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Everything posted by ProSect

  1. Connections allways good especially in israel, well I still think music should speak for you, I had no connection at all and here I am releasing on Tribal Vision, remixing Andromeda/NASA, friend of many other artists/labels... ND
  2. till this days i sent demos to about 60-70% of the psy labels ok so what you wanted to know: yes, try to get the best sound you can, if they like they will let you know and then you send the pre-master for the release. first goes the mastered version, they will not send it for mastering then back to them just to check your demo... good quality over good music, some years ago good music had higher status - nowadays its very important to have a good balance between those too, try your best. yes, you can release track made only with software, many but many artist done that. its about the music. more tips: before sending demo, let the label know - send them e-mail, introduce yourself and your music shortly and ask about demos, if they will answer that proceed to the next level. choose 3-4 labels that suit your direction. if you got negative answers from 2 of them you can procceed to next ones (talking if and only your music good and you and others know its good, otherwise after negative answers and explanations why go back to work) if the label not tells you if they got your cd, send them email approxiamitly after a week from the day they supposed to have it. if you will choose 3-4 best tracks of yours it will be a higher cahnce to release on of them then sending the whole 9 track pack, less choise - the label will think more about one of the 3 tracks they got. don't worry about answer like "it's very good but not our style": 1. you tried the wrong label 2. you're innovative and can't be accepted in the commercial world there could be many other answers. the professional labels will be honest and without a doubt will tell you yes or no, and if they would like they will expand why, note them - they may be usefull. request to change something in your track is up to you, you decide what's the limit and where your track can lost his true owner. once you're about to or in the process of signing in, don't make a party out of it, don't run and tell everybody. it's business, no one knows what comes tomorrow. better sit in your courner and only when things are sure to smile high above, better then to be suddenly dissapointed, angry and broken. if music is love for you, then don't look for too much money involved in your first releases. sometimes sacrifices will make your soul more then happy, one day you will be paid for your love. all the said above is from my point of view and my experience, don't forget that in the end of the day its all about your MUSIC - it speaks for you. listen well to your first demo, think about it, let other people/true psychedelic freaks/some artists to hear it. i've passed many things to reach where i'm today, i'm in contact with hundreds of labels and artists that know where to look for fresh original music.... ND.
  3. i miss those days too, those kids of the next generation... anyway equipment will be cool as soon as i will have resources for that, but hey kristian isn't the mind is the most real instument out there? ND
  4. Hello dear friends, I want to invite you to read about my projects, visions and many other different factors i've met on my journey as an artist - all this and more in the IsraTrance's (by Pavel) interview with me: http://www.isratrance.com/www/interview/sh...?id=54&lang=eng Enjoy! ND.
  5. go here please: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=26020 delete this sorry
  6. what about www.resonantearth.com ND
  7. thanks, have fun! ND
  8. nice nice actually my track named "Mentally Confused" - by ProSect. it's not an act name.
  9. the link to the site is somewhere in this post ND
  10. Lime Light Tribal Vision Records, 2005 Review Intro: One more cd for the summer, this time from new and promising label - Tribal Vision. The work hours of the day are over - 6PM here, the sun is shining, soft hot wind touches my body - I'm ready for a trip into the musical side of the lime light... 01. Jaia Vs. French Kisz "Drifting Planet" The trip starts with Jaia's collaboration with French Kisz, Jaia name straightly points me on a soft melodical morning themes. I found myself drifting away with this tune, with help of the flowing pads, aqua synths, spacey guitar lead and the soft chords variety. 9/10 02. Rai "Liquid" First time I hear a full track from that artist and to tell you the truth, it's not bad. This one even more dreamy then the previous, but more house oriented. It's a good cure for my brain after a busy day, very relaxing. 