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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. It's Udi aka. Psysex' label. a sub-label to EgoHunters Recordings. "The first tracks ever written by Kailum (Dave Saragosi) Never released before. Created in 1997, these 9 tracks that were lost for over 20 years have been rescued from old DAT tapes of the Goahunter Archives and mastered in an attempt to bring as much clarity and quality sound as possible given the circumstances ."
  2. OhYea. https://arabdigital-goahunterrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/retro-mission-vol-1 + a shop & streaming service near you.
  3. Well this guy is a (black) Metal fan to the bone, so maybe some of his mixes will turn your friend on https://youtube.com/c/aztronaut
  4. It's a very great honour that one of the OOODs finally decided to deliver a DJ set of Material Music!
  5. You're talking about Asterix, not Astrix .. I don't perticulary like or trust Trancentral. They sure know how to take over, though .. and I guess YT likes that, it caress' their algorytm makes it purrr... Trancentral has made a business and unless your in their 'take over' hood, you'd better pay up to be promoted/supported by them because their not that in it for the love more for the dough IMO.. They don't do cherity .. You hear that Sab kucher mil. Money talks & posse walk.
  6. https://sundancerecords.bandcamp.com/album/evolution-of-thought
  7. https://sundancerecords.bandcamp.com/
  8. "The 12" vinyl release by Tongue 'n' Tweak is available but most of the cardboard covers/slips have some water damage." https://demontearecordings.bandcamp.com/
  9. I can not believe this topic does not excist from before, i searched .. So Let's see 'em. Make our jaw drop or ROFL. e. ah crapos it does excist :: *memes
  10. oh wow, i guess the dud will be haunted down and scourged at a bonfire. That's really bad style.. Wonder about the Smuds, which is even more ripped off, concidering he actually made an artwork to the Earth release Maybe the dud is brain damaged.. if he managed to put up a BC profile and sell these rip-offs, maybe not so actually brain damaged, just really rude or stupid.. Good thing this forum has rightous warriors #Truth be told.
  11. This is Compiled by Gjorg .. https://ka-sol.bandcamp.com/album/earth
  12. Che-che-check 'em out! https://thortrillionsmoleculeman.bandcamp.com/ & some interesting videos at his channel:
  13. Very cool! Haven't pushed play yet, gonna wait ^^ Have to get money also to buy it (unheard?) Anyway, who Mastered it, you? e. & artwork, also you? Looks great'n interesting.
  14. ^ Respect! You guys seam great, keep up the awesome work. Hope Tsotsi will get more offers/presents from other labels & artists like you are giving him, it is much deserved Again, mucho respectus to you all. Bloom * Love & Space .. PS. Yes Tsotsi-man, keep it unbiased!
  15. Hey, it's BC giveaway Friday today, no? Cool if you go ahead and buy the full discography at KER: kaliearth.bandcamp.com - elsewells the full ker-catalog is always heavily discounted. .... Speaking of, it's silly that one have to go browser and not App to be able to buy a full discography. Someone know why its like that? Also, why not buy the full Material Music discography? It is also defaulted on a heavy discount.
  16. Not often I say this (and really feel it); Can't wait! .. Really curious on general ,,improvements" and whatnot you've devided to produce/release this time around since your last LP
  17. You meant Ballucinogen is Hack, right?
  18. After listening to the mentioned clip, I got an itch to listen to Derango - Turmult . GOD DMN IT's a Fine Album. Intro of track two clearly shows a respect of inspiration towards Hallucinogen. What would in you guys' opinion be a good name for a H3 album? Given that your suggestion would indicate the third Hallucinogen albums direction .. My suggestions > H3, or Third If Twisted would be LSD, and Lone Deranger Shrooms.. A third would be cool as Mescalin. e. Third hit .. The DMT https://tiprecords.bandcamp.com/track/lucas-hallucinogen-pipeworm Maybe he'll even invite Erez Eisen to join in on a track creation
  19. Thumpa Thump ~ a Finnish girl broke my virginity back in 1996, celebrating xmas in Gran Canaria to escape some holiday stress for once. It was one "manhood achived" for the rmemories and I actuaally have a funny story about it to tell in person 'cause it happened/i met her at a discotheque in Puoerto Rico. We where penpals for a couple of years I still remember her smell/taste/feeling. Also much later travelling India, the best people I spent time with there where Finnish people. I hope to visit Finland one day.
  20. Am I rude if i ask, shouldn't this be in the DJ section? Perkale vitto makarena - are all the trax played btw. inhouse artists/tracks?
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