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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. their both equally important if you look at dj's as making art out of art. some dj's wowes your ride
  2. hey psytones, how's it going, man?

  3. ah sorry. Didnt realize that was the back cover art.
  4. jar. that thing ruined the whole cover. seiously. it looks weird and lame.
  5. Now yer on the Charlie!


    book arrived yet???

  7. Måtte din veike sjel lide i Helheims evige flammer :P

    i googled it dude,i'd love to learn how to speak norse though

  8. i like the colours .... I also like the disturbing cover Kai-Q posted.
  9. Hello psytones. i keep seeing your nickname around. Bra greier! :)

  10. sure man.. if thats how you like your cucumbers, then go for it! would you also like some butter there?

  11. I prefered being a happy mushroom. it was like so psy
  12. I never got the chance to walk inside the world of the Freestyle section. But in a way it seemed like a unessesary section to have since we had offtopic. I guess it was actually a Off-Topic V. 2 - Extreme edition or something, haha
  13. The Doors Best Of. 2 disc. my old copy was scrached to death and I made a impulse buy
  14. 1. Omg you got me there, I'm addicted to Comments!!!!11 :o :s :o

    jkes.. dunno, i allways click around for no reason + people can chat there :P

    2. Only selected pienewzers are allowed in dat special area. Watch your step!! hehuhe (btw dont mind my nick i can be very friendly :P)

  15. I don't care. I hate beautiful people. They're just disposable pleasures while the rest of us have to charm our way through. Psytonio is what I will be calling you from now on if you dont mind hahah

  16. you look sexy psytonio

  17. Add: Beautiful People (One original, and one up-tempo OTT remix) Ps. Contains Bill Hicks & Marilyn Manson samples
  18. There's a whole 'Freestyle Thread' in the 'Off-topic' section instead now. omg moniluff, whats up with the isratrancelation of psynews? What do you think is going on in Offtopic, like it has been forever? tsk Unless I missed your point and you have no problems with the Offtopic section acting like a chill-out area aka. chat and goof and serious business
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