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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. ^ Anak was a mod on Isratrance back in the heyday He gave/sent me his Vinyl copy of Sandman's Psycho Toones many many years ago.. I'll never ever forget and not appreciate that. What a cool release:) And the guy made some nice music holding up his own unique sound and yeah I guess style Do not know how he's doing today.. Hopefully he has a good life:)
  2. ^ the two last posts are very cool BTW. 50e, so he knew he had gold eh. E. Oh yeah, OK https://www.discogs.com/Paradise-Connection-Paradise-Connection/release/166214 My post today.. I shopped for the Space Tribe album, but incl a couple more releases from the seller (single was 1e, and the isratrance vs have Scotch and Look at Me in it):
  3. This VA from sst came to mind trying to connect track 2 https://www.discogs.com/Various-The-Digital-Dance-Of-Shiva/release/50058
  4. + Shpongle - Shiva Space Technology Yes I recommend you CPC albums maybe if only one the Subliminal Messages album which is really really good hardware , https://www.discogs.com/artist/198829-CPC-2
  5. DAT's Analog Visions VA And the 50th Parallel VA by Suntrip
  6. I'd like to know the IDs as well. I'm especially curious about the 2nd (99/00) track...
  7. I don't know bro, 36? This is Digital http://3six.net/album/ego-death but on his - 3six- bandcamp page you can buy CDs and other physical formats. Else you always got www.discogs.com -- http://ultimae.bandcamp.com/album/nordic-circles-live-nuit-hypnotique-4 BTW. Most of the tracks here on this double CD, are true Ambient divine http://firesofork.bandcamp.com/album/the-fires-of-ork
  8. I've got trust in them. And just bought the CD. Delays happen so it's fine. Yeah your right. Comments in BC are usually for people giving their helpful opinion about the release. DAT's info on the release if one reads also gives us the perfectly good explanation for why this VA release is delayed. Hallucinogens 3
  9. Delays seem often to be a name of the Goa Trance game. I'm really curious about the rest of the Analog Vision 3 tracks.. Actually got my finger on the pay with PayPal button, but the supported by comments got me thinking.. http://datrecords.bandcamp.com/album/va-analog-visions
  10. I got the CD release in my mailbox here the other day, http://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-50th-parallel SUNTRIP 50th Celebration REVIEW First of all the coverart pack has a nice gloss, or call it shine. 1. Ketzhal - Garden Of Nyagrodha Trees – beautiful intro and an immediate recognition of the Ketzhal coda. Tingling trigger the kick which kinda feels like home, and we're off on our journey through Suntrip's 50th celebration release. The track escalets to a roll of fun and the soft caressing of fluits and other atmospheric elements fill the air with open air magic. And when the melody arrives its all smiles and happy sunshine vibes. A true sympathetic and pleasant Goatrance track. No wonder this persons music is so much liked. It truly represent a wonderful en joyous experience of eastern melodies and western electronics. I heard this producer is afraid of travelling by flight. Well, that's kinda weird because he makes music that fly safely very well. 2. Cosmic Dimension - Deviant Behaviour – Has a mystic intro and a notion of true Goatrance vibes. The kick kicks in and its a bit plat but works wonders for what rawness this genre is much about. The touch and progressive power is felt and the journey leads on to marvels in the atmosphere. So far with only 2 tracks barely passed, I'm happy to receive a massive notion of being in a festival surrounded by lovely spirits dancing smiling waving their spiral arms and kicking up some dust from the ground. This is astral Goatrance for me, very trippy and a trance inducing gratitude and appreciation of the possibility to display deviant behaviour. The track does for sure create some reminisce reminding that we are all inspired 3. Triquetra - Electronomic – is a acid track that takes us on some sharper turns and harsher travel while injecting the listener with psychedelicness. I can imagine the sunbursts plasma fabric spread out into the galaxy and beyond in some of this tracks layered atmospheric background. Its a harder diffiucult, more serious track. A track that very much gives us the acid drenched 90's but with that little more finesse to it which our present and past days offer. It's a wonderful star reaching track that lifts both arms and spirit up to higher levels. 4. Sykespico - Visit Earth – From what comes above in strange tingling fields of visitation. A rise of emotions and a unidentified field of objects visiting earths citizens. We're in for a levitating soft travel with hard enough Goatrancekicks. Angelic and soaring, acid prowess which keeps the track in a -keeping it real type of- charm. I like these flying saucerswaggling about in the transparentness of the Goa heavens.. Warm, old, true, new, gold, and a touch of innocence that in it all has a well felt PLUR stigma to it. And dance, to let your self go. 5. Hada - Imaginarity -- Well this jumped at me as being something of the darker realm, pretty much a solid Ka-Sol kick and you know, those Buddha Battled and cool acid synths working with you. It's a very cool track indeed. Progressing, and adding nice elements that just keeps the flight stellar and comfortable. - twilighted and star searching awesomeness. Its impress throughout it's progressive journey which also includes a fluit and an amazing lifting synthline before the whole track stops. 