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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. Lawrd have mercy I love this: http://shop.vertigo-records.com/track/mosgorsvet (its with CPC, Stereomind is his older name..)
  2. I hope they know what their doing! Because this is really cool! Bless the future, in trance we trust Right Is tribal .. good people https://youtu.be/QQ9WWvV_ThY?t=27s what was in when there was desert war? I believe, in the spirit of the american natives? add-on: @ 52 minutes.. make love dont fight http://68.media.tumblr.com/870e6cfec186369154078940d1a160c1/tumblr_mpey5jaHLe1qcgwn4o1_500.gif Highlite Tribe for the win. : / P.L.U.Understanding.R. It is very possible for a big dj to build a long ride from what they want "" to what they need "" at hand example, is from Progressive to Goa >> https://www.mixcloud.com/synchronithesia/soundz-of-destiny-presenterer-a-night-of-batboner-p-a-r-t-2/
  3. 15 euro smth incl. shipping! I was surprised, i thought it was gonna be ex. shipping. ...our talking legal issues or smth? The beatmatching to Lepton DeedraHead isnt very good, but fun to have ... whats up? They have Overdream music, thats good.. The are overgrounding some quality though .. a lot"" of Asia2000 and Goa Gil, but still funn selection of tracks to ,,overround". Not the typical .. fullon, prog. Early works,.. everyrone is inspired, .. sounds like Tandu >> https://avatarmusic.bandcamp.com/track/the-infinity-project-phosphoressence-doors-of-perception-mix
  4. listen to that deeep thunder rolling bass! Track is from 96? https://avatarmusic.bandcamp.com/track/kuro-thunderstorm
  5. appreciate, recognize outside and inside one owns standards or taste. (had a wow moment on this album) Ive not listened much of it, but i have to to agree also on Astrix new album. https://arabdigitalhommegaproductions.bandcamp.com/album/he-art It might be really good stuff. The reason why i havent heard so much is that i quickly end up changing music the few times ive tried to listen to it, but.. i do recognize it as being (as far as my skillset takes me) VERY well produced though. OP minded. +the guy has spent so many hours in the music production cockpit it's probably respectfully ridiculous. Speaking of sophisticated Void Mantra, this hit my mind: https://yggdrasilrecords.bandcamp.com/track/loke-riding-bridges (i reviewed it and was not so positive, the creator replied with a very indepth of why the track did not ,,suck" which i think he maybe have deleted now.) you like? its apperently a piece of art where the melody is devided and fancy stuff i can not retell, only let you listen and be your own judge what is love. I know I personally do not especially love any of the music posted above, except i love psytrance. I like the statement that Tastes are like a**es. they come devided and usually they stink. I like the Op as the hard question it is. Outside the subjective more into objective if you manage, whats the best produced psytrance album? iyho? sure.. Whats best produced, Yggdrasil ‎– Prose Edda , or Shpongle ‎– Ineffable Mysteries From Shpongleland what is production? reminder of the humble OP: Hello, what is in Your oppinion the best produced (technically, stereo effects etc.) psytrance album? Thanks! Kind regards ME? I am not a manifested producer of music. Id love to make some sounds one day though
  6. - for present time of the few releases i know of, id have to agree on the Ultimate Xperience EP from Neogoa Records. Its now. Impressive. Wonder how the album will ,,seperate" it self from the E.P..
  7. ^ The "yawn" is an exaggeration btw. In lack of better writing https://www.mixcloud.com/te_oma/teoma-live-at-synchronithesia-fullonpsytrance/ above and below mix' contains a lot of ethnisity since the party was by chanse (location location) in a Persian club, so I asked the DJs to take the challange and play as much eastern/persian inspired ethnic Psytrance as possible.. I think the result was superb. And the owners of the joint Loved our litle (120 ppl) pre- party a week before we went and had a 7 year anniversery in London with Moonweed.
  8. So obviously your looking for more general psytrance then actual "Ethnic" music So I'll be brief. In 2005 I had an ayauachka trip that blew my spiritul mind. Tears and joy, never been that deep inside my own spirituality before. Kinda freaky, very lovely. In this Aya-session, while making the brew. We listened to 2 albums as I can recall. Maybe 3 including Ott. 1st album was the Androcell - Efflorescence. The thing about me and my taste is that Im not all ethnic and stuff, im more into the ,,fake", the silicon. So Shpongle, Androcell, all of this is super in my earlier taste books sort of say. Then, befoe the brew was to be drunk, we listened also to the Fusion album by Adham Shaikh. I thought it was a tad boring, yawn, i didnt especially appreciate and hear the wonder of it as I would to do later on.. Then we drunk, and in the session, the album was playing again. ..... I could not belive how amazingly powerful psychedelic it was, the tracks, that I thought was kinda slow and stuff, flew like fatser then any 170bpm could ever wow me with. Totally amazing listening experience. So, this is many years ago. I to this day put Adham Shaikh ‎on the very top of my admiration to Ethnic music producers. Such WOW. Such phased and swirley hynothic beats and layers, all frikking amazing. I to this day only own 1 original album by Adham Shaikh. Yes you guessed it, FUSION. If any other albums of his is required to get a hold of because he's such an amazing producer, i will have t get back to them in the future. On my second spot of favorite Ethnic producer, is Kaya Project. Never really tested under the heavy influence, but still appreciate and enjoy much of it. Here are 2 tracks that has a 4x4 beat to set you into psychedelic trance: please 1joy.
