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Everything posted by Malachyte

  1. Bump for old Electrypnose: CDs: Electrypnose - Rêve De Neige Electrypnose ‎- Perdu Au Milieu De Nul Part Electrypnose ‎- Alienation Electrypnose ‎- La Voie Du Coeur DIGITAL: Electrypnose ‎- Humeurs De Barde Electrypnose ‎- Electrip Electrypnose ‎- Digital Manipulations OP has also been updated. Anyone have any of these?
  2. I've tried - on Facebook, on soundcloud, and I think in a few other places as well... with no reply. Do you know of a better way to contact him? Is he a user here on psynews?
  3. Removed Sound Addiction Part I and Part II. Was able to find mp3s online... The CDs left on my list at this point are probably nearly impossible to find these days, but surely someone out there has the files for the two digital releases left on my list: Anyone have the files for either of these two??
  4. I must say, complex and intricate melodies are exactly why I fell in love with Goa Trance in the first place, and I think Filipe did a phenomenal job with the melodies in this album. As far as my taste goes, this is his best Goa release since the Ba'al album and Angels Trumpets. The electronic music scene has no shortage of artists who spend 10% of their time on melodies and 90% on production... which is fine, don't get me wrong - I can appreciate a track with limited and repetitive melodies but tons of attention to detail with the mixing and flow of the track. For example, I know he's not considered "Goa" at all, but take John 00 Fleming for instance - when I listen to his tracks I can tell that he puts sooooo much work into the production side of things and making the tracks flow smoothly and flawlessly, while often-times the melodies he uses are short and repetitive. Arguably, for his music, this gives the tracks even more flow - letting the simple melodies phase in and out with various effects, etc. It totally works for his style. And it's definitely creative and brilliant in it's own way. Filipe is the opposite end of the spectrum in my opinion - and obviously what works best for him is to let his creativity flow through "one melody after the next", and there's absolutely no shortage of brilliant and catchy Goa melodies in that brain of his! So when it comes to his music, that's exactly what I want to hear - classic old-school "Filipe-y" Goa melodies. And with this album I really think he has pulled it off in a great way. Melding his Japanese "Bunraku" style with eastern scales as Bunraku "takes a trip" to the middle-east resulted in some amazing tracks imho. And with a slower BPM song (Camel Ride) and a faster BPM song in 3/4 (Dark Pyramids), the album has a nice spectrum of variety as well. Literally all 6 tracks are 5/5 stars for me! Now do I wonder what his music would sound like if he was more meticulous with his mixing and production? Sure! Back when I wrote electronic music myself I was a huge perfectionist with my mixing and would often spend an entire month on a single track until I thought it was perfect, so I totally get it. But that's just not Filipe's thing, and I respect that. Spending less time being meticulous with mixing gives him the time to produce much more music and bring many more musical ideas to light, and obviously that's what he's inspired to do. All artists are different! And in a sense it gives his music a much more organic, spontaneous, and off-the-cuff type of feel, which I've really learned to love. Let's compare this to non-electronic music. A band that practices and rehearses constantly and spends months on end in the studio perfecting and fine-tuning an album can come out with something brilliant, absolutely! But on the other end of the spectrum, so-called "jam bands" that produce material much more quickly and spontaneously, like Clutch for example, can be brilliant in a completely different way. And heavily processed, meticulously crafted rock or metal music can never sound as spontaneous and organic as it does for a band that just hits record and lets their creativity flow. Again, I'm not saying one is better than the other - I'm saying it's apples and oranges! And to me, Filipe is the "jam band" of Goa Trance. He seems to have a never-ending stream of musical ideas, and realistically, if he spent 6-12 months perfecting the mix of every last detail in a single album, 80% of his musical ideas would never see the light of day, and his music would start to lose that spontaneous and organic feel that it currently has. And just to stress a point - I'm not saying his mixing is "bad" - I'm just saying that clearly it's not a focal point for him and thus he chooses to not be as meticulous with it as other artists are, in favor of spending more time on the actual *musical* ideas themselves. And frankly, given the current climate of all electronic music, I find his approach to be a breath of fresh air... because there's absolutely no shortage of electronic music out there (Goa and other genres) where the production is flawless and fine-tuned but the actual melodies are simple, repetitive, and honestly feel pretty half-assed and boring to me in a lot of cases. So in closing... Filipe putting "melody after melody" in his tracks and cranking out one release after another is exactly what I want to hear from him. Not only because it's clearly what he is inspired to produce, but also because there's already soooooo much electronic music out there with flawless production but simple, repetitive, and boring melodies. So in an environment obsessed with "production quality" over everything else, personally I think it's great that Filipe chooses to spend his time focusing much more on actual *musical* creativity!
