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Everything posted by reger

  1. reger


    hoffy is that you again ?! if not - ive never been to goa i dont think that nowdays it has something to do with psytrance anyways, at least exclusively, music is made everywhere so as parties. oh and your code skillz amaze me !
  2. reger


    where is this speech sample coming from? btw - anyone knows something about their upcoming album? discuss?
  3. reger


    now you did ? my sentence there was incomplete
  4. reger


    what, did i say something "twisted"? - i woould like to go to parties where goa trance would be played, because it seems to me that psy trance of today is going nowhere, at least not the direction i do and i would like it to see. 1-your fish is potatoe? 2-i ate one is this music? kidding kidding - 1- W! despoj'nis my utopia 2- it digested agorj'na my
  5. reger


    yeah, but i WOULDNT MIND to participate goa party, everything nowadays psy looks fucked up and going not the same way that i do
  6. yeah, why this comparison with cinos afterall ?
  7. reger


    exactly ! my thoughts are - nothing is dead . sure things evolve and the way it was back then mostly will never be the same, but people should understand that you cant stand in one place, on the same lever and not go on, like some moron. IMO but goa, or the spirit, or the feelings that come with it can be made again !
  8. reger


    english please as for topic - people simply dont demand this music to be played, i bet there are lots of people who would love to hear goa trance on festivals but they arent so picky and full-on is fine with them.
  9. hehe, some crazy scientists bought it to create a monster who will control the world!
  10. sherlock is having los roflos mood recently
  11. yes traveller, we know who you are, so no need to explain yourself
  12. ok id like someone to interview euhm, etnica
  13. i second that yeah, sure check this thread on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...me=STRK:MEWA:IT PM sent well, not allways artist is the one who blame as for my opinion - i dont know whats the reason why buyer paid so much money for that record. but that is pretty lame wankerish with flavour of wannabee'ism IMO. unless there is a good reason for that.
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