  9. Jesus Buddha All humble jungle! Why didnt anyone say this album had the so called IM thing? Such a Devil. ...--- https://suntriprecords.bandcamp.com/track/mindwarp.. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<3 Time flies and this is one awesome album. No wonder if flew high on the 2016 poll
  10. I'm spinning CD 1 of GOA Session by Ritmo (VA). Im on the first track. I bought it because of the IM - Psycho (LOUD / Domestic Remix). I like the honesty of the sticker on the cover. It sais; "Premium Progressive & Psychedelic Club Trance". Just the word Club there makes me smile. Good on them "seperating" it like that. Call it for what it is, Club trance. Psychedelic? Yeah sure, quality so far. So this is a YSE album, compiled by Ritmo. That BIG image of RITMO on the inside folderpage of the CD-case, is not so superb btw. Would be without his upperbody n face inside the CD-box. It makes me almost not want to open it up further to get to the 2 CDs. But then again, on the sticker this double VA is labelled Club trance. . https://www.discogs.com/Ritmo-Goa-Session/release/7542497 Im now on track 2, not my cup of chai. Im happy to own this, it has other quality tracks I might enjoy with friends.
  11. ॐ + (( https://www.discogs.com/Ianuaria-Beware-Of-The-Fish/release/3245194 )), and the Million Years Dance EP on Bandcamp listen to this intro https://www.mixcloud.com/synchronithesia/dj-salamandra-just-chill-out-its-lovemagic-the-new-year-edition-03-jan-2016/
  12. Not Psytrance but defo something to appreciate. Ive known about 36 for some years now due to my Mattibuddy who owns some vinyls...same guy who passed me the knowledge of Burial. Great guy! I was snooking on 3six' Bandcamp page to buy some CD*s+Files. I first paid for the files to Lithea because it didn't have CD with it. Hypersona, Hollow on CD next, was the plan, then I saw this https://3six.bandcamp.com/subscribeand action changed. I supported by buying a 3six Subscription, so I now own all the 36 artist releases, pluss so much more (like 10% discount on physical releases)! See posted link, So worth it. He only charges 22 pounds, and you may give more!! np. Tape Series: Green **outside of bandcamp, Circular CD album(s), fixed/on its way : )
  13. Yeah Dracul is totally fun drunk (shrooms or not) hanging over eachother shoulders waving arms "singing", cheering. Ive maybe had too much fun Getting more ,,boring" though, no worries. Peace'n Love. e. Im sorry about your chant"" asscosiation btw. I get your collage hooligan referance/vibe.. but thats not where that track or section was, or is for me.
  14. There is a difference between singing, and hymning. ----- That Dracul comment tells me you've not had so much fun in your life. Thats a terrible comment to an awesome section (imho). https://youtu.be/ynBgM795efo?t=4m44s . All the comments around makes me really wanna get a hold of The Citiy of Moons soon. Btw.
  15. Thats a very nice review Antic:) - the first half of it was better then the last (I think the overall homage to OTT/Shpongle is nice and respectful, and all the singing and chanting (that i agree is a tad too much according to personal taste) is cute/charming and feels local and meaningfull to the artist/town..), but still on. Here's x-ing that you will write a good (questionable?) review of IM's new soup. Man, that Manipulator .. I bet the whole album is just full of singing.
  16. Go here one night or day and snook around, http://forum.isratrance.com/yu'll feel all silent hillish! See what monsters lurk around, some places there is movements ..
  17. Here you go: https://www.discogs.com/artist/268610-Jikooha Because of my fanatism about Yamabikaya, I bought JIKOOHA's first (2003) album which was really cool. As I liked it so much, I also bought their 2008 album unheard. It was totally Goatrance. I didn't expect that. And now Im on Bandcamp playing their 2012 release, which has a Hallucinogen intro tune on it *see youtube link*. Ive not heard their 2006 album Shamanarchy yet. Seems like to me that each album theiv released represent a different style within Psytrance. HALLUCINOGENISH Intro Track> As Goa trance fanatics, Id love to read some of your comments about these crazed GOA-trance producers of Japan, like JIKOOHA! GOA trance> Japan has always facinated when it comes to psytrance
  18. The Psynews 2016 Downtempo Winner https://globular.bandcamp.com/album/holobiont its charm, and loads of respect to its inspiration source. Well deserved 1st place even though the competition was grand.
  19. Then this WINNER album becomes the irony of your joke! *an album of residdent evil scenarier in its story telling.. A concept album. I played the whole album in my old appartment in the middle of a capital city. Doing that, playing a full album out the window (backyard, but still) for sure makes you concider how good the album actually is heard from many varieble ears. Why? I was testing a bluetooth soundsystem I was promised would last 5 hours full power. It didnt. It lasted about 2 hours. Good sound thouugh, impressive. It was Onyx Studios 3 Buy it here for support: https://globular.bandcamp.com/album/holobiont
  20. Good question. Artwork/name on this one is SUPERBlly disturbing, though - Not as bad as Fuckboys in Forest name, and the pickle art-work though. Thats just smth a tad beyond *seee Txs Fgt bandcamp
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