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dj mylo

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    Cape Town, living in Berlin
  2. Maybe check the lengths of your midi/audio events - perhaps they are a little shorter or longer than the bar. So when you duplicate an event it snaps the end of the event to the bar, and the front is out of place. hope his makes sense??? happens to me some times like this. good luck!
  3. insane strange that it doesn't fall into intense feedback. Would love to hear it with some overdrive. moog guitar pwns all
  4. click the pic in my sig or click: AUDIO STUNTS forever a "work in progress"
  5. I use it on my mac. no problem. It works a charm if you got the right eq and compression going. Also adding a bit of overdrive can be nice at times - or just running it through Camel Crusher
  6. My girlfriend says I should clean up my work area a bit I think it's fine. Those pesky seagulls can get on my nerves at times. If you look closely you can see my Waldrorf Q-Rack. Now where did I put those Rizzla's?
  7. Audio Realism Bassline is worth checking out
  8. a cool "bare neccessity" selection of drum samples found here: http://www.nanorecords.co.uk/main.html ( go to "Resources", download "copywrite-free sample pack" at the bottom ) vsti-wise... check out "NI Battery" or a simpler, free'er one is somewhere in here: free VSTi's !!!!!!!!!! not to mention a whole lot of other vst stuff. How can you resist a VST plugin called "Barking Wombat"????!!!! enjoy and good luck!
  9. just let the labels know
  10. about Mr Posford...... *looks at Dajek's LONE DERANGER avatar *scratches head
  11. Cicadians sounds like the new Atomic Pulse album. but that's not a bad thing - cos I actually like Atomic Pulse! Refractions was ripped by tons of psy-clone artists. A follow-up album would have to break new ground to be as successful. I thought that Proto would find HIS unique sound in this album. But no. I guess our expectations were pretty high to start with. so: For originality and songwriting I give it a 2/10 For production skillz: 10/10 - nicely polished as always. although I would like to recommend it for any melodic psyheadz - it's decent
  12. WOW. What a cool drink of water. this album is so fresh sounding. I give it 11/10 just for being different! this album has changed my perception of TIP completely! It's a brave and pioneering compilation. Just when you thought all these artists had faded away or were left behind the bandwagon - these boys pull of a serious assault on the psy-scene! I especially enjoyed the way these guys have stayed a little with their classic sound ( eg the Tristan track ) and haven't even entertained the thought of a killlaaaaargh bassline or other fashionable formulas! And they have seemed to brought back the trance into Psytrance. Great idea! I'm inspired by this release! It feels like I've rediscovered psytrance. weeeee! p.s - oh, and Dimitri.... psyfactor rocks too mate!
  13. I must say all this fullon-hatred has made me like it again! It's like I'm being alternative or sumfink
  14. 1. listen to music. similar to the stuff you want to make. 2. read, or do anything that requires the accedemic half of your brain - this will stimulate the creative side of your brain. your brain apparently likes to keep things in balance. 3. if you try writing/composing something and it's not really working - stop immediately. try again tomorrow. there's no point banging your head against the wall - you become creatively insecure and inhibited. 4. Shag
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