  5. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Khetzal - Corolle yet! One of the best!!!
  6. I'm just going to bump this one more time to ask specifically if anyone knows where I can get any of the three following releases (just copy-pasted from my OP). I find it really bizarre that three DIGITAL releases from as recently as 2013 are already hard to find. I'm accustomed to the challenge of tracking down rare CD releases but this is just silly... surely these releases must still be available in some corner of the internet! Anyone have any information? Asia 2001 - Sound Addiction Part I Note: I'm aware that most of these tracks were re-released as part of Vision Future, but there are actually two tracks which are exclusive to this release, so I'd like to track it down. I've found it on torrent sites, etc. but would prefer to not download it illegally if it was originally a paid release (and not just a free promo or whatever). Any information on where to purchase this release legally would be much appreciated, or if it was originally a free release anyway I would feel ok about pirating it... if anyone knows, please let me know! Asia 2001 - Sound Addiction Part II Note: I'm aware that most of these tracks were re-released as part of Vision Future, but there are actually three tracks which are exclusive to this release, so I'd like to track it down. I've found it on torrent sites, etc. but would prefer to not download it illegally if it was originally a paid release (and not just a free promo or whatever). Any information on where to purchase this release legally would be much appreciated, or if it was originally a free release anyway I would feel ok about pirating it... if anyone knows, please let me know! Martin Cooper - Martin Cooper NOTE: I can't find this anywhere as a legitimate paid download nor on any torrent sites or anywhere else. As with the Asia 2001 releases above I'd prefer to purchase legitimately if possible, but if it was originally a free release I'd be willing to pirate it... any information or links would be much appreciated.
  7. ^^ I did! Definitely the most money I've ever spent on a CD... but it was satisfying to finally track it down! I'll be just as excited if and when I can find a copy of CJ Catalizer's "Across The Universe" on CD, I've been looking for that one for nearly as long as I was looking for Aftermath.
  8. Updated OP again. Removed: Knight of the Light - Crusade EP after purchasing the remastered version (with two extra tracks!) from Submoon Records this year. Added [CD]: Angel Tears - Ethno Electro Added [Digital]: Asia 2001 - Sound Addiction Part I Asia 2001 - Sound Addiction Part II Martin Cooper - Martin Cooper Sylica-X - The Re-Search EP Please see more specific notes in original post for each item and please contact me if you have any of the CDs and are willing to sell, or if you have any information on the digital releases on my want list!
  9. OP Updated! Finally tracked down a copy of M-Sphere - Tread In, and a kind discogs user shared Spade - Nostal-G with me as well, so those two releases have been removed. I also added several new ones to the list. Please PM me if you have anything on my list you're willing to let go for a price!
  10. What's the deal with this release? Several weeks ago it was listed as "coming soon" on Psyshop... I've had a few other CDs in my cart for a while now, waiting for this one to come out, trying to save on international shipping and all that... now it's been removed from the "coming soon" list, and it's still not out! What's going on? I want it! :-D
  11. I had really high expectations for this release since Yggdrasil - Prose Edda is one of my favorite albums of all time. This album definitely met my expectations - it's truly unique and amazing music. Really fun to play the drums to as well! One question though... why the name change? I mean sure, this is definitely an evolution from the Yggdrasil album, but "Ineffable Mysteries" Shpongle is hardly the same as "Are You Shpongled?" Shpongle either... all artists grow and evolve over time. That's what new album names are for. I would have seriously overlooked this album if it wasn't for the "(aka Yggdrasil)" in this thread title. After discovering it I've told several people I knew to be big Yggdrasil fans about it, and of course no one had heard of it. You guys are missing out on a lot of exposure because of this random name change. 95% of the fans you gained from Yggdrasil will probably never find out about this amazing Kurbeats album, and that sucks! More people need to hear it!!!
  12. Yea, I agree with you. I'm not really thrilled with the mixing on that one either. I wrote most of it on headphones so a lot of the sounds were EQ'd with too much bass, and I spent hours tweaking the levels and EQs on everything during the day when I could use my monitors, but I just couldn't get it sounding 100% right. Too bad I typically only feel creatively inspired between 2:00 and 6:00 am... I rarely have the privilege of using speakers during those hours. :-( Anyway, thanks for your feedback and support!
