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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. Oh.. Sorry man. I didnt see that. But that wasnt what I was trying to prove anyway. I just hope you see my point. The Luciana track is Drone music. Its not supposed to be variated and "entertaining" as "Mystery of The Yeti" i just think it was a bad comparesing to a great travell track peace?
  2. If Juno is THAT good or not is of cource a matter of taste. But even if you like their music or not you should be able to look at their work as one. Juno's sound is so rich and mature imo. I love it.. But anyhow.. Lu-ci-ana was released in 1994, before they where world known. This is their first release as Juno Reactor. So I think your comment about this track only beeing respected because its Juno is wrong! And who are you to compare "Mystery of The Yeti 1 & 2" with Juno's "Lu.ci-ana" Cinos? No offence on your musical skills at all.. But look at this. Juno Reactor - Lu.ci-ana = Drone music.. Drone music is supposed to be.. well you called it boring, I call it inovating.. (call it a trip through space or whatever) This is music that damands a better ear then with other music styles that just lets you have sounds and variation. Remember that commercial pop music is build on the principle that you love.. I also love good psy/ambien/chill music that "entertains" me.. I'm not ignorent or anything. But I also love and respect Drone music. Eventhough it can be a bit "hard" for some people to apriciate. But thats a good thing. Wouldnt want everyone to love my music. That would make me less special.. heheh. (kinda kidding here) Anyhow.. I think its important to look at music in other angles then just whats entertaining and whats not.
  3. Hi, i got Eskimo -Voodoo people, but only on mp3. And its a 'Lost Promo cd' But i also trust www.discogs.com .. But this i know for shure. its unrealised.
  4. First of al, its them not him. And maybe for a starter i would shooce 'Bible Of Dreams' or 'Shango' And .. WOW.. I had this question posted at www.isratrance.com as well.. and i have been getting more positive responses here at one day, then there at 1 week. So i think i'm gonna come here more often. ;O) And wOp ... Steal the album from your friend and send it to me.. hehe *kidding* Well he is extremly lucky. I would love to have the original. And HELL yhea.. Luciana is a trip and not a track
  5. Juno Reactor has this track called Lu.ci-ana / Luciana. It's a strange track that lasts for 61:20 (1 hour, 1 min and 20 sec) And its all about sounds and basslines. its absolutely fantastic ... Since i have most of Juno Reactor in original i feel that this is my missing link. I got the track in mp3, but i would love to have it in original. Do you know where i can get it? Most important: I'm also wondering what you think of this track? btw. i will not be supprised if no one here has heard the track, very few people know this track. And its a shame.. because Lu.ci-ana is a *strange* trippy track. It's like ... a big ass ghost ship/tanker that travels from world to world. Sometimes it visits a beautiful place with humming and "singing" .. but some places.. things get kinda scary. But it never gets scary in a stressfull way. Its always very calm and floating. Just love the way the bass comes and goeas away. Luciana is maybe one of the strangest trips i'v ever takan. And it seems like they have used some of the sounds from the album; Transmissions (1993) ... I want to buy the original god damn it.. I can see how people dont like this track.. But most trippers should love this adventure. (Straight people will mostly nOt like this album/track.. But i hope i'm wrong about that... ) To see what track/album i'm talking about; http://www.discogs.com/release/61352
  6. ! OH MY gOd...Fuck me beautiful... Take sOme aCid/mExiCana (ore some Norwegian magic mushroom, fleinsopp) and take the volume up... Fucking Aiii.. Cd 2 Kinda sucks dough.. Rating... 9/10 BUT my friends.. nothing is better then -iNfeCted musHroOm- 100/10... My brain is a hole in the universe. ) -jAn_eRik-
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