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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. word. I voted "hallucinogen" for psymusic.. But Koxbox ect rocks alot in the psy sense! But wouldnt you say that "The Gathering" and " Classical Mushroom" is psychedelic to the bone!? Because if you have eaten mushes and listen to the worlds of these two albums.. well... They are pretty trippyflippy yha know =) And not to mention "Shiva Shidapu's" album "The album" .. Very amature.. But VEERY psychedelic(?) ...l God bless psy.
  2. I would like to write more, but no time. Beatless ambient, aka "Drone-music" is wonderfull! (and complicated, magical, trippy). .. Dont remember the website for this radio-channel. But if you use iTunes as your music-player. You can find a GREAT beatless ambient channel in the Electronica section.. It's perfect for all medication *POFF* now wish I was playing: Biosphere's album whitch is pretty beatless. (Cant remember the album title at the moment) ... Oh and check out some music by "Fires of Ork" -In heaven- ect.
  3. Off-Topic: Who's keeping track of scores/points?
  4. np: Xenomorph - Obscure Spectre (The Horror Trip Remix)
  5. okidoki Aha! So you have tried eh .. Well, have you released some of the tracks as freebees (mp3)? Because it would be interesting indeed to take a listen too it. Not a big "Blondie" fan
  6. Well, I was kinda hoping for "Infected Mushroom in DUB"
  7. Are you gonna keep on reading it, or are you boicotting the whole cherade?
  8. Ever thought about making some dark evilish dub OTT? Oh, and lets get even more off-topic .. Is it Ott, OTT or is it both? ...
  9. I'm still a big OTT fan, and I'll continue to buy his records .. I think things are getting kinda dumb now. But about Michele .. ? She's not that hot you know .. But I do adore/love the picture of Michele inside the CV album (Infected Mushroom) ..
  10. .. ... I'm not a big Michele fan at all Khogg. But the voice work that she did on Shpongle ect is pure geniuse, even if Simon fixed the voice to perfection. And "IM - Blink" is a fantastic tune with great lyrics. OTT is a fat, horribly crippled, pimpled covered freaky looking dude. We still love him and his music. And besides.. It's not the looks in perticeler that got Michele in to the scene, it's the work of Simon. .. But of cource, they did date, so I guess looks got something to do with it nice *read all pages* .. hahaha.. You guys! Welcome to the forum OTT, you have been missed
  11. Just go to the Fjords in Hardangerfjords. Everybody does it, so should you, hehe.. But yeah! I mean it.. But since your from Austria, it's nothing new.
  12. Would you be hurted if you did hang around here more often? (Get known with the off-topic and general section) Music like Skazi and Co is kinda responsible you know
  13. "Gloomy Shroomy"
  14. Strange btrack name there miss Alisia ... Is it a scary track too? eheh Anyway, i just wanted too share this .. Gloomy Pronunciation: 'glü-mE Function: adjective Inflected Form(s): gloom·i·er; -est 1 a : partially or totally dark; especially : dismally and depressingly dark <gloomy weather> b : having a frowning or scowling appearance : FORBIDDING <a gloomy countenance> c : low in spirits : MELANCHOLY 2 a : causing gloom : DEPRESSING <a gloomy story> <a gloomy landscape> b : lacking in promise or hopefulness : PESSIMISTIC <gloomy prophecies> <a gloomy future>"
  15. Eeeeeeelllectro Pppaniiccc .. This track was used on the intro of OTT's "Blümenkraft". The person is in the club.. Leaves, turns on gooood music
  16. The Delta is great psy from the "darker" side. =) hahaha.. I can imagine he freaked out when the water drops kicked in if he thought it was all in his head, hehe. Guess he never made that mistake again eh? I fail to see the point in what you write in your last comment. Man. I have been watching scary movies since I was a little kid with no hair on the dick. I have been listening to goth while growing up to become a man. I never have nightmares, because I love to get scared. Ergo, I dont have nightmares anymore, which kinda sucks. But to say that "I fail to see how the so-called dark trance is eighter scary or dark" is just for me a comment writtten by you, so that no one will consider you a scared pussy. No one really gets "scared" if they listen to a darker track like "I dont know" .. Anyway. Scary is just a form of entertainment. In my opinion, some of the "scariest" tracks on a psydrug is most often slow tracks.
  17. Merlin is a good oldie from IM. But not the best oldie
  18. Trance, yes. Goa-trance, no. Psy-trance, he used to. Now he makes Psycho Trance for the pill and line people.
  19. I also found a mp3 album called "Artifical Visualisation". And we all know it's a fake album. But most/all of the tracks are old Infected tracks like "Twisted" "Stomper" "zahadum" "under the mushroom sun" ect ect. Mostly unreleased tracks. But still, Infected.
  20. I Wish remix by Skazi is insane with all of it's take-off's and such.
  21. Are you INSANE man!? I dont dare to infect my computer with such bad vibes
  22. ahaha .. Thanks man! And it sounds good indeed. Old but good.
  23. Had a mindblowing experience last night, and this album is one of the best chiill comps Iv heard in many years. Review will be posted soon. Expec a positiv one! '
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