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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. ^ One symbol. - <3 - Yeah, thats a heart. That track, is, by far. One of the coolest, I LOVE the drive of it, it is cool and trancey. Thanks for posting!
  2. ^ I voted other and vote the Kadasava album as well.http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/kadasarva-steamagination
  3. If Koxbox had made a re-re-release of "Dragon Tales" in 2013 and it topped the psynews votes, I think that would be really interesting and should be well, included / shown .. . Don't know why I'm expressing my opinion so strongly here now, for me it's really the same same, buut, yeah, it's my now outspoken opinion. I agree to my point statet. Let it be shown that an old album re-released is more poular then the fresh new release. It's cool.
  4. psytones

    I like...

    ^ I defo prefer ssorbet ice cream myself. Well around these parts Kefir always was a drink for old people, because of the benefis it holds to the digesting system etc. Actualy, Biola is the thing now (m, tastes so good) promoted because of that, for both young and olde people.http://tangram.no/tangram/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/BiolaFamilieOM1.jpg ..... Today I bought a Mango Lassi and thought of this thread and your "I Like..." reply. Is it not very much like kefir and this Biola product? At least I thought so while drinking it. Bhang lassi FTW! Balance-Music.... <3 points (Y), I hope to one day feel and live that.
  5. Quote: ...only number of year it has been out of print?! IMO, if www.discogs.com sais a release is from 2013, it should be possible to add it in "your" vote. No matter what re-print or whatever it is.
  6. Still love this track and Maxi-single, so therefor I will *bump* btw. Nice read; http://psymusic.co.uk/forum/threads/infected-mushroom-feat-jonathan-davis-smashing-the-opponent-single-cds.55121/
  7. Infected Mushroom (first 2 albums) with the sound of ie. Procs.
  8. In 2008 you could include a VA with chill and uptempo on both poll sections. I did this with "Opus Iridium (Suntrip Records)". About 2013 re-issue releases and new-release. If it's released in 2013 it's released in 2013, be it re.issue or new-release. Doesn't really matter imo. As long as it's actually released under the tag "2013".
  9. *release* - I thought maybe that actually, trance arose out of Goatrance, and not the other way around. But Ok, I be wrong. Acid/Deep Trance came first, then Goa. Like a dude wrote on face: 1992: acid trance! Deep house! 1993: early deep trance, hard trance which assisted the emergence of Goa. 1994: Goa is out there, ready to upstart things 1995: mostly trance, Goa starts to really emerge. 1996: Goa explodes 1997: Goa births Psy Trance 1998: Goa is dead; psy takes over but isn't refined. Goa is now 'the goa spirit'. 1999: Most of the classic psy elements have been established. 2000: less vinyl; more digital. 2001-2004: progressive and classic psy trance take over. No real innovation except for some. Some neo-Goa acts emerge. 2004-present: Everyone is a producer. The Goa spirit persists. - You should have mentioned the genesis of all Psytrance. Juno Reactor - Transmissions (released in '93) *cry on nose* - Greatish article, kudos on you and your writing. And nice to read a comment from a person who took the time to listen and reply. Racing game Psytrance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFi2AN4SYT8
  10. Aj that was maybe a bit too masterfully done of you Ratwank. :lol: .. I get it, it's just still funny. Thanks Trancedigital. I'll maybe try to read it now, or later. First I might masturbate to Radis masterful face.
  11. ^ HELL-NO *haha, sorry,, * just a typo reaction. When was the term CHILLSTEP coined, ? From summer of 2011, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=352018751501241&set=a.333720056664444.68208.222555624447555&type=3&theater I started to use the term Chillstep after listening to : http://kalyascintilla.bandcamp.com/ because of this thread. <3 it .. http://kalyascintilla.bandcamp.com/album/feeln-good
  12. Hi, in 2011 Japan had a tsunamic nuclear reactor catastrophe which was a sad happening. The Far East producer made this track, which in it's horribleness, is just bloody awesome. https://soundcloud.com/fareastghost/born-this-way-lady-gaga-vs-far I am really wanting to find this track ~ Do you have it, do you know where I can DL it? It is needed for a project. Moderators, if you wish please move this to the Lost-section or where it belongs .. Just though it would get better hits here. Text from Far East's Ghost Soundcloud: " I made this track for charity but could not find good way... so if you like this track , please donate any mount to the sufferers of Japan earthquake & tsunami,2011 and respect to LADY GAGA, thx for your support!! Free Download for 100ppl ----> FInished, thx! "
  13. Ok Richpa, I've made a playlist here for this sleeptrance REM inducing project :: I'll have to check the full albums/VA's in the future .. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGexdWyI0bAyuPWwT56iTluoo8GhTp9R2 I will add more videos/music on this youtube thing as you people come with recommendations. * other sources like Bandcamp is also welcome! Ormion, I want to trance my self to sleep, the flying astral hypnotic thing I get from AP's Dancing Galaxy is the best I've found so far. Got better options? This is "General Psytrance" section after all *your welcome to post your ambient suggestion if please, but it is off topic'ish. I tried your flower album, didn't liek it to much and did defo not put me in trance while trying to sleep. Btw. I made this to put myself to sleep It's ambient (Fires of Ork <3 ) and builds with elements that should interact with dreams: http://www.official.fm/tracks/Ebht - It's actully recorded live in a club, a warm-up set. Ok Johnb820 and U-F-Orb, hit me with tracks for this Q. *Zzzave the Beezz
  14. Alright! Looks like a nice VA playlist to test one night. + full albums/VA to find and check. Thanks Richpa!
  15. Hi, I've always had problems falling asleep at night, and music has most often been my rescue. I really like, stoned or not, to lay in bed and drift into lala-land (sleep) while some hypnotic trance driven astral traveling music is playing in the background. But it's a hard nut to crack to get the right album that does not keep me awake - or wake me up because of something. *I usually turn the bass off at these nights. What album is your strongest recommendation for this problem of mine/yours? If you get my Q. The album I have tried and most often makes me float and become more or less hypnotised by is; Astral Projection - Dancing Galaxy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4o_4ifMd6Y I have tried a lot of albums and genres, and I know Pleiadians' I.F.O is supposed to be very good, but it does not for me do the trick as good as AP's Dancing Galaxy. ~ Exited to read and listen to suggestions from you ! thanx PS. It does not have to be astral, or Goa. But I am defo hearing for Psychedelic Trance albums that might do the trick for me.
  16. psytones