  13. I originally posted this in the "Free Music Promotion" area, but didn't get much feedback... maybe it's appropriate to post here as well since it technically IS "Artist News". ;-)
  14. Awesome, I'm excited about this release - just ordered a physical copy. I loved Omegahertz's previous albums. So unique! :-D
  15. Hey Paul, thanks for checking it out and giving some honest feedback. I was a bit bummed out when I posted Crystal Cavern on here and no one commented at all (positively or negatively), so it's nice to see a response this time around. Cheers! :-)
  16. I submitted this via email to info@suntriprecords.com already, but I figured I may as well post it here too. Enjoy!
  17. Hey guys, I've completed my first track in nearly a year! Check it out on YouTube: ... or check out a higher quality version on my own site. ___________________________________________________ And in case you missed it, here's a track I finished last year: ... and once again, a higher quality version here. ___________________________________________________ These are still the only two tracks I've finished since my Protostar EP, released on UAF records a few years ago. Please leave honest feedback and/or criticism below! /Malachyte
  18. BUMP! :-D
  19. Corolle is still one of my favorite albums of all time... I'd love for Khetzal to write some new material!
  20. "Location:floating island in the clouds" Where are you really from? I'd totally book you! :-D
  21. Wow, I had no idea this topic would get so many replies! I'll read them all now and reply to ones that I feel inclined to reply to... hopefully in a more coherent and respectful way than my original post... and also with less profanity. I think I had had a full bottle of wine all to myself when I started this topic. Right now I'm drinking tea and listening to music... speaking of which, "Tea & Music" is a great little EP from Chronos - it's on the playlist I'm listening to. :-P @exotic: It's not that I'm not into Dark-Psy necessarily, but I'm into variety. At the 3-day event where I saw Bobby (again, 50% of Aerosis), it was literally nothing but Dark-Psy for 3 days straight outside of Bobby's set - I wouldn't want that much of ANY sub-genre of Trance. Dark-Psy also seems to lack emotion for the most part which is something I need to hear in music to really connect with it. I can however definitely appreciate and admire Dark-Psy - most of it is very well produced and quite creative in it's own way, but it's just not my cup of tea beyond an occasional song here and there, like some of Electrypnose's older stuff - "Brain Surgery" is an amazing track for example. But still, I can't really enjoy more than a handful of Dark-Psy songs back to back before I feel like a change of pace. @Oopie: That's an inspiring story for sure, but I really don't know enough people here who'd be interested in organizing a real Psy/Goa party... I basically have one friend who's into the music as much as I am, but he lives 8 hours away from me at this point since I moved from Southern California to Northern California. The other big problem is that I'm not a DJ - it never appealed to me, I'd much rather produce original tracks than mix tracks written by others into a set. So I could help organize a party... but I literally don't know how to DJ, nor to I have the equipment for it. :-( @Panoptes: Your entire post was right on - especially that stuff about religion - I'm also an Atheist in a predominantly Christian nation, and that comes with it's own set of frustrations, especially with how much religion seems tied in to politics in this country. It's so stupid... but I won't get into that here because first of all it's off topic, and secondly I could probably end up offending people... @BraneFreeze: I really don't think that having been to Goa has anything to do with it. That's just where the genre originated - even Simon Posford said in an interview that he finally made a trip to India for the first time just a few years ago, and that he didn't even make it to Goa... and this was long after the classic Hallucinogen albums. Goa is definitely my personal favorite, but I'm not so close-minded that I refuse to go to parties without Goa - I even said in my original post that I'd be happy with Full On, Ambient, Progressive, etc. etc. Just not Dubstep and Techno... I wasn't trying to say that Goa Trance was BETTER than other genres - your Jazz analogy is very accurate - I was just saying that it's disappointing to me to feel like I'm the only one within hundreds of miles who really appreciates it. It's depressing to discover new and amazing music all by myself in my home-studio with no one to share it with who understand it and loves it the way I do, that's all. I do enjoy other kinds of music - just check out my discogs collection in my original post. I can go to Metal concerts and really enjoy myself too - some Metal is really amazing... but it's not where my heart is, and it's not the music I want to write myself - all I want is to feel like there's at least a SMALL community around me who enjoys Goa/Psy as well. @healium: It's nice to know I'm not totally alone!! Unfortunaly I live really far away from