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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. Life on other planets in our universe, it's not impossible that Earth is the only / first planet with what we presume to be intelligent physical life-forms. Why and how would I claim that "there is NO life on other planets", compared to "THERE IS life on other planets"? Also here, I'm agnostic -any extremism, ism, ism, is usually a negative. "agnosticism is the view that human reason is incapable of providing sufficient rational grounds to justify either the belief that God exists or the belief that God does not exist" Well, thats what he said. I have to find a new box now? - I find it interesting that someone once said that the universe would not have existed if it was perfect. So that means a perfect universe is a non-existing physical one? These are deep to steep, and fun questions, as long as you don't chopp off your arm, right? Also, i liked this one, "There is no racism, there is only tribalism"
  2. No doubt. ... btw this reminds me of the slit-theory and observer.
  3. how dare you It can be about exactly the same i think. Transcendent experience? Its another mean to reach a state. Pray, listen to music you love. Dance, meditate. It's just that some want there to be a God to masturbate. How your molecules shape and fire because of the way you direct your mind and being is about the way you direct your truth and energy, so to listen to Psykovsky for some can be close to God for a non-religious person because the same neurons etc fire...But this is where you feel its wrong and "preposterous" because I think you think and feel (?) that you have come further and know better in your search and experience for an ultimate approach to God and the including Spirituality. At least your opinion comes off like that for me. What is "spiritual" for you, and do use the Miriam Webster or smth to clear what spiritual means.
  4. For sure https://www.gotquestions.org/is-the-Holy-Spirit-God.html
  5. What do you mean, but? Spirit. I don't get your doubt as a free human being on what agnostic (box) is compared to atheist (box - hello) - both discussing a question/faith of God and being Religious or not. We're living breathing creatures, that's pretty spiritual in it self. The rest is on PM, PLUUR (Peace, Love, Understanding, Unity, Respect). spiritual beings .... physical bodies ... I wouldn't like to have that Spaghettioctopus creature/spirit inside of me The introduction words, says it Much.
  6. Why not open the 2018 vote now (people can edit their post for a year), and then release the result for Best of 2018 in Mars/april 2019, and so the beat goes .. or smth like that. Must be better then to cramp such a fun and ,,important" list into 3 weeks or 2 months, especially with such low activity on it and the forum.
  7. https://globular.bandcamp.com/track/overcoming-occhiolism
  8. well this was supposed to be a PM

  9. Good for you! How long is your beard now? Ever tried Ayahuasca? I cried on Adham Shaikh if I remember right since the night had more albums as OST, a day/night with a.i.c.r. Androcell, Ott, mr. Shaikh (!!) was the most spiritualistic experience (the "drug", accompanied by the music - but if one forgets the music, the dmt) in my life after years with psy &party experiences and being a agnostic person if have to be put in a box, was Very genuine and beautifully spiritual. (2005> -thanks to The Green Channel - Maan, the Shpongle night we had the other Aya-heya time, was such a whirlwind of dance:D)). The Shaikh's Fusion has some very psychedelic-trance in its own right inside Especially when the Aya takes hold I wonder, anyone with Iboga experience (, and music)? Must be tears involved * I cried today .. my mom died 9 years ago today, at around 00:30 and JaƮa's Missing song reminded
  10. whups, was supposed to go as PM


  11. ^ + Cypher Else, I think the answer can not be found in the fact that I think Khetzal's Ganesha Pramana is directly inspired by Shakta & MoonWeeD's Micronesia track. Cypher's album iMusic is a really good one isn't it(:
  12. OK! I should have thought about this before! A friend of mine bought me this AND IT IS GOOD. Zenon, heavy zen on https://zenonrecords.bandcamp.com/album/lifeblood + this I know is good but I haven't heard the whole thing yet: https://zenonrecords.bandcamp.com/album/fermented-behaviour
  13. Seems to me that the "normal" trance scene and the "psychedelic" trance scene is melting together in a new way the general trance scene has not seen in many year? It was the Paul Oekenfold Dragonfly time, and then it was the Yahel times with Tiesto, and then the progressive scene with Full-on and it ventured to the We Believe in the Power of Amarican Natives 1990's flashback of the tribal of i.e. ViniVici (together with Hilight Tribe, of course).. My (lack of) knowledge/recapping right there Any opinions about this? I'd love to read someones view and recapping. Besides life and all - drug use aside and let the music be the music please; It seems to me that the one trance side consume the chemicals (simple), and the other side (is supposed to) consume entheogenics (more on the difficult side). IBOGA.. Its like the father of psychedelics right, where ayahuasca is the mother? Synthetic? Both GHB and LSD are synthetic, you pick your choosing. One is associated with Full-on Prog. e. R' Iboga doing a kinda "cconverting vegetarians" thing, or did it start out like that, that's to say, help people out of an abusive drug- and lifestyle and in to the wonders and love of Psytrance, or does it make these (young) people become E'tards? Im not sure..... Soma of these warriors are amazing people make no doubt. Protectors, lovers, fighters, hippies at soul. Generalizing folks has never been a good idea. 1 love 1 family 1 earth 1 party 1 future 1 containing many numbers. Diversity e2. I'd like to take a second and talk about diversity: But first some music here at radiopiousspam yes they do great in the DJing its same same but different (one inspired the others basstart) Diversity. I love this video, because of all the individuals. They are diverse, they are all unique in their own way. Sure they act as one and there are some grouping going on. But they are 1. See the trees for the forest. Did this make some non-sense? Thumbs up its kinda random (no persons feelings are meant to get hurt or especially insulted by this weird but true post, especially MWNN, thank you) http://dai.ly/x52xdel
  14. The title says it all (album), and i did find this topic but other then ISHQ i didn't take so much actual help from it without checking out all the recommendations, which includes a lot of albums not really that calm for sleeping. Whats you best tip? 36? Zzzz......
