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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. Beers. A cider. Some foods, like a couple of springrolls. One vegie, one chickennnnn. A burgr , a cheeseburger w/ fries. The day before yesterday, I got a pack of AA batteries. For my Discman
  2. Holy shit, this album is good. Even contain some Dubbastepish breaks. http://www.ektoplazm.com/free-music/kadasarva-steamagination
  3. * https://soundcloud.com/c-p-c/cpc-class-test6-cuts SlutStep
  4. ^ ChillStep But for sure, great label putting out really nice chilled Dubstep.
  5. If I'm not mistaking, I 'v heard some very cool psyapproached DUBstep in one of these files of CPC : https://soundcloud.com/c-p-c As for topic title/question. Poop in Toilet? www.oslobass.no
  6. Gotta like bandcamp: http://n5md.bandcamp.com/album/with-love
  7. :o Deedrah once wrote me/us a signature for a fan thing. I kept on calling his music (with respect, of course) psychedelic fluff. hehe, at first he was like wtf. Then he took it with a grand smile as he figured what I men't. The signature was like this; "There is no room for fluffy!" Sign. Dado Deedrah. IMHO. Deedrah, best psychedelic fluff there is. I luff some fluff, puff. Nice to read you getting involved by checking and replying, Ursus. Have a super fluffy 2014 ! bOm-sHanGa Maybe this will trigger something? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob-xpqHp0oE
  8. What Manuser mention, + http://demontearecordings.bandcamp.com and please be sure to check out PROCS. His work will blow your mind. I'm sure. Also have a thing for http://www.discogs.com/label/5557-Psy-Harmonics And please, do not forget to Love: http://www.discogs.com/Shivasidpao-The-Album/master/53633 PS. I listen to some of the 2Minds' . Nice : )
  9. ENJOY: https://www.google.no/search?q=youtube+subgud&oq=youtube+subgud&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i64.3918j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#es_sm=93&espv=210&q=youtube+subgud&tbm=vid
  10. ^ Really a beautiful track, especiallty the beginning. Thanks for sharing it! Am having a nice weedile moment right now to it's sonic fusioning. I miss WipeOut A suggestion for the topic: Burial is one of those "UK quality electronic music not to be missed" alongside the Brstol and not producers, like Massive Attack, Orbital, Underworld, Skinny, Fluke, Tricky, Roni Size, Leftfield , , http://www.discogs.com/artist/Burial Not so progressive'n (trancy) ambient though, like Union Jack's http://www.discogs.com/UnionJack-There-Will-Be-No-Armageddon/release/42861
  11. I thought I read: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsmK1oIhgOE
  12. I was gonna write CPC. But then I read breaks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvwMBZKQttM Kaya Project ^ But this album here, a tad step above K P. I've figured. http://www.discogs.com/Adham-Shaikh-Fusion/release/344554
  13. lol no. Sennheiser HD-25 ; ) Congrats Balance Music, is that with our without the waterthemepark in the garden? I love slides
  14. Infected Mushroom - Classical Mushroom And as mentioned by Paul Eye. OOOD.
  15. I men't to read the whole thread another day. Thanks
  16. Did you know one of the brothers who made this took a sex change? Maybe he went to deep down the rabbit hole
  17. LSD-25. The sound is just amazing, Really 3D or whatever I can say, the sound is crystal, bass present and impressive. Everything is best with High Definition 25 the 2nd and lighter version. Only complaint is that after a couple of hours, the pressure on the ear starts to hurt. Which forces one to take a break from then. And after a few minutes, back on the ear and feel the orgasmic vibration of the Sennheiser HD 25-II. I have no clue about the Amperion your asking. A seling point on the 25 is that if something breaks, all parts arer replaceable. I have never had to change anything, many years after first buy. Just comforting to know.
  18. ^ amazing how people fall for and idolizes rehearsed falseness. Like they can not / have not learned in their life to see through it. Is all cool baba.
  19. VA - Sideffect from Psynews. Is awesome. Loved the first two tracks, then the third and fourth was not so great more generic, but I do fucking Love the Family guy mumbo jambo sample! Ok, fifth track is on. Nice Indian clings. Here we go ....
  20. http://kathdedon.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/baked-pie.jpg
  21. Finally, I have a computer/office set-up to be able to download & store this gem. Am very exited to soon be able to listen to it. 604 ...
  22. Topic: More rough goa trance recommendations? Rough Goa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOXUOXj0enM Imba, I am intensely enjoying your suggestion.
  23. commend 1. To represent as worthy, qualified, or desirable; recommend. 2. To express approval of; praise. " It's basically about voting for the best out of two similar tracks suggested by the latter poster, then posting your own suggestions"
  24. Your not as steep as I thought. Man, if you love this game so much, can you not read that a point of it before you go on a reply frenzy with own suggestion is that you should first tell which track of the above suggestions you prefer, Then post your similar vs. tracks? Je, this is like talking to my self. ; ) Stepp on steep off: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/97/Trollveggen_2002_June.jpg
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