6. Crossing Mind - Over Time Frame – After a pretty stellar cool ride with the previous track, things are melowed down and sprayed with sweet liquid spray until a sturdy rugged beat and Goa kick comes on flowed by flickering voices singing through the meta.The melody flow and lines leading to the end of the track, is really really nice and encouraging to feel free 7. Clementz - Trilafon -- A deep and eerie entity leads to bubbling Goatrance synth and a pushing kick that feel rugged with its added elements. The synth work comes in -not unexpected- like a storm of sun and grains of sand. The tempo and all is legit Goatrance into the spine. I'm not sure if you can get more basically real to the genre then this raw hardware material. Doesn't become much more embarked then this stuff in my humble opinion. Totally generic on the surface, but super authentic with so much personality and felt passion for the Goatrance. Maybe a bit crude for some folks. But overall an ace example of what the fuck Goatrance actually is. Goatrance being a much more narrow genre then it's say offspring, Psytrance. I think this Clementz track and the Sykespico track contain the same kind of pure Goatrance stamp. Totally old school analogue delight. 8. Median Project - Life Line -- After the hands-on Clementz ride we are greeted by Russian language that delivers us a more modern sounding piece with patience and a sense of being on top of it, not having so much worries, almost over the edge of being well formulating. Sure the track sounds not so modern compared to much else out there, but after a ride through varies era sounding Goatrance tracks on this first CD on the Suntrip 50th celebration release, this track comes off as being much more in present time without even smelling a bit like full-on, and ready to deliver a stable ride. It's an OK track i think and has this open space grandnes alla Dimension5 about it - I think even though im no expert.. It has good melodies which play nicely and provides that open-space trance-drive with a very delicious deep synthline carrying the track nicely. It's a bit more Goatrance for the grownups maybe who cant take so much hassle and fuss, which makes it a pleasant well-crafted not overly shocking travel - a journey track for sure and a nice way to finish off CD 1. Because after this, the moon seems ready to shine it's sunlight to us. -------- 1. Battle Of the Future Buddhas - Faster Than Light -- Cool beans, travel light. .. To be continued one night
  11. Holy fucking christ! Stfu Richpa and perorder-release this beast already The T looks stunning! Will it be easy to figure out my right size? Will it cost an arm and leg? Will the post expenses be steep? When can I buy this, should I reload the Neogoa-bandcamp every minute til it's finally released? Wow. This LP I've been waiting for since the EPs release... So it's been a while now!! Boom boom
  12. Artist: O.O.O.D. Title: You Think You Are By now, most psytrance heads know that the reason why we as sonic spectators rarely get to experience OOOD live on the yearly festivals around the globe, is mainly due to the fact that they as a live group, consist of 4 interactive members. And four (musicians, dj's) members of a humble yet powerful and quality marked psychedelic trance act without being a typical household name who pulls shitloads of prty-ppl, are usually expensive to book – especially with travel & accommodations in mind, organizers (who are often looking for income security more then a psychedelic security..) do not get out of bed all that often to book OOOD in full. But of course the OOOD's wants to be booked, so they have solutions for you if your event wants to make something OOOD happen ---- So regardless of OOOD's high quality throughout the 24 years of existance (imagine that, 24 years .. thats a long time, Babas), they are not really that commercially or mainstreamingly known, except maybe for their -now old- «Just a Ride» track with the famous Bill Hicks roller coaster sample, which isn't even by OOOD, but by Voice of Cod consisting of only 1 OOOD member. OOOD has -as many know- been in the scene providing quality Psychedelic Goa-trance music since the mid. 90's. And for the last 10 years or so the more active OOOD on the webs, Colin, has among others made quite the goood impression on providing sought-after mastering for labels and artists. Which pays, and also gives OOOD (The Stooodio) general attention and remembrance. Else I know Steve OOOD is an active dude as well. Maybe a new OOOD album is in the making? It's been about 6 years since this You Think Yoo Are album on Vertigo Records.. So I read remarks that this quite brilliant You Think You Are album by OOOD doesn't have any «hits», a track that stands out from