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Hybrid FX

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    Music Production and Mixing
  1. Hey ppl , here is my new track demo - not all, but the main is in. So listen and have a fun
  2. ok man, i see now. Thnx and keep work!!!
  3. Great work man you have that old acid stile! I like this track
  4. Omg ppl many said that, but this voice from start is from old Slavic folk music, and i have a many more youtube link that women sing's that voice. Melody is not from there, like i said it is old Slavic. In my region we call this melody "Vlaska muzika" . And i live near Bulgaria about 10km, so we have same element of folk. It is not same, but it have something same. Sorry i try to wrote Eng, but it is not my native language. Sorry if i made some mistake in speling... WoW this group is great, but i didnt take it from there. Other voices is from Imba region, "Vranjanska muzika" we call it that. I dont whant to justify to anyone, only i can said is that enjoy in sound!!!
  5. @InFecTeD_gOa Thnx for comment. It can be for final realis... @Imba Te nasamaram XD
  6. Hi, this is my new track and like to present you. I think you will like it and enjoy. New Goa Trance, mixdown with element of Ethno and Folk from Serbia. Here is link: YouTube: Soundcloud: ...
  7. "Shakti Energy" you open my eyes to hear something new and colorfull. Nice track keep going!!!
  8. Like i said you make Old Good Stuff, let people know what is Goa Trance. You make domestic for all new age producer , let the Journey Begin !!! Once again great man keep the spirit live!!!
  9. Hi to all I just join in this forum!!! More info about me and my project @ MySpace FaceBook YouTube Last.FM Soundcloud
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