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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. ^ I smiled. INFECTED MUSHROOM - TWISTED [HaLLuCinoGeN ReMiX] .... CooomOn! Bring it. I am so ready to get proper twisted without Sanaton Records
  2. Infected Mushroom's new music, be it Bad or Good, has more details and "sublimity" (ok maybe in some sense I am wrong here) in each sound, layer, emotion, melody, whatever then the star system you arrived from. Nuff' said. They (Erez) are awesome in production and I love the many many voice sample fucks that comes out of Duvdev's vocal. true. I mean it. ASs long as he doesn't sing hehe, even though, "Send Me A Angel" which is in Hebrew speaks so hard Israeli, so hard that I can feel his spit on my face when listening on computer speakers. Now that frikking psychedelic dimensional shit right there. Listen to one snipped of which ever new Infected track and be baffled by the share amount of details. Fantastic I say. + Erez is fucking Tara Reid, who (she) in my honest opinion, is super digg (hot as fuck). Which makes him even more of an idol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzC315fVcPo bOmsHanGa
  3. Like the beginning a lot. It's like metallic fluff or smth. Very funky and funny. Brings a smile to the hips. A tad tacky work in the progression. Nice depth that sneaks in on the tracks emotion. Bleeps and sneeps*. I quit like the cheesy darkness of the track, it's nice. It's slow, it's cool. The isn't halfway through and I am getting a tad inpatient by giving it a score soon! Thinking about a 7, maybe less Reminds me of Sandman's Whichcraft. Thats it. I'm turning off the track and putting on some Maria Carey. 6.7 / 10 .. uh, wayt, nice melody there by the 7 minute mark. Ok. Maybe it get's a 7 / 10 just because of that. >>>> Uh this means I can put up a track? Awesome. rate this, please :: (first track) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1Iz6yz5Rbk * I don't know what a "Sneep" is but Wikipedia actually says it is; "The common nase (Chondrostoma nasus) is a European potamodromous cyprinid fish. It is often simply called the nase, but that can refer to any species of its genus Chondrostoma. Another name is sneep."
  4. Nope. But then again, I never got any diagnosis. Except that I presume I suffer from the illness we all "suffer" from. Life and it's impacts. peace n'cheese
  5. FatKidWitAJetPak has a smart and funny nick and he uses a synthesized picture of a tripped cat in space as a current signature. Lately because of more reading on this fine forum, I have learned this dude actually pulls off festivals and I have to say, having read his posts on Isratrance. He's a intelligent, reflected and cool guy. https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7901288192/hB90D7835/
  6. Yay, of course. Actually, I listened to "The Missed Symphony" before entering this forum for a read and seeing this vote. And I am playing a half-an-hour DJ-set at a party this weekend after Metal-bands are done with their concerts. I'm gonna play GuitarPsy and the IM track "None of This is Real" is of course on my playlist of awesome tracks to play for the Metal/Psy-headz Also Holeg & The Spies, which can be rough. I dream of the day I will be able to hear a Hallucinogen remix of IM's unreleased killer, Twisted; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxyCDorNAYY ... IM 4 Life <3 ~peaCe~
  7. Except for a burned CD with varied Infected Mushroom tracks. The very first CD I bought must have been Astral Projection - Another World
  8. I had a lot of varied psytrance related stickers from years of buying CD's. One summer-day I got a nice bicycle and decided to pimp it up with the stickers. A year later. A friend of mine borrows the bike and it get's stolen.
