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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. yeah that sounds about right in my ears. GNOTR. Should have connected that sonic vibe. What about the awfully yet luring last mystery track? Track 04. Link: https://soundcloud.com/duedadue
  2. I would love to have you guys ID these tracks for me; 1. I would very much like to have an ID on this track I'm listening to. The sample is; "The Mind is Elaborating". The sound is old-school but I can't figure out which artist it is. It is not Psysex. The intro starts with a bass crush, then a very cool synth and melodic riff comes in which is kinda the tracks tradmark. It continues with a beat and some hits of lasers. Trippy falling effects in the background and some nice lifts with Krishna like percussion. Then the sample. Still shooting, still trippy and still has this awesome vibe of mystique and aliens in it. And then.. wow, the chorus starts, the sound becomes more minimal and the starlight synth playes a fantastic melody. Shooting like riff still on. Melody again. It's such a beautiful oldschool track. Etnica maybe? A break in the middle with sample,, wait a minute. Its for sure a Juno Reactor track ... hmmm.. Sounds like something from Beyond The Infinite. But it's not on the album. someone? 2. This is a really strange one, and I have always thought it's just a serious joke by someone. The track starts with a sample by a guys voice saying; Hello and welcome to . . . .. . .. straight to the concert" The a female voice, "here we go". The sound effects are cool. Then the whole thing turns weird. Really fast acidlines and some breakbeats, twisted melody, screaming leading synth. Scratching sound in the background, then a heavy bassline for some clicks, like Terrordome, then back again to the "concert". Breakbeats track for sure, no 4/4. Very weird, and uncomfortable but some of the sounds used are pretty cool and bubbly but that screaming lead just pulls my face off. End says, with a lisp; very successful concert. 3. starts mystical with echoed bass thumps. creeking noise bugs / jungle like sounds. Then a thin scratching sound gets repeated. Like vinyl scrached just very pitched. some breakbeat patterns, and the bass and kick arrives. Kinda dnb'ish, old from beginning at 2000 at least (all tracks). Crecking effects. Shimmering bassthumbs. Repeated scraches in different variation. A high pitch comes before the main start drop (2 minutes into the track) and the track starts, sample; prepare to hurtle through the cosmos". The track sounds a bit like Prodigy "energy". The track is 4/4 with breaks on top and a annoying melodic play with effects and humps. It builds with squeaking sounds. .. After the break comes the sample again and the Prodigy thing returns stronger (more by it self). ?
  3. Actually, shit is a softer word than crap. This imo is because of the harsh sounding CRaP. The a is soft. Shit only has the t, which hits kinda hard. shiT.
  4. Are You Shpongled? are you shpongledized are you shpongleeyesed? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cxov0BQ2fpE I'm so glad i haven't been through a war..as a soldier. Point blanking. this topic doesn't have to matter. Further Adventures In Shpongleland ^ got the poison ? Got the remedy, got the .. ? http://www.official.fm/moonweed ~
  5. I "like" his belt buckle. Is super. - It would be awesome for some reason to have a singing contest between the Duvdev and Skazi. Not sure who would win though. Their both winners anyway
  6. I've got a sci-fi-feeling, that may be that all of these modern frequencies around the globe will make some serious telepathy possible. Just a thought. "Some thoughts...have a certain sound." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgHUHH3_-qk I don't wanna bother going into a huge and almost meaningless discussion here, but NO is the most retarded answer a topic like this can receive. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0985058/
  7. It started with me as a teenager listening to a Destination Goa, or GoaHead VA. Can't really remember which it actually was, but I do remember it had Zodiac Youth, maybe Elysium and Man With No Name on it. I didn't fancy it so much. Thought it sounded thin and not deep, boring and maybe even not that intelligent/interesting. he he. Anyway. Years later after discovering Infected Mushroom, I and some friends ingested some microdots and one of the few (original) CD's I had to listen to was http://www.discogs.com/viewimages?release=363343 - - - I was amazed (no shit), and we listened to it over and over again. On that trip I figured out what I had blindly missed out on on those compilations years ago on a party, drunk. I am not saying I especially liked the Guitars on Mushroom compilation (I bought it because it was one of few psytrance CD's at the shop, and of course, because it had mushrooms on the cover!). At least it opened my mind up to the "thin", "empty" and "boring" music of Goa trance. The "Astral Projection - Another World" however, I really liked.
