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    Design & Music Production
  1. Thanks , and yes, it's just these two samples, the others are working..
  2. Tell me guys, listen to the little track start, and tell me if this is good stuff, it needs to be worked of course, i know that.. link - http://soundcloud.com/titanopt/psy
  3. Ok, i kept working on the track, and.. this is how it is so far, and it's a little different (only the bass is the same, but maybe i have to change it too) link - http://soundcloud.com/titanopt/ex-remake-take-2
  4. Damn, i really like those
  5. They worked for you ? Where? My media player plays them too, but i don't make music in media player, just kidding, where did you played them ?
  6. Take a look at these two psy kicks samples... (you don't have to download , just click "play") -> http://www18.zippyshare.com/v/72484568/file.html -> http://www18.zippyshare.com/v/74272721/file.html When i put them in any music making program such as reason, fl studio, virtual dj... they don't work, they don't produce any sound .. why ?
  7. Ok, i'm a little confused now, you see, i'm portuguese, so there's some expressions that you write that i'm not fully familiar with, so, what do you mean by "it is quite big now and drowns" ? P.S. I already reworked on the music, took out the last part when it's more like a dancy music, and put some pads, deep ones, but i'm really confused to what to do with the bass now, i thought it was powerfull, but you probably know better than me, and you say that it doesn't roll perfectly with the kick yet ...
  8. Yes, i understand that, thanks for the reminder, and i gained inspiration, and "remaked" the track, it isn' finished yet, but.. tell me what you think about it - http://soundcloud.com/titanopt/ex-remake
  9. Should i continue this track ? it lack's of effects, i haven't put them .. yet, and it get's kind of boring as the music plays, but, it has some powerful starts,and, what do you think ? should i continue.. or give up ? Here's the link - http://soundcloud.com/titanopt/titano-ex
  10. Here goes psytrancer's, another sound of mine, very , very spiritual in many people's opinion, very addicting.. Link - http://soundcloud.com/titanopt/c-fakepath-titano-spiritual-journey (that "fakepath" over there in the link.. don't worry, i forgot to change the name, that's why it says "fakepath") thanks in advance
  11. Link - http://soundcloud.com/titanopt/strings-intro Well, did you hear it ? What do you think ?
  12. Here is the link - http://soundcloud.com/titanopt/titano-devils-hall The kick is a little different from the psykick itself Please tell me what you think of it
  13. Here it is, a psychedelic wallpaper , it can be related to psytrance ..
  14. Music & Art maker

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