the rest of the album outside the overall albums eclectic gloryness and groove. I disagree on this. The intro track «K.A.R.R. - album edit» starting with a cutie greeting and the promise to be protected by a knight... is one amazing ride. I often come back to this track which in return leads me to listen through most if not all of the album. Let's say that I come for the strong kick, and stay for the mesmerizing content. The huge amount of pleasurable and ear catching subtle details which is all over (!!!!) in such positively felt ways, is of pure psychedelic technoided QUALITY. Which kinda makes this whole album a hit not needing or wanting a «stand-out-track». The album in the most pleasurable way remind me a lot of Koxbox's «The Great Unknown». Such variation without loosing its homogeneousness. It's funky, detailed and smooth, techno-cidered full-on, with highly psychedelic oddness (Them bends, man. Such amaze), and the overall groove with pearly details layered beautifully makes this album to be a tasty and flavorful cake with many jummy tastes. Great production and so so much to whetstone your ears, body and mind on! The cover-art and its motive is really nice, and reflects the album very nicely. So yeah, Oh Oh Oh D.... what a fly album. Enjoy the ride. Totally groovey. And pretty hoovering actually. Sturdy and solid but also soft and damn funky, pretty wise as well. Drums from the deep calls all psychedelic blaster master ravers. O.O.O.D. which obviously is a stretching of the -jut of land- word «odd», is a shortening for Out Of Our Depths. Which is coool. These psychedelic people, the OOOD, really smell like the best of people. Full of love, humour, compassion and understanding - also comes off as somewhat openminded yet sceptic - not being blind nor rejecting. Right now, I'm so hungry I'd love to go for a english pizza with pepperoni on the train-station. I'm flexi-vegan btw. I know I am.
  13. Got only about a dollar in my account for a while but for sure I'll be supporting and getting this release.. Will have to think about getting the physical or only the digi to save money, space and.. Yeah well.. Enviroment I have to admit I really hoped Proxeuus' new SC track would be on this album... That SC track, which I won't name here now, surely left me the most impressed so far. Maybe it will be on a VA..? Time will show. I have Proxeeus' previous madness LP and it's defo one of the top releases for me from the Neogoa label who released it. Peace
  14. Hey, your music is very nice, been there with it. So much positive prop to you for your outputs. May i ask whats the art connection /why? http://avatarmusic.bandcamp.com/album/amnesia https://youtu.be/OBe-ImPUqdw
  15. Anything extra is welcomed in my book. Free ekstra stuff w̶i̶t̶h̶ m y order.. I got a small printed poster when I ordered the new Goch with Friends album from India made/drawn by Whrikk I like the incense stick that Ultimae Rec. allways include in each order. Stickers of any kind are allways fun, patches can be cool .. .. and there is more special free "merch" provided with orders out there. This label https://kaliearth.bandcamp.com/album/love-magic-the-dust-album i know (first hand) also deliver with each physical order a hand made -on order- crochet pouch that has an incented treated woodstick on it for closing the hand made pouch.... I'll add some of the sent-out orders as images below. Really anything unique and special incl. for free in a order is kewl beans in my book. Some like to incl. glossy flyers, or postcards .. Danger of them becoming thrown away as garbage really depends. So the moral question of creating more garbage arrises. With my Unknown Cause purches I also got a freebee like a keychain-wooden-square. I use it to this day on my key-set (got it in 2012) and am happy for it.. It could have ended as garbage. But it didn't. I like to get free music as free merch with my order. I have experienced getting another artists CD for free when Ive ordereed a album from label. Be it a physical release they need to rid.. or a flyer with free DL-code. Outside the free merch here & there It's nice for those who can afford it to offer label/artist merch like hoodies or tees or something else unique and/or funny. Its best when the product is somehow cool and usable, of course. What Penz above is writing about clothes is very true for me as well. Plus it tends to be very costly to buy (yes of course im willing to pay little extra for good long lasting quality). Some items are just for fun .... *save the enviroment*
  16. Holy. I didnt know. I loved the original Oddworld 20 years ago.. Ive never played any of the bonus (followup) games..and never got around to play the highly recommended New n Tasty (upgrade of the original game) .. but for this, and whenever FF7 remake gets released... i will buy a new PlayStation.. Then i can hope for a Great new WipeOut as well.. what OST http://www.oddworld.com/soulstorm/
  17. I'm positively biased when I post it's intro track is such a goood Love & Magic (surprise!) edit original @ it
  18. I'm not lying when I post Its also full of unteleased gems ..
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