8/10 03. Vision & Canedy "Collected Vibes" Powerfull track with massive bass and nicely done percussion. It repeats but didn't managed to make me bored, good music for the massive clubbing. 9/10 04. Minilogue "Leloo" The more progressive side of Son Kite presents us a massive anthem. Great percussion work, massive lead sound that has a twisted feel, dreamy arpeggios and short female vocal that makes me attracted. 9/10 05. Flowjob "Cloud Politics" The danish duo started their project few years ago is a good surprise here. This one has more psychedelic influences in it then the previous tracks while the tempo is still calm. Solid groove keeps the track on the ground and the floating leads navigate me into somewhere up there. 8/10 06. Holm & Andersen "Cityrain" This is my first introduction to Holm & Andersen project, I wondered what Kristian of Elysium and his friend cooked for us. A combination of electro sounds, sample that drives the track here, echoed chords and smooth tribal groove. Good one but nothing so catchy 8/10 07. Ticon "Reflections" Ticon is one of my favourite acts on the Psy-Progressive side of trance. No surprises, Ticon did their job well! The bassline got the tone changes, that's great for making the dancer more into groove. Wonderfull morning melodies. 9/10 08. Leo "Music Design Revolution" First time I heard of that project is on this cd. Progressive house with less melodies and more percussion and effects in it. Nicely done but not keeps me up to it. 7/10 09. Shuma "Illektro Music" One more surprise for me, never heard their tracks before. Wow! That would be my favourite track on the compilation. 80's influence, dance music, freestyle, electro robotic style! Different from all the other tracks on this cd but hey I love difference! 9.5/10 Review Outro: Every progressive collector should fill his collection with this cd. Every tracks his its own story, due to that some may love different tracks more or less. Cover Art: 9/10 Sound: 9/10 Album Concept: 9.5/10 Overall Rating: 9/10 ND.
  11. Inspirazzia VP Records, 2005 Review Intro: I know this one came a little bit late, but hey good music is allways good music, and that's what's me and VP Records keen on. 01. Igal M. "Fall In Green" Compilation starts with a debut track from Igal Magitman, a part of the VP label artists. Soft smooth melodies and atmosphere make me feel like it's autumn again. Very solid track with an electronic drive inside the house oriented groove, develops slowly but surely takes you on a dramatic journey. 9/10 02. D-Sens "What You Want" I love that tune for its deep hypnotizing feel, great percussion works and repeating synth chords. The whole track goes through minimal soundscapes and lets your mind to be concentrated on small details. 8/10 03. Absolut "Elevant 1" One of my favourite artists in the progressive scene at the moment. Deep tech beats mixed up with diffusing synth lines, a dark vibe and some metallic kind of sounds make the feel of this tune to be more harder and futuristic. 8/10 04. Qualia "Feedback" First time I hear this duo from Slovenia. Very housey kind of tune, good for the dancefloor. The tune got nice load of percussion and synth sounds that work ass an addon to percussiion. One funky synth line reminds of a carnival. The repeating phase got me a bit tired. 7/10 05. Vision & Canedy "Insane" This guys brought me a lot of good feeling from their previous works, let's see what we got here. What we got here is less energy, more dreamy vibes, endless high tone synth line and a house chords. I loved their harder groove tunes more then that one, but not bad overall. 7/10 06. V-Tunes "Girl" Here comes the more psychedelic tune on this compialtion. I really dig this groove and this synth chops, nicely done effects and environment. It's a trip into a busy day of a girl. 8/10 07. Sweat Attack Vs. Klangstrahler "What Can I Say" Klangstrahler in the tracklist was a good surprise for me, I really dig this project with the ethnic influences and funky guitars all the way. Yes, it's like I expected, funky and sexy to the bone! Summer is here. 9/10 08. Feurhake & Okay "Move The Signal" Feurhake is an another funk star here. This time we got a break tune for a change. Disco feel, acidic sounds and some guitar riffs - the whole vibe is great, let's boogie! 8/10 09. Homer & Lazon "To The Unknown" A side project of Tegma for their deep progressive music. I really enjoyed the changes and the whole journey into the unknown. Hard driven distorted percussion with the soft pads and sounds leaded me till the end. 9/10 Review Outro: A debut compilation from one of the more progressive labels within Israeli minds behind it, DJ Zombi compiled here a wonderfull compilation. Let's wait for the future releases of the new label! Cover Art: 6/10 Sound: 9/10 Album Concept: 9/10 Overall Rating: 8.5/10 ND.