  15. I don't have it but have heard it well. And what I like a lot about it that impressed, was the production Aka calculation. Very timely all the decisions in the tracks. Smart, as the album title suggests... I flunked algebra math btw
  16. and the Spindrift / Miraculix intro (1st / 3rd track on VA) is mmmmazing! Great VA!!!!
  17. *you know when you dj and you have to reach a knob so your arms cross? The dj who first did that did not do it to look cool, he/she did it because it was necessary. I love this video:
  18. I like to think I have no expectations other then to have a good time regardless. I love transitions, and especially if they involve tracks that I have a thing for. Like *sigh* if a oldie Infected Mushroom track comes in a mix, I'm all emotionally and aurally pointy ears on it catching every single detail of what the transition creates. If the DJ uses any effects to enhance or manipulate the track. And yes ,,errors", or not perfect DJing can easily be charming and cool and create real Wow moments - when its not terrible or train wrecking. A DJs nightmare. Some use it to their benefit and create lovely mayhem. Escalating to the challenge of bringing it back home again... Chaos in to order. Beatmatching CDs and Vinyls is and can be a real treat. I love effects but also respect the pressure of playing live.. I'm not overly exited on buff club DJs that don't fuck around with the music if the music has the space and structure/meaning to allow it. Unless the flow and tracks and whatnot story just manages to impress. There are no rules. But the more ARTISTIC a DJ is, the more cool. But also cool if the DJ is pure and full of integrity. A DJ anyway no matter how artistic, is a person who presents and serves other peoples creations. I do not like DJs that fake and gives the impression that they made the tracks when they have not. I love artistic DJs as well as professional presenters. The new digital-DJs out there have a lot of free hands sort of say (Boom Shiva) to go even further with the artist way of DJing. Skillful DJ's got all my respect. The music can even suck when the Dj just knows what she or he is doing. Anyway once more its gotta be said, chasing the beats in beatmatching. So awesome and exiting. When it comes to live DJing (gig) and having the balls or uterus to fuck around with the music. Of course its not so easy sometimes to play with effects on a packed dancefloor if your not warm in the sweater sort of say - all the fuzz about being nervous to not fuck up and make people leave. And yes sure, the wilder fuck around with the music suits often more for the living-room at home party kinda situation - dare-full DJs are Great in my book. What I Dislike in Full-on I Like just as much, as a listener, dancer/attendee & DJ with mixer/effects. The boring Full-on came as I got it much out of the DJ circulations, and they created seemingly boring (psychedelic space) Full-on with empathy on the audio being top notch.. Djs with skills can lead that well. Kick it to the left, follow the glitch.. Throw them with sonic gravity.. Anyway a lot of smart music can seem boring. And some psy-trance music is just that, boring cocky music with a coke in the hand. Piss easy to beat-match, but sure, fun caus' it can be "remixed". I thought Goa-trance was boring for me when I was younger until the microdot melted. That's about 2 decades ago. I'm not a raver either, really - I can sweat it though. So anyway more or less soulless Full-on or Prog. for me never to few times actually hit home. ..rant DJ beatmatching, chasing the beat. Such a rush to both listen and to DJ. Practice, in my experience beat matching and DJing is not xacly as riding a bike. You have to keep the mixer warm if yah know what im saying. Goa-trance and Dark-psy is and can be much more messy to Dj then Psy.Prog, Tech-House and whatnot more club oriented 145esque Full-on, be it dark or light. A lot of wicked twilight gives interesting and enjoyably challenges with all the (o-h-w Fok that's funny thank you) breaks and turns. Killer Tap! ..and so I did, and I better understood a language of DJ-ing. I think if the art of Djing disappears (never), the art of listening to psychedelic (trance) music disapears (nevahahhh) - I made a saying few years back that still holds good imo, Timing is everything, EQ is key. - And I like my saying; To be a psychedelic Dj or Artist comes a great responsibility. Your indirectly responsible for someones trip. To bring someone down, you better bring them back up again. - Fucking around with effects anyway can lead to amazing stuff the mixer gives you its full power true sonic love. It becomes alive like the motor-cross bike in that kids movie from the 80's, Herbie and shitt. I have a 800 mixer. 