad at you about it, you didnt make that track, nor you are able to do any harm to someone by owning mp3 remix of it thats so childish, ill get those tracks anyway, the only thing is - i wonder how such malaka like you could get those remixes, no idea will check your netrelease for sure we have common friend then rezwalker, dont be such a cunt, were kidding but for some unknown reason your taking this way too serious
  12. now since when there is time limit for tracks being free and then becoming illegal to share them ?
  13. im sure every title you choose will perfectly suit you how about this one ?
  14. yeah, rip the good old one under the table, so no one notices where the smell comes from! yeah, vimana remix you wish hehe, its sure has something about his fucked up arse what was goven? rezwalker, look, dont be such a wuss, he was playing along, and all you do is start to whine and complain about nothing, wtf, did someone took your place in trivia and youre not number one over psyside anymore ? there there... jaico rvanoje anyhow, have no expectations about this album, dont find starbase eleven that good either, except one part in that sample where you can clearly hear etnicas oldschool goa sound, but the rest of that track is simpler than that part, anyhow, im waiting for higher quality mp3 available, 96kbps is not enough for me
  15. triangle, wtf make fullon
  16. they lie, its a secret conspiracy :pg34r:
  17. rezwalker, read this: ti pizda rvanaja, ti kogda u menja sosatj budesh vozmi poglubzhe moi chlen v svoju glotku, shtob ja tvoji glandi pochustvoval gavnjuk, davai mne remiks vimani, hui morzhovij! edit: a ti, amphitamin herov, nehuj tut vijabivatsa svoej kirilicoi, scha pastj porvu, margali vikolju i keyboard tebe v zhopu zasunu tak 4to do gland doidjot ! edit2: 4 days
  18. biggest part of profit goes to shop ?
  19. finally we see some numbers
  20. Carlo Paterno?
  21. wanna hear my opinion? boring.
  22. +1 great track, shame that earth crossing is unreleased to date tho.
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