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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. but my name is Jan and i`m not a boy!!

    just call me Pixy....

    :) xxx

  2. I got this release, and the two last tracks are remixed by the names in question. http://www.discogs.com/release/991071 The Inhuman dance mix is so cheesy and bad it makes me feel ill. The Space Cowboy isn't so bad, still not my cup of tea, but it's ok electro funk house. Anyone want to shed some light on these two artists? E. by 'Inhuman' I ment 'Jade E Puget ' Obs!
  3. :clapping: I once met .. um whats his name, a Danish forest duuude. Something 'Z', hm, can't remember. Was a t a terrible wannabee forest party located by a old shed beside a highway out on the countryside of Copenhagen. Was there just to look and smoke and maybe talk to some nice people. Was sitting in a circle with some nice non artists and smoking lum, then he walks over to say hello to us (friendly act ). He came to me, and he presents him self as his artist name 'Z' something. Since he said that I said, Oh! I remember you, from isratrance haha. High, nice to meet you, I'm psytones. I'm just in Isra to make a fuzz. .. ... He looks at me funny, then he just turnes his back and walks away! wtf. haha, guess the psytones isn't very popular or something. e. a forest party gone wrong so the location was changed or something. never realy got a explanation.
  4. Eh?? MY name is Jan!

    i never called you *sweet lady??*

  5. psykovsky - wishful sinful i saw a rock band that had a track with this title on a track a few days ago, cant remmeber who it was.
  6. Can i have some of your dope

  7. Concidering I don't have a Discman anymore either, I will not feel lucky. I miss going out (metro, city, walks ect.) with music in my ear
  8. Great album a.! - I've had it for about a year, but only recently did I LISTEN to it It's realy nice.
  9. ditto My iPod went dead a few months ago
  10. Lovely track with lovely singing. Me likes a lot... Cosma did a version of this one, right? Donno which one I got on a burned CDr. NP: :posford:
  11. Nwod uoy taeb I, tihs klat uoy, nworb si hsah, der era sesor.


  12. Heheh, thanks tonesy! Is reger a virus and you're the cure?

  13. lol I was just listening to this track then what do you know, I councidentilly saw you had posted a comment on this thread. AND what do you know again.. I was listening to Indigo Child ..cosmic..
  14. Roses are red, hash is brown, you talk shit,I beat you down


  15. + on the awsome and interesting. But I'm not sure I get it?
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