    I like...

    Kefir is for old ladies. I really like that stuff with taste, like rasberry, strawberries, blueberries, etc. I like... Chocolate and Chips. I'm not superfan of candy but these two are my all time fav. I love good chokolate and crisps. This one is : m, good.
  17. ^ here are a couple of videos from a H2O-party including I.Awake, oCeLoT, Ozmali + more me and some friends made in '13 & Hope you'll enjoy *I.Awake warmed up as the first artist. Link to flyer and more info; http://www.omananda.com/healingwater/
  18. Yes well of course, Dros! It is not announced yet and anything might change because thats the way it is without going in to details - I may DJ. http://www.official.fm/skogsdrom (I play CD's on CDJ's - No synch, No Harmony cheat, Just me and the music+equipment+ you) *the set's on the promo-page is recorded live. (Open for bookings, I will also play in Lost Theory .. ) And I am being served a lot of beers whilst spinning, so the drunkeness becomes more obvious at the ends.
  19. (Y) though I don't read German. Pietone is impressed.
  20. Snake. Always a nice timekiller, especially in FastTracker II and on the mobile phone. Yeah ending battle in Psychonauts sucked with it's stuff. But we got there, to the finishline B-)
  21. Final Fantasy VII WipeOut Burnout SSX Mario Kart 64 Psychonaut / Day of the Tentacle Silent Hill Dune Tetris .. http://www.ign.com/videos/2014/02/17/news-final-fantasy-7-hd-remake-discussed-by-director
  22. Uptempo: 1. Juno Reactor - The Golden Sun Of The Great East (Metropolis ‎– MET 848) 2: Various - Lucid Flux (Anjuna Records - ANJUNACD002) 3: Various - Skizologic - The Kingdom (Zion 604 - Zion604 cd005) 4: V/A - Sideffect (Psynews) 5. Kasatka & Antagon & Extraterrestrial - Cerberus (Akashik Record - AKASHIA004) Downtempo: 1: Shpongle ‎– Museum Of Consciousness (Twisted Records ‎– TWSLP45) 2: Sleeping Forest - Rise Of Nature (Hadra Records - HADCD34) 3: Phobium - Oort Cloud (Omnitropic ‎– OMNI013) http://www.phobium.net4 4. Gay Satanic Hippie ‎– Tiefenrausch (Not On Label - Gay Satanic Hippie Self-released) ^ 4th place could easily also be the 1st place.
  23. OTT in a tattooshop not very far from whee I live. Thouht that was soft.
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