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Everything posted by reger

  1. Antares sounds promising and being only 16 :posford: Btw, question to all new goa producers - is there happen to be non-spiritual goa trance somewhere out there, if some of you outline that in your profiles ?
  2. Priceless !!! But radi - do listen to Blue Planet Corporations track in Healing Ananda comp: http://www.discogs.com/release/1329357 Judging by your past posts you might like it
  3. Now when you look at my post - got taste gottaste goatse Dj Ziki
  4. Synthchopping?! YOU BUTCHER !
  5. Dj Ziki got taste
  6. Hmm, weird, mine ended around 5th minute, ill try again, tx
  7. I know what you mean, but let me clear something up for you: A sample in my post obviously means that this track sounds like a short clip from full track since it ends abruptly, now i dont know where this mis-concept of meaning of sample in your mind from my post came from? Either way, what i downloaded ended abruptly after n-th minute, which means its not finished, maybe faulty download, dont know. How long is that track? Sample of a song - short clip. Samples - something youve picked up pre-made from somewhere. Sort of.
  8. TIP TIP TIP TIP TIP TIP TIP TIP Not that it has (most likely it doesnt) something to do with this topic
  9. Haha, yeah, add some saln'n'pepper or at least ketchup or sourc cream, little bit of garlic sauce, that would make it a bit tastier plus some onion rings would make it look more saturated
  10. Its ok, but only a sample?
  11. Well i sort of inclined to think its a piss take and at the same time knowing you (judging here@pienews) and your cowers i hoped it to be next album cover indeedly doo
  12. Simply legendary release with its 3 Pleiadians tracks
  13. Cracy, is it 4 real or just piss take?
  14. Slide, now UX, wtf ?
  15. Eggs and beans. Great covers :posford:
  16. Well you assumed too much as well as tend to generalize here and there. But wait, what happened - why was his account deleted?
  17. Mad Psy doctor
  18. Maybe myspace link will clarify this?
  19. Sounds wonderful folks Thanks Anoebis for hints at those artists, gotta check em out
  20. virtuart & chronomyst - zanchin chi-ad - Sight of the Sages
  21. You stole Artifact303 from here, not active @ psynews Waiting for this release !
  22. 1-GFY you little Tee, where in my post it tells that ive NEVER ever listened to them?! Stubborn 604-emo ..nker. 2-Makes no sense to you. Makes sense to me, now would you be so kind and GFY? Yes? Thanks. I replied to topic in general, not to Unstable Tee But you are asking here to clarify what Mr. Unstable (indeedly doo) meant by quoting me, i cant answer that, im affraid
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