  8. To be a psychedelic intreqite electronic music creator..Didn't Simon Posford oonce acclaim Udi Sternberg
  9. http://www.discogs.com/artist/Frost+Raven The "Thee Olde Ones" album by this very very talented guy, is something not to miss. His other inputs are also very nice. Not herd the newest album.
  10. Transmissions - Its like the genesis of psytrance, predicting a lot of soundstyles. Among others. darkPsy
  11. <3 lost my copy. Gonna get a new one.
  12. Alienated Buddha - Inpsyde [Out Of Orion] .. Always wanted to check out DarkPsy, never did.
  13. Something about Juno Reactor - Lu.Ci-ana - Still to this day, I have not bought the original or re-printed edition : (
  14. Hey, I have no idea how good or original this "game" will become. But here goes! I'd like you to: 1. vote on the track you like/enjoy the most from the above track vs. track. 2. post two tracks that you think are very similer, maybe even explain what is similer for you. 3. wait in exitement for some user of psynews to vote on your selection of similer tracks. I'll start: Solar Fields - February http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--39d45tVRo vs. Psykovsky - Erlkoenig I think and feel ever since a combination of synthetic LSA and Mescaline trip that the part of the Solar Fields track from (say) 06:22 til 07:33 has a lot of similarities to the Psykovsky track. It even has the ko-ko, know what I'm typing? Also, I think the bit from 7 minutes something is very much like the noise part of the Psykovsky track, just turned inside out, so the beautiful sounds are closer and the "noise" is pushed back in the background. I find this totally awesome. It is now 5 years since I first heard this. To this day, I still hear Psykovsky warped inside-out in this track. Now your turn. Choose which track you like best from my two posted ones and post your two tracks that for you are very similer.
  15. (wtf Ritual Om, you jumped over the track I'd like to get rated.) Rating of "Kala - Running on Sunbeams" :: Nice cute annoying start. Beats dunk. Sounds bleep. Funk. *waiting for groove*. Groove attacks, struggling to keep/get my piejuice pumpin'. Reminds me of Trold (?) I'm not in love, far from ity. But I like it some. Hoping it is gonna end soon so I can get back to the Solar Fields - Earthshine album I'm listening to but will keep it running to the end out of respect for the game and poster of track. Nice switch there at 05:42 (!!) Oh Yeah, now its pulling my chakras. .... urk : ( Overall score: 4.6 / 10 plz rate the first track on this album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1Iz6yz5Rbk
  16. Ov3rdos3 recommended me Tipper. It's nice Glitch-stuff indeed. If your interested. I used a Tipper track in this DJ-set I did for a DnB, DUBstep, Jungle, Breaks club concept in my hometown called Metafusion Soundsystem. *It's ChillOut. http://official.fm/tracks/NcCS I'd like to mention that my usual DJ style is to plan the very beginning and then play tracks "on the spur of the moment" kinda thing. So I bring a CD-case with 20 CD's and take it from there. The result shows after. And I'm happy with this set, obviously, or else I wouldn't have showed and told about it metapage: https://www.facebook.com/Metafusionsoundsystem?fref=ts
  17. , i played some tracks from this album on a free EDM festival on a island some weeks ago (I was the only psytrance DJ). Hesus, I was so smashed so in the dimensional loop and it was on the beautiful sunrise hour. The music, man and woman, teh basses, the sounds, ate the whole frikking island, it ingested the powerful (!!) sound system. It was Love, it was Magical. it was ..POWERFUL. Respect. There is genius in our unity. Our love. It is art, we understand art. We preform art we make art we are .. ARTists. Dark Whisper is, bloody good and this album, phjuu .. . Let's just say that i "fainted" when last track of my set ended. Strong stuff. boM
  18. Rolling? Neurodelic? BASS? CPC & oCeLoT No need to prove with a certain track. Them all roll you out of bed. + 1 on the Prometheus track. EDIT: I am so sorry, how could I have not written, ZOLOD. <3 <3
  19. Rave? Wtf, that there is the Gamma Goblin Remix of Hallucinogen made by Infected Mushroom, which Simon didn't fancy too much, so it was never released. But you knew that, right? Makes me question why you posted it and made me jump up from not knowing a IM track, especially a IM and Sir P. track. I like this Remix btw. It's not there but it is cool and good imo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtMJzyOiQkw It has this sound of "I See Myself", which did get released.
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