  9. I feel he should stick to the Hallucinogen album <3 sound <3 and avoid the Shabby Trance ..
  10. oh fuck .. man... This is the saddest psynews post I have ever read. Truly wish it wasn't so. I never got to meet and laugh with him. Rest in Peace&Love, bro '
  11. This is why Etnica is (was) unsanly great --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkEU6a1pQTQ Kudos of the emotion and melody of Trip Tonite Else, I got to say that rips the universe apart and brings the moon closer to home, in a very fantastic awesome way. http://www.discogs.com/Pleiadians-IFO-Identified-Flying-Object/release/143500 is such a nice acidride * Quote: No, not really, while some of their tracks are the best tracks I have ver herat, others are pretty empty and minimalistic, especially their newer stuff is like that. Trip tonight to them, and you may hear, see, taste and feel why they are like that
  12. In a time of long extended swine where an all too real disillusion of psychic and physical war with obesity and corruption is ruling our consciousness while trying to make us work in fear against each other sneering a suspected eye to your neighboring side, there is a strong native force working to contain a universal and earthly balance of light and darkness, of truth and false. “It is said that what is called a spirit of an age, is something to which we cannot contain - That the spirit gradually dissipates and gives away to a system world that is coming to an end. The one true source is all that there is in multidimensional reflection and nothing more. Dare I say we are at among its wishful core? We are returning back and most importantly, forward to a truer expanded spirit then what has yet to be seen and felt in its total blissful scheme. A past inside the future selecting an evolution of the making is your peaceful rest- ( … ) Thus is important to make the best out of every generation and to stop anticipating that the world is coming to an destructive end, because the world that is will circulate until a swollen sun swallows its fruitiest celestial being of elements such as iron, oxygen, silicon, magnesium, nickel, sulphur and titanium. Namely, the Earth. Dark Whisper – Spirit of an Age (Alice-D Records) 2012 (ALI1CD003) I - Spirit of an Age (09:14) 147 Bpm II - Human Being (04:40) 152 - 159 Bpm III - Monsanto (06:48) 159 Bpm IV - Earthlings (02:52) 160 Bpm V - Nuclear Nightmare (08:11) 175 Bpm VI - Ideologic Control (08:39) 135 - 160 - 180 Bpm VII - Geist des Geldes (07:26) 170 Bpm VIII - Transformation (09:35) 168 Bpm IX - Change the World (12:33) 180 - 195 - 220 - 90.75 Bpm I - Spirit of an Age :: A beautifully tribalistic intro with horns of things to come swirls up to a computerized notion of technological supremacy with honking horns where beats and sounds form twittering grounds of places to be where true notion is to be seen and felt. Gradually working its energy base with a formatting bass the sounds give way for larger play inside a fried yet wakeful stay. Expanding each other’s truths realizing the lies, which we are only to be cried in something that hurts, never feeling like the dirt beneath flowers. Accordions play their hymn of aromatic syng for this is triggering beats ready for the accrete redemption. Samples speak. Spiritual leaders use their thoughts with a trustworthy tongue. Track; Tribal, fast, changing phases in swirling grace. Instruments of the old. Story is told for something to behold. II - Human Being :: Chippering sticks wrenches the Styx and solid beats crave the soul of fettering stones. Embarrassing mistakes takes us into a lake where roaming life stomp on the safe. Beautiful inquisition we crave for perfection. There is nothing wrong in doing this song. You can always go into voiding roam but fear the dark and you will suffocate on its imaginary fork. Never letting go we realize the strong of our unchained grow – and they say we are afraid of what we do not know? Why don’t we try to understand, to act up as if the unknown was known? Treat the known as if it is unknown and you will have it to be realized which makes it not so god damn civilized. Hatred and violence is the result of our fear for one self and what one might make you realize. Soon as you know that fear has no place to go but to transform itself into understanding and love – peace shall be felt in a pumping heart of the known. Hatred to kill is competition to destroy what they do not posses or are fully able to understand. Art is an anything but hate it is not it just can’t be art. This I can rate, for our fate is not of being hate. Solitude in attitude Track; ragged, cool and twisting a curl in tempo we swirl. III - Monsanto :: Spoofing our surrounding, ghosting our winds. Speaking in whisper what is it that you have sung with the air of your strong shimmering lung? We all decide where this marked goes. Into our delivered ego or out to a near eternal free fest? We can in cases be seen if you are keen. Troubling shots are making the rot. Steady flow is following the puzzling blow which we each in fully consciousness choose the moves of. And most beautiful and hurtful of all, it’s distracted serine. We choose to be blinded and follow the blended because it is easier to be fooled then to dance the true groove of hard choices that becomes easier as we step. No true secret should ever be kept, even from a duck. Track; humping, beat changing, mumbling with dissolution and breaking. IV - Earthlings :: An angelic cry of hurtful eyes. They feed our babies with terrible cute lies. Beats and pain transform in order to create; heavy is the burden of those who has to hide their former maybe unintended in its ignorant intention of... exploiting another celestial being for their own conceived better self. That is what the test becomes. At a moment of weakness one can almost willingly take advantage of a soft spot with "closed eyes". While after what you have exploited is gone, you complain about its run, sitting on your high horse being the one trying to control, us!? Go be real break those beats and patterns, put on a chain and stop being an energetic drain. This is for your own best; this is not a better test. Eat your meat if it is what you please. Just remember to treat yourself and the nature with respect. Be true to the bloom. As long as you have a raised consciousness about your intact. You will feel a lesser gloom. Darkness of ignorant ,,evileness" shall never take