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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. Wow, amazing. I posted porn in a silly group and got away with a mild warning. And on priv msg this porn (heavy lesbian xmas vagina eating and tit sucking) was passed around a lot and nothing has happen from it ... I've not done anything to violate their rules before and been on Face since 2008 .. How you managed to get kicked off after a week and a priv msg with psynews link is beyond me. Congratz. ---- about your dream. BEST OF LUCK REALIZING IT! These things makes life that extra enjoyable but don't beat your self up if you do not manage to make it. At least you tried (with that ,,respect" mentioned intact"). --- i personally think your elaborate Artist~RTP, Distribution- sounds wrong. But you do stuff your way and that's awesome in it self. Tip, release Pave.. I mean nhjo_Whatshisname ;b Peace, Love, and serious humour. 'We KER a Lot' Btw. My 2year old dog I'm so proud of him. Pic was taken today.
  2. Ok I'll give it a shot, try some tracks from this album: https://materialmusic.bandcamp.com/album/dna-goa-records-lp I recommend the track Psychic Power :)(:
  3. ^ She's a villain .. That tune is so stolen/inspired from Infected Mushroom Aion name is not decided yet .... We'll see.
  4. Excuse me but is this, And this .. Not new? .. Opinion?
  5. Honestly man, IM(H)O. When you call your label Records, you should respect it and release -a- physical release .. A proper record. Or else you could have chosen a humbler label name like RTP Music, RTP Productions, RTP Recordings, or smth else suting/correct. Good luck tho' .. My 1,2 cent. Respect. I personally Love what Dave did here with his label (Rekkords). https://schlabbaduerst.bandcamp.com/
  6. ^ 'mazing emotions, i also revisited the LP this morning 'cause of your post, and now I'm gonna clean housr and listen to this ^^
  7. Wøy! Der var den på plass. Har vært så mye dittdatt i det siste så jeg glemte faktisk helt av det og den. MATERIAL MUSIC fra Erland Yildiz har gitt ut siste rest av gamle best på Hi-Trip Records fra San Francisco, USA! Fett nok. Låt 1 er basstung, låt 2 er strammere. Stolt av deg kompis. Det har vært en fornøyelse og erfaring tjent. Glad vi kom i slags godt mål. 2012-2018-2020 Big B M with #XXPSY:;) *SIGH* Bandcamp: https://hi-triprecords.bandcamp.com/.../material-music... Psyshop: https://www.psyshop.com/Optic-Experience-Material/htp1dw112/ Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/release/optic-experience/3161180 Tidal: https://tidal.com/album/158771284 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5ciw1chjx4CArcA9eCDmqV... YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist... Soundcloud: + + + worlwide shops/streaming. Go fetch!/
  8. Agree ^ This VA has some interesting names https://www.discogs.com/DJ-Nick-Goa-Times-Now-And-Then/release/1380544 This one has IM on it https://www.discogs.com/DJ-Nick-Output/release/978116 Pussy https://www.discogs.com/DJ-Nick-In-Lak-Esh/master/692872
  9. I think it's bcs his music soundquality at release date sounded outdated, and the cheeky tackyness was not everyones cup of chai. < to keep the comment short (03:31 Zzz)
  10. In my personal clear memory this album https://www.discogs.com/Vegetal-Free-Thinkers-Are-Dangerous/release/687649 was the first and it made quite the discussion Later you have this, but how political is it according to the OT: https://www.discogs.com/Dark-Whisper-Spirit-Of-An-Age/release/3942774 @Padmapanihttps://www.discogs.com/Xenomorph-Demagoguery-Of-The-Obscurants/release/1142548
  11. *host* *hark* spytt* *slim* *svelg* *gulp* https://kaliearth.bandcamp.com/album/forte-ep
  12. Is the 3rd track on this EP kinda what you're thinking about? Genrewise it's quite the original and crossover style by the Artist. https://kaliearth.bandcamp.com/album/balder-ep and I'd say the 2nd track is also that, original style .. Track one is also that maybe but for sure more mimic'ing the Forest style ..
  13. & @ 140bpm vol. 10! Reminder to all, that the tracklists IDs are in the information of the uploads. Enjoy #10!
  14. You know it's quality worth supporting. https://sebtaylor.bandcamp.com/album/organic-technology-the-remixes
  15. If you have not heard his FUSION album, you have no idea of the immense quality album you've missed out on. If you've heard it, even own it. You know very well what beauty / impressive / amazing stuff I'm talking about. https://sonicturtle.bandcamp.com/album/fusion PS. All his releases are at NYP / Free https://sonicturtle.bandcamp.com Adham Shaikh
  16. Not too shabby, pretty cool & driving Goa-Trance stuff. Worth a full listen or a skip into the Goa madness if you're unpatient: https://hi-triprecords.bandcamp.com/album/art-alien-love-without-limits-hit107-hi-trip-records *2nd track, woha
  17. Yes you're really right, and well spoken .. Some artworks man, know the psychedelic secret(s). I can do nothing but utter respect and admiration. Thanks for your spot on post. This normal artwork has always facinated me, because it's so ,,normal" and in it's own right, creepy. An old painted portrait of someone. I never did look at it on a psychedelic. https://demontearecordings.bandcamp.com/album/odd-harmonic-coincidentalism PS. I've been told by Hutti Heita that he and Procs pioneered the modern Forest bass/kick thingy like 20 years ago or so. Not together, just in general. I find that statement interesting.
  18. For what's worth I agree with AstralSphinx about yhe Talpa biz. And for me pulling this out makes me feel dated: https://www.discogs.com/Psyknights-A-Faint-Light-From-The-Depth/master/23266 Not Talpa: https://procs.bandcamp.com/album/touchdown-in-hizzytown-lost-theory-2012 Pigeonholing music kinda ruins it #PSYTRANCE is in it self withour rules or boanderies. What matters is it it is Psychedelic or not, something you'øl more or less truly realize on a trip .. objectivity?-retorical.
  19. Coooool! Velkommen tilbake, much love & respect to you and very eager to hear your new stuff
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