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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. psytones


    Yes the taste is like the ass. Devided and usually it stinks. As quoted by manson in his 1996 lyrics, anti this and anti that, anti human now youve gone too far. Yes that is true, P.L.U.R. (include Understanding as well as Unity, one without the other is fail *see Nazi) Me neither, who in their right mind wants war? Revenge..? Its gonna be an eye for an eye leaving a shit load of people blind. As a human being, as a thinking feeling creature that I am on my outside to my inner side. I am not for fighting (the ill kind), warfare or slavery or supression. My vibe is irritated, not after a fight. As is the vibes of sooo many up-&-going young and old people (ambulatory in their mind?) Being a yellow belt Kickboxer, a dropout Wing Chun trainee .. Id love to arm wrestle you one day. And listen to some Goa This is from a Festival in the middle of a Scandinavian city, i made (arranged) one of their stages... GOA & ChillOut Please watch it, and listen (turn down the poor sound! - but do listen and watch, youll love it)
  2. psytones


    Maybe its time you guys take the wars, figting for freedom and killings to your own ground / land .. Im not that sure the world really wants a superpower like you breathing down our throughts. Being bullies I love trumpets in psytrance, its killer https://beatspace-manicdragon.bandcamp.com/track/cpc-yamass
  3. psytones


    Thanks champ. What do you mean? "As you know there's trump and clinton which one will win." Yes I know who Hillary and Trump are, those are the only names we get to hear about in the rest of the world. And seems to me, its the only names you USA people get to hear about also.. Few to noone seems to know that you people can actually choose another name then the two names most mentioned, Hillary and Trump.. On all shows from The Daily Show (sorry Trevor but you suck) and the Late Show with Stephen Colbert (please, i like these commercial entertainment shows, like The Joe Rogan Podcast Experience. When it comes to these shows, i guess the other solution is not to watch them. I like the some news I get out of say the Stephen Colbert late show. But its not proper, by far. Do you have any entertainment show recommendations?)
  4. psytones