the best of us. Track; paused with breaks and mesmerizing strikes. V - Nuclear Nightmare :: Nuclear second’s wisps the grounds setting out a despiteful shun. Beats travel fast with traffic in jam. Traveling sounds in-between singeing souls keeps out the main trolls. Hurry the fleet the winds are growing strong burning on its path to find weaker stands to dissemble. The experiment has been done. Under watered surfaces the nuclear rain shall be sung. Settling the worry keeping the wild phasing the sorry behind. Track; chaotically hectic, radioactive and wild. VI - Ideologic Control :: For some the ideal is to be in control over others fate not realizing their madness before it is nearly too late. The point of no return seems to have been reached many moons ago now it is about flow the stream in a direction that is better in basic needs of what it is we need to feed. Common sense might be a defense or rather a fence but for most and some, it makes perfect sense to take care of it all to understand even if the problem seems to be too tall. I dare to fear as long as I truly do care. You want the truth!? You can’t handle the truth! ~ Pff, that’s so bullshit. Of course we can handle the truth. Track; high, a huge try, daggering beats going wild – at least he tried. VII - Geist des Geldes :: In the spirit of money, there seems to be no way of rightfully controlling this honey. Economical terms builds on a ventilation of a mean to be free something that goes around in a healthy manner not something that is spread and passed around like decease and piled up with a few controllers of unfair home owners. What beautiful melodies this currency could have been, what flow it could have had if it not been for the stupidity found within its most powerful circles. Track; intense, melodic in its willing stay and circulating with some play. Calm at the end sending you there without so much fear. VIII - Transformation :: As one track passes to another a transition it is made as so as nature of evolves. To why we so often fear the transformational stare is our chickens to flap. Doctors aside: Often an experience of drug can and will help you see a reality bended in such way that it makes fantastic and truer sense – be it good or bad – it is often up to you. A journey can be made but for goods sake do not mainline the substance unless you are ready to travel beyond into another stay. Addicts are an often lost face even though the addict is most likely not self-aware of such a sad fact as they weirdly enough will protect the substance before they will protect them self. It’s not the drug they say, it’s me ( …. ) Take the union train, let it ride you across your brain but don’t be a total sack. Don’t shoot crack as it puts you in damaged control with a huge lack. Not all drugs are bad for you. Some of them, are fucking mind expanding amazingly great! We just all need to take some care. As for most drugs and then especially the non-expanding ones. They will and can expand the mind and view of our true world, for a while. But when abused instead of being, what can one say, used. The drug turns against you and starts to distort instead of opening up doors of perception. No longer are they wonderful means to open up the mind. They become forces to distort the perceptions of life. Which is just sad, to see a person stuck in distortion because he or she could not stop, slow down or take care of one’s best self. Live in the present, learn from the past and take care of your own future. It is most likely the only one you have. Be smart: www.erowid.org Track; ride, trippy, unified, hefty and holy. IX - Change the World :: Words of the Mayans are spoken in glimpse. The truth they had was twisted in unearthly sins. What they believed was the answer to please the Gods that destroyed them from within and chattered metropolis of advanced civilizations became gone without their precise crop. The worries are done we’ve stopped to try to crawl up to our burning sun. Breaks are current a marked is in view though lost in small gardens as to be our self we must, it is the only true solution. And don’t be fooled of what you might conceive as “our self” because we might have the ability to be as a virus but we have a much greater truth to be gentle in our roughness and wise in our decisions. This I believe. Track; insane, warning in the stray, scary of symbol and warning in its past. Fast and effecting. Ending the hard. Recommendation: Oh My F'ing Gudd! This is the stuff that will rip your brain in delight with heavy tones of musical perspectives and valid information for the mind to chew on. This is a chaotic and dark album with anger and despair with some beautiful flair which reflects much of our confused and suffering world at large. The content is majestically political with historical turns. And the beats are phat with changing attributes so it doesn’t become boring though some parts are a tear. There is little to nothing about this visible package that looks like psytrance. It all screams Heavy-Metal. FUCK MONEY - WEAR A CONDOM. Buy this album; it is worth the support and in doing so you will receive a respectful package with a 3 page Digipack CD which includes a 24 page Booklet with loads of interesting text and truly outstanding artwork. The product is made out of 100% recycled paper which means that it is plastic free. This is a well made effort even though recycling waste lots of water in the process of making it so, but for options around this is not bad at all. If concerned about all physical matters and you don’t want or need this awesome bonus which it provides, you can always go online and buy it in digital. Can you trip it? BPM: Really fast Some kind of score: 4.2222222 Favorite tracks: 1, 2, 7, 8 Listen to the album in poor quality: Promotional text: Dark Whisper, founder of Alice-D Productions, began DJ'ing back in the year of 2004 when Dark became a steadier and more immense popular genre within psychedelic trance reach. After collecting higher experiences he decided to sculpt his own brand of psychedelic music by learning and doing. The influence of Dark Whisper is written to rely on the Earth while being mixed together with instruments and soundscapes that have been in his possession from his lengthy travels around the world. The Dark Whisper Project is an experiment to melt the / his perception with analog and digital sound visions fusing the underground with a new aged heavy