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Everything posted by reger

  1. oh well, here we go again : alcyone edit : good luck endah edit2 : no, im not bidding on this one
  2. reger


    it have done you good
  3. killa, pitty that music probably sucks derango - fnatt
  4. bug? Yuli, Perfect Stranger, Israel Manmademan the same text
  5. looks good kris, nice, im eager to read more !
  6. mother, is that you?
  7. thats why it is assumption.
  8. shit happens when you try too hard and pressure is big that you cant handle it and do what others demand just to please the crowd .
  9. eh, and not after 3:32 ?! let us hope that its not full of fillers
  10. euhm, actually first one is pretty good but funny anyways
  11. dont forget to give them "last word" - opportunity to say something they want, if they have anything to say to djs/producers/party people, that might be interesting
  12. bpc - midian hehe, that melody that comes in at 2:15 and goes on sound so cheezy, like from old movies from eighties or maybe beggining of 90s, kinda weird and funny
  13. oh, well, i download, so if i dont like it i simply delete it, if i do like then i look for possibility to buy it ASAP. about so called random noises and farts - well, i for example am not big fan of "dark [wtf?! dark WHAT?] psy", i find it mostly too standartized [can i use this term or am i horribly engrish on this one ?], sounds used and the way they are used are all the same. i like derangos "tumult" tho, perhaps because because before it i had no darkpsy listening experience, maybe the reason that i havent heard too many of "darkpsy" is the reason why i like derangos album, there are some good tracks i must say, im sure about that, for example sanaton audio - few funny tracks. as for making up my mind whether i should look for specific release or not is based on reviews/rating pretty much because there is so much of this stuff out there that its hard to follow and download/buy everything. but then again, im still in goa trance so not that much of a problem, but i understand what you pavel are talking about and somehow i agree, yet there are couple of good tracks among "farts n ass scratches" . and music is good as long as its not there for the sake of name/image, to be "dark" or "frightening" - well that just makes it sound pretentious and producers are simply wannabee. sometimes it seems to me that some producers are making "weird" music just for the sake of weirdness, to be different for the sake of this word "different", not because this is the music that comes within and not because this is the only way to be for them as a person, as part of the scene or the whole universe or whatever they feel like they are being confident enough and intelligent and "digging" the thing deep enough to understand it.
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