100s cd players. <- LOVE In this DJ-set the cd-dj decided to include a IM track Many Djs want to have Rama but I think a superhero avatar name without DJ, is a person who made the music. Not a person who rides on other peoples music. You know what Im saying, are you saying what Im knowing? As a attendee with many names on the lineup, I prefer to know who is a DJ, and who is an artist. God DJs are artists, but that,s outside this point. - and what is live? If an artist is there presenting his or her music, it is live. That simple. Even if he does nothing but to stand there and push play/sync.
  19. ibwa, ajeossi, neoneun joh-eun ssibneun gil-eul gajyeossgo neoui eum-ag-eun aju eoli seogda. "nae"teulaeg-eul limigseu hasigessseubnikka? chusin. jeon-e brunostleul masbon jeog-i issseubnikka? limigseue dong-uihamyeon (naega wonhaneundaelo guggyeong-eul bonaegessda.) na-ege gaeinjeog-eulo mesijileul jeonhanda. : ) https://kaliearth.bandcamp.com/album/love-magic-master-xxpsy-systems ^^
  20. tHere we go, it was a Shamanix thingy: https://cronomi.bandcamp.com/track/dream-telepathy The problem with Arthas first album for me was the to much annoyance in it, whining kinda sound. The album is full of it. I think that's pretty much why I stopped listening to it as much as i did in the beginning. The Dream Telepathy album has much less whining annoyance in it. oh damn, also the black marble thing innit ;D So much joynes in these tracks. Original and honoring.
  21. And I'm not sure if I heard Shamanix in the Dream Telepathy album (listening to it again now in full), or if it was the Black Marbles thing. Anyway great album and loads of inspiration inside. We're all dmed to be inspired. I wanna use this over comp-arising opportunity to say that I'm kinda sorry for the review I wrote and got published for the Influencing Dreams album. I was overeager on it having strong inspiration to Shpongle and Hallucinogen done in a real nice and i'd say proper personal way. Over empathizing on it on a fanatic'ish way. Maybe too biased in the moment. And as usual, we many are hungry for that Hallucinogen sonic and emotional amaze especially in that time-period where the wait for Hallucinogen 3 was Too great to handle In. came saviors giving us tastes we've missed. The review is too much weighing on the compare-sing of Artha being a new Hallucinogen, Same with many other reviewers I think. But hey yeah it's true, very similar. i regretted its formulations and overwhelmed a few days after it was published actually. Too much comparing in any way can be totally unfair towards an artist original work. offtopic spam ^warning, contains a "tea-break" Artha is his own original music and professional artist, with an honest direct inspiration honoring to the whole psytrance scene. The selection by the compiler is good and interesting. Love the more psychedelic tech trance track like Theory Of The Ghost . Kinda u-turning the throttle but with much more arthaic melodies. I'm glad I have both full albums on CD/collection. Funny to hear the different approach on mastering / album sound on the first, to this second album. The latter being much more bassy in the room.
  22. The new Artha btw has a more darker edge to it, one track even has some black marbles innit... Kinda like Twisted is Hallucinogen's "light" album, and The Lone Deranger is the "dark" album. Artha's Dream Telepathy is in the darker corner as well- I like it a lot. Great work done with and on it. Btw. the very intro of the El Es Di track pulls me so back to some track I can not recall, anyone? Those few seconds, that gliding light sound.... then the tikking start and the awesome beat pumps inn. But the very few first seconds, where do I have that sound and way from!? it returns at 03:32 seconds >>>>> https://cronomi.bandcamp.com/album/dream-telepathy
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