  12. good research, one more site you missed... ND
  13. i know the tracklist but i will not tell it will be cool cd for the goa heads amoung us (means all of us? ) cheers ND
  14. looking forward to hear another great release from tribal vision, first 2 was amazing and this time it's getting a bit more psyish and harder, good luck tribal vision crew and all involved! emm... i think it's me ND
  15. added tatsu's question and removed the offensive one. he was at the beach and they resting on their weekend so i don't have an idea... ND
  16. man, i can't really force him, and i know he will do this, but this only will show us once and for all what they about. ND
  17. indeed mylo got good ones, added them. ok here is the interview (i will speak with assaf b-bass 1/2 of skazi who knows english better): - Hello Assaf, how are you? Everything "killlaarghh"? - Ok, so here we are for a small interview, I will ask you to leave the commercial/promotional text aside and we will discuss some questions that more then half of the psy-scene bothered with. I would like to mention that I don't dig your music, it's not to my taste, but I never say that some genre or song is crap just because I don't listen to it. And I have to admit that myself had fun with the skazi jokes... Therefore, my first question would be: what's your reaction on all this jokes and the bad waves arround your project and music? - Some believe that your music is very commercial without any spirit in it, and it ruins the idea of psytrance. How you can comment on that? - A lot of people see a huge change between your first album and the newer ones, do you feel the change and why it happened? Everybody seem to ask why? - What is the next mainstream track that you are going to remix? Why do you do that? That's mostly recognized as a commercial move, isn't it? - Do you think your music is a psychedelic trance? How you define your direction? - Do you think spending so much time playing on shows has resulted in less studio time that caused lower quality music? - Why did you choose to make the style of music you are doing, is it because you really like it or just for the fame and money? Do you still like your music? - Now let's go back to your life, how's the superstar life going? - Why does your logo show 1 person with a guitar when you actually 2 persons behind the project? Must people think that Skazi is asher only, B-Bass how you feel about that? - Where do you yourself in the future? Could it be on MTV? Your project is very guitar-driven one, may we find an unplugged tunes soon? - Do you laugh all the way to the bank? You that this is an easy money? - Do you think succes is impossible through originality? - Tell me, what is "killer"? Can the chair i'm sitting on to be "killer"? Or maybe musically speaking - the song of Massive Attack that plays in my stereo? - What do you think about progressive side of the psytrance? - I've seen some photo galleries from your parties and some really scary angry faces made me sick, i think it was party in russia, those fellas looked like they gonna explode of drug use but before that kill everybody around. So this is the "killer" fans of yours? People see many young kids and druggies as your fans, how do you see the most of your fans around the globe? - The last one will be the compressed version of hundredss of messages that i've been asked to tell you, the bad language will be censored in this one: "skazi you are a beep beep beep beeeep beep beeeeep beeep and beeep beep beeeeeep beep beep!". What would be you answer to them? - Ok, we have to finish here and you have to go back to work. I wish you good luck on any way you choose!
  18. this is no joke, today i speaked with B-Bass, after laughing myself and all those endless threads i just asked how they feel about it? why they remixing rock/prodigy tunes? and some more... so you all had fun, and you pavel now what you wanted to know? what you want to say? that's the mission of the interview, people vs. skazi or something hehehe killlarrrghh
  19. if you need to jam on it you will need wider range then, up to your needs. myself got Alesis PhotonX25 and it's cute ND
  20. say what? NO! you don't have to remove your plugins, they are independent. unistalling cubase removes only its own built-in plugins... ND
  21. Andromeda - The Remixes [YSE / Millennium Records 2005] A unique remix compilation is about to hit the trance scene. Anders Nilsson from Andromeda has remixed 9 of their favourite trance hits down to progressive versions. The tracklist is: 1 ManMadeMan - 1920 2 Alternate Vision - Different Perspective 3 Artax - Greetings Of Psychaosis 4 Blue Vortex - Frozen Waters 5 12 Moons - The Collective 6 Soul Surfer - Waterworld 7 Safi Connection - Adrenochrome 8 Tikal - Sunrise Middle East 9 Andromeda - Imploded (Sound Field Remix) Look out for it in shops soon. p.s. sample of the last track: http://ehasting.u40.infinology.com/prosect...ield_Remix).mp3
  22. thanks again for the support expect some more music soon... ND
  23. nothing special, this is project of Holymen and his friend ND
  24. if you will go for audiophile 2496 you'll have more money left for other goodies
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