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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. Out worldwide today, like here: https://kaliearth.bandcamp.com/album/hoddtech and everywhere ….
  2. KER’s IG https://www.instagram.com/p/DGJbIsMNh1v/?igsh=MXBrM2Npa2xudGpmbQ==
  3. I made and add n refine it tru time ..: BTW. I very much recommend from Norwegian Black Metal Kampfar - I Klovers Takt .. put on T1 and enjoy the ride ….
  4. Infected Mushroom - None of this is Real checkout more here on my Playlist 😁
  5. Far East Ghost - Rebellion follow my Playlist here for more: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6TL621Zml166EWZnQmnflk?si=LtSspOvSSCucYTTzXRUnbQ&pi=FNyTvG9eTB6s8 🤙
  6. Probably ‘The Lone Deranger’ …
  7. Psynews-25 🐈 https://dropout-productions.bandcamp.com/track/ocelot-happy-birthday
  8. .. it’s rap has the word psychedelics. pretty hefty fusion track , even nice Goatrance melody
  9. And ManMadeMan’s Ooze 🥳 Lol 😸https://tiprecords.bandcamp.com/track/ooze
  10. Checking some reddit, n this half n half baked Mexican dubstep hightech prog shroom cacti track came up ..
  11. Yo, so maybe you know that a shaman or two often rap, or ja sing. Rapping, flow of a free mind is a beautiful and cool art. Kudos to those who practice such skills. So! Psy-Trance, with Rap You know any? I know: Terminator - Spirit Of The Plants album .. and his track on this split-album is kinda close enough .. https://vertigorecords.bandcamp.com/track/beyond-the-sea + Yamabikaya got one Rap song break/down, preetey nifty https://kaliearth.bandcamp.com/track/s-d-t & Xxipz’s Slavjsndkii Rap https://triplag-music.bandcamp.com/track/slavyanskii-rap Oh and of course Infected Mushroom feat. Swollen Members - Artillary. For one I think it’s so cool and when the (excelkent) rapper after Duvdev’s moan screaming; asks to turn the volume up a bit… bcs, with all love & respect intact, i do that, turn it down when it’s time for the Duv to dev(istate) 🦆 .. Really love this Rap track a lots. 🫠 There’s gotta be more no ..I for one would LOVE to listen to more so hope to see / hear some replies* Peace out 🫶
  12. .. especially nice with Psynews regulars n veterans like Sab Kuch Milegator. Who can disagree that a set by him on the big ones like Apsara and ZNA to mention a couple honorable ones would e crazy good epicness. It would be so much wild fun, like Procs but not 😍 bcs Sab Kuch Milegator is Goa- Also Material Music would be a something really special and true Goa-Psy Trance to experience 🫡 Erland Yildiz (synth wiz), this guy Live, whoha - he is ready for gigs if anyone ..)) …. oCeLoT 🫠 Bonus, sogonna be pretty ker-biased here: Kailum Goalien Gubbology … Ozmali could be fun plus he has Deco for 🍀🥳
  13. Check it out all ova' da wørld! Like: KER's BC: https://kaliearth.bandcamp.com/album/dark-forest-e-p Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/567Iklhrb0NBwCO2SMkFGD?si=aykgO4XiRHSNCvA15lnggw Here's some video footage from party in Oslo with Ozmali:
  14. Ok pics of clothes if anyone is keen. If you have a XL IM hoodie no matter state or theme, we can change. Both the TIP and Killing Joke tshirts are S (more like L) and old, and used. TIP has a burn from .*caugh* Also got a XXL Japan Dragonfly LSD sweater, that need stiching, a lot. I can add pic later
  15. 2 x CDr in jewel case by Ultimate Xperience (Neogoa rec.) - The Realm Of A New Dawn + it's T-shirt. SOLD. I asked 120euros, the customer got it for 99euro. ... I'm gonna sell my pretty much unused IM 'None of this is Real' Hoodie. Interested? It's L, but I'm more a XL - I'm keen on switching IM-Hoodie if you have a XL but want a L.
  16. Greetingz! This "Pentatonic" album's tracks are made in the early years; 06, 07, 06, 11, 11, 07, 06, 09. Ozmali is within the Psychedelic Trance community a beloved and well known homegrown Deco Artist and a Live Music project from the Netherlands with a reputation of really providing the dance floor with an experience out of these woods. Ozmali's modern music releases are filled with strange jungle rhythms with tribal attraction, quirky moods and space like sounds for the curious ones. If you're after someone who delivers trippy stuff between shaking trees and brushing bushes, you should defiantly check out OZMALI in deco and/or music, because he for sure delivers something special and psychedelic. In essence, it’s a trip worthy artist to for the historic fun, celebrate by releasing his unreleased ,,dustbin" tracks in the by now established ‘[The Dust Album] ‘series with Material Music (Love & Magic) and oCeLoT (Sliced Soup) on it's cat.# Check out Ozmali on the internet. KER BC: https://kaliearth.bandcamp.com/album/pentatonic-the-dust-album + worldwide .. .
  17. https://dropout-productions.bandcamp.com/track/ocelot-happy-birthday 🥰
  18. Out worldwide now! And here today on the 29th of Nov. it's a Black Friday offer #) https://kaliearth.bandcamp.com/album/obey Thnx!
  19. ...................... *
  20. Well well, the pre-order is up. PS. If you want it cheap, add it to your wishlist / calender and buy it on the 29th .. because on that ‘black friday’ date, the price will be sat to €0.5 .. https://kaliearth.bandcamp.com/album/obey
  21. A new EP for interested: Also available on Beatport etc ..
  22. Not bad, not bad at all this track Also availible on Beatport etc.
  23. Hodd, a viking word for Forest. Hi, the indication of Hitech. Availible worldwide KER BC: https://kaliearth.bandcamp.com/album/hoddhi #
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