    So how is it for you guys on the 8th. You have to choose to vote Hillary, Donald, or no one? Or how does it work for you us-people? I would be really greatful if someone could explain the choises you have.. Third party,? Why people be bitching If you can choose from more then the two names, and the choise to not vote / blank (a statement of miscontemt, at least your giving a vote, right? PS. heard wikileaks or someone was gonna release some MAJOR chockin news today on the 1st of novemeber, heard anything shocking/exposing today? psytrance
  5. ait, ill be buying that soon. This stuff, from soundcloud,, also smth on bandcamp
  6. ..and Nada, the israeli goatrance act. ?
  7. I can never hate something I have loved so much. So in all evolving agony, i always find something inside somewhere that I like, and also in ways appreciate. Disinfected Mushroom -D Since 2000, i was very unaware of how much influences they had from legends of the goascene, which is Fine. I also since a year around the time UrbanBeats;) decided to remove me from his facebookfriends list did not know how also because of reality that maybe, might, IM not saying but its not that unlikely also from a wholeness view - you hear what you "want" that *puff-puff* tracks like Relase Me, is ..politically terrofying, Gaza, neighbours ..shivering shiva. Then again, the 3rd album give us Kadafi (dont take shit too serious or you'll miss out on the good shit.. or smth like that Over e. speaking of war ~,~ : / https://beatspace-manicdragon.bandcamp.com/album/cpc-double-bouble-manic-dragon-recordsb-| inspired by his grandfather ( excuse me for sharing)
  8. So which is it? Dado the Deedrah *heart&music emoji* himself is in mine and many's opinion one of the absolute most Loved and cheerished artists. He is master. From the co-ups like Transwave to KromeAngels (have your opinions) to the Solo's, of Dado - Deedrah (the smiles), Cypher (the wonder), Frederic Baltimore (quit enjoyible for what it offer), Synthetic (the cid) I think CYPHER - OPIUM is the track by Dado that I least can stand. I'll post it for your listening regurgitation: Else, the iMusic album is in my top favs to own. If you don't have it it's well worth checking out. I recommand most the 7 theories of .. and the starting to feel weird track. Boomboom
  9. Dark, Forest, Core, horror, .... It's all MoL imagination ......... The Goa Gil intro there is ,,just" compos mentis - chaos to beauty I concider this to be Psycore Are you refering to this!? https://psykovsky.bandcamp.com/releases.. or a newer one.. I mean, he's got it all out there now. Indian and japanese......
  10. Wow, i didnt know about the new RA album. Looks really nice Norwegians finest GOA project I think. I bought some music latelly. Juno Reactor is selling signed CDs. I bought the new one, and the Luciana CD. Signed Today I bought on Bandcamp; World of Sleepers by CBL. Digipack 6 foldouts, CD. Only 40 left out of 2000. Costs only 10 euro + shipping. Yeah and I bought the OPSY album, its great.
  11. Maybe Yahel is a really great contact ball juggler?
  12. I'm almost certain that Classical Mushroom contains missed Symphonies from Crop Circle... Like the music between the music.
  13. The new Overdream album. I loved the debut album, and this shows to be defo in the dame realm as Wonderwise, just, more.. Lovely cover art. @rotwang
  14. :wut:... Sorry, wrong link. Didn't mean to be Kygo funny. Here you go! The right one. https://youtu.be/CFm9jjvXjWc
  15. Hey, Q: what's the first GOA -trance VA /Compilation released, be it DAT, CD or whatever. Not talking unofficial ones...though also interesting maybe. I'm asking the very first goa VA - anyone know?
  16. Hey, I don't seem to find a related topic.. Merge if Topic; I'm fascinated as a spectator and when lucky as a DJ, by the Art of Flow. Do you flow with elements to psytrance, be it fire, light, or objects? Poi, hoolahoop, juggling,flairing...? What's your favorite music, artist, is there an album seemingly tailor-made for the Art of object Flow cause the artist is a fire-light flowartist as well as being a musician ? I'm asking more to the -trance side. This is on the other side btw a beaut track; https://youtu.be/bxUOajl5NF4
  17. Ok, 10 top (psy/goa-) trance albums from what I own on original release, is as follows : Pleiadians ‎ I.F.O. [i.dentified F.lying O.bject] Dark Whisper ‎ Spirit Of An Age CPC‎ Über Den Angst Overdream Wonderwise Deja Vu Fabrique ‎ Deja Vu Fabrique Psykovsky ‎ Debut Deedrah ‎ Body & Soul In'R'Voice ‎ Resonance Metaphizix Alienated Buddha ‎ Inpsyde Psysex ‎ Expressions Of Rage Infected Mushroom - Classical Mushroom Astral Projection ‎ Another World Shiva Shidapu ‎ The Album Hallucinogen - Twisted Tandu - Multimoods Toï Doï - Technologic (if I were to buy only one more album from this champ, which one do you recommend?) Hm, how many was that, in what order?
  18. Off the tip of my finger... ARTISTS: Procs BotFB Gubbology CBL Hallucinogenic Horses ALBUMS: VA - Ørebro Freakfactory Derango - Turmult Kiriyama - Reach Escape Velocity Ka-sol - Fairytale Kurbeats - Folktronica Logic Bomb
  19. Juno Reactor - Lu.ci-ana ( Inter-modo / , 1994 ) Img: https://www.discogs.com/Juno-Reactor-Luciana/release/61352 1. Lu.Ci-ana (61:20) Its a machine journey worth visiting. First time I listen to it was at a friends place in 2003 on his massive soundsystem.It was late/dark, we played chess with candles lit and smoked peacepipe while the luciana ship honked. The imagination of what this massive track was, still floats heavy in my soul. Later I learned and appreciated the Lu-Ci-anas true meaning and use. A nuclear arms demonstration For all wishing to hear drone, this is One. ***** Ps. You can now get the album signed by Ben Watkins on Juno Reactor's homepage. There's 1 copy left (30/7-2016) and mine should be on its way to my mailbox. Which is Awesome. Peace & Love, Boom!
  20. ^ i have to tell you, i love Duvdev's voice effects /on the oldee IM trax espec.
  21. Thank you DAT for releasing the cosmic rays - not recieved, or paid for yet (waiting message). But I just ordered this beauty of a rerelease with goodies <3 https://www.discogs.com/Pleiadians-IFO-Identified-Flying-Object/release/7000604
  22. i thought that would be a bit to general.. but ok, thanks for reply. Gonna wait it out a bit.
  23. Crop Circle No More Single: evedently, it became IMs first big "single" (@ 6:06) Play it LOUD. Even I could in 2002 play it on a touriste based club in Greece, Crete, and noone would leave the dancefloor. People would AHYEAH, ya know. IM made psytrance accesible to a whole new wave of generation a year after the release of The Gathering, Disturbed released this uncanny tikkatikkasimiler track
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