1-Sounds promising, want to heard full track
2-So so
3-Kinda boring
4-Kinda ok
5-Something moar psychadelic and upbeat :posford:
6-Upbeat but simple-boring
7-Nice :posford: !
8-Now, remake of their hit, interesting!
9-Nice technoish tune?
10-Something, well, strange, but harder kick would be more deltargh!!!!!! But do want!
11-Good one
12-This one is typical their downtempo imo, and thats a good sign
Overall missing few bpms, add them to those tracks and you get uber killarghs :posford: And not too much going on, unlike in their previous albums, not as many scapes and layers, as mentioned, not as cinemtaic. IN MY HUMBLE OPINION!
Based on 1.5min long samples, first listen.