I have a dream… I want to rise between the stars and become a DJ who plays twisted psychedelic tracks, not Full-On. I would like to revolutionize the Psytrance DJ scene. .. I used to spin decks when I was working in Greece. But that was 3 years ago, so my DJ memories are poor and I need to practice. I’m searching for a cheap DJ desk/equipment with:
2 cd-players (No, I’m not gonna spin LP’s)
The possibility to record my home made sets (Eighter on the DJ-Desk or the possibility to use another player for recordings.
Nobs to twist and play with the music
Can you recommend something? I was hoping for a desk to the price of 500 +/- Euro.
Thanks for tips and advises. When I find what I’m looking for, I will be saving up money, and buying it around christmase times, or before.