the PsyTribe events now since I moved up to Truckee a few years ago (by Lake Tahoe in NorCal - basically east of Sacramento)... there's no way I could make the 10+ hour drive to Irvine just for a PsyTribe event anymore. @Richpa: I get what you're saying, and I'm definitely very thankful for the Goa community on the internet... I mean, it's the internet that made the release of my Protostar EP possible, and it's gotten pretty good feedback for the most part. Unfortunately though, It's still depressing for me to always listen to the music I love by myself at home, even if I'm sharing my thoughts and opinions with likeminded people on the internet. It's a totally different experience to be at a festival/rave/etc and feel the energy of a crowd dancing to the music - having experienced this only a few times in my life all I'm saying is I want more of it! I felt very inspired and positive for months after seeing Aerosis... I don't feel the same way dancing around in my studio at home by myself listening to a new Suntrip release, etc. The music is amazing, but the experience is just kinda sad since I'm almost always alone... @Procyon: I never said I wanted Goa to be a big scene in the US. I'd be happy with a TINY scene - in fact smaller events with 50-100 people have always felt more enjoyable to me than larger ones like when I saw Infected Mushroom in LA. I would just love to have a small group of people (in real life - not on the internet) to share my passion with. @Dolmot: Another very accurate and well informed post - I definitely agree with you. So much marketing in the US... @Paradox: Again, I really don't think having been to Goa has anything to do with it in this internet-driven age we live in. See my comments above regarding Simon Posford... other than that I agree with your post... but again I never said I wanted Goa to become mainstream at all - I would just love to have a small group of LOCALS to share it with, instead of just people on the internet who live half way around the world from me. @long ripps & Imba: I know there are always a few exceptions... but most of them seem to be DJs and not producers. I used to live very close to Kagdila Records... but even though they are based in California they still release music primarily by European artists, like Liquid Flow... (his album is awesome BTW) PHEW! That was a lot to reply to. Let's keep this discussion going... and by all means, if anyone else from Northern California reads this and wants to try to organize an event with me, let me know!! :-)
  22. I'll start off by warning any potential readers that this rant will probably be very random and convoluted as I've had a few drinks... I fell in love with Goa back when the "new-school Goa" movement was just starting out - Suntrip had released only a few things - A couple of Filteria albums, Khetzal, Ka-Sol, and the compilations Apsara and Twist Dreams. Khetzal's Corrole album was a huge influence on me - I connected with this kind of music more than anything I had heard in my life. Prior to discovering Goa/Psy I was into more "mainstream" trance, like older Paul Van Dyk, Mauro Picotto, Darude, etc.... but that scene totally went to shit once everyone started adding cheesy and clubby vocals to everything, so in search of something new to follow I discovered Goa and Psy Trance, and in turn a lot of ambient/"psychill"/"goachill" stuff as well. Unfortunately for my these musical tastes, I was born and raised in southern California - (a few years ago I moved up to northern California...) I'm an avid discogs user. Here's my collection: http://www.discogs.com/collection?user=Ignite You know what's awesome? SIX HUNDRED AND NINETY-TWO releases in my collection... guess how many of the artists are from the US? ONE! ME!!! Well, I'm sure there are a few compilations I own with artists from the US (Aerosis comes to mind...), but still, how pathetic is this? Not a single album from a US artist?? I don't go out of my way to avoid music from my home-country. I use Discogs, Psyshop, Psynews, etc. etc. to discover new music... and I'd be thrilled to stumble upon anything released by an American artist that I actually enjoy... but nearly 10 years of being interested in these genres and it hasn't happened yet! Back when I first became interested in Trance, everyone here just referred to ALL electronic music as "Techno", which pissed me off. These days everyone refers to it all as "Dubstep", which pisses me off even more. At least Techno and Trance are SOMEWHAT related... but Dubstep? Seriously? Yea, of course a genre as shallow and immature as Dubstep is the first genre in a decade to even become remotely popular here because people like the "bad ass" sounds and let's not forget, lots of BASS. Because that's all that really counts in electronic music. BASS!!!! Fuck. "I write my own electronic music." "Oh, you mean like Dubstep?" FUCK YOU! There is no scene in this country for the music I love, and it's becoming apparent that there never will be. I'm not even dead-set on Goa... I'd love even some good ambient festivals... or even some fucking Full On... I've gotta admit... as long as Full On doesn't have crappy vocals I can't deny that I enjoy a lot of it... like Ananda Shake, Vibe Tribe, etc... sure, it's not anywhere near as deep as Goa, but it's catchy and fun. I've been to like 5 parties in my life because I don't want to go to just random ones - I only want to go when there's an artist or DJ that I actually admire. I saw Astral Projection in LA a few years ago... they were awesome, but the crowd was full of drunk morons... I saw Wizzy Noise at an outdoor psy festival hosted by PsyTribe in SoCal - small crowd, but great people - really spiritual and down to earth... and of course Wizzy played an amazing set as well. I was psyched when they played my favorite track of theirs at the time, Oceanica. I also saw Infected Mushroom in LA once, but it was a similar experience to Astral Projection - their set was decent, but the crowd was full of LA retards that didn't seem like they belonged or connected to the music at all. I guess Infected Mushroom is partially to blame themselves since they had already started becoming Americanized... this was after Vicious Delicious... Finally, I did go to one Friday-through-Sunday Psy-Tribe outdoor event purely because Bobby Ognyanov from Aerosis was playing a set at it. That's right, I tolerated THREE DAYS of virtually nothing but Dark Psy for ONE HOUR of Goa. That hour was amazing though... Bobby played virtually nothing but Suntrip material, and I loved every second of it... I'm starting to realize that there's really no point to this rant other than a bunch or whining and complaining... but seriously... I order CDs from Psyshop and of course they always come with these flyers or booklets with events all over Europe (or even Canada) that I'd LOVE to be at... I see so many artist names I recognize and just get a great feeling about many of the advertised events in general. I've also seen several YouTube videos from Suntrip events, etc... all I want is a LITTLE of that without having to spend the money to fly half way around the world... just ONCE IN A WHILE... but no, there's never ANYTHING anymore... at least that I'm aware of. Dubstep has taken over. The best I can hope for when referencing Trance to a random person is that they remember Sandstorm by Darude. Great. A song that's well over 10 years old. That's the boring and repetitive piece of shit that stuck with you over the years when it came to Trance? Fan-fucking-tastic. Yes, the synth sounded bad ass at the time. I get it. Really gritty and awesome sounding. What else did the song have going for it? Nothing! Why is it still played in clubs here over 10 years after it's release? I have no fucking clue. But Sandstorm became more popular in the US than any other trance song. Evar. WTF. Then Skrillex came along and took over. What's it gonna take to start even a small Goa scene here in the US?? I've completely lost the motivation to write music lately because I feel completely alone in this place... if only I could have just a couple of parties a year to go to where they played music I actually liked... where I could connect with likeminded people who were just excited to hear Goa as I was... I'm listening to Land Of Freedom by Transwave right now... as soon as that square synth comes in I just fucking close my eyes and disappear in the music. It's beautiful. Powerful. Freeing. I love it! And it's depressing as shit to realize that there's no one else within thousands of miles who feels the same way. This is my song, Protostar: Imba was kind enough to release this EP of mine on his net-lable, UAF (Underground Alien Factory) Records. About 6 months after it's release, Persistent Aura (another UAF artist) contacted me to ask if he and Agneton could do a remix, and that they were planning to play the track at some festival in Belgium. Awesome! I'm not sure it it was ever actually played... and I know that they never finished the remix, but still, that's a festival I would have loved to be at, with or without my own track being played. Maybe my isolation as far as musical taste in this country is just becoming an excuse for not writing new material... but I can feel a part of me that really wants to get back into it... I just wish I could go out and feel like I was part of a community who felt the same way about this amazing music that I do. Is there anyone else here from the California, or even the entire US, who feels the same way I do? :-( /End drunken rant...
  23. I'm really looking forward to this one... and taking note of that second one which will be limited to 300 copies like InnerSpace. No more almost missing out on a limited release! :-P
  24. Another great EP from you! I really love your new melodic-uplifting-goa style you've produced for your last few EPs. It's like a blend of old-school anthem trance from the 90's and new-school Goa... too bad there aren't really any labels out there releasing this style of music officially. I'd pay for it! :-)
  25. Updated OP: Removed Aural Planet - Part: Second (Yay! Aural Planet / Sundial / Sundial Aeon collection complete!!!) Added Spade - Nostal-G C'mon people, help me out here! At least someone must know where I can find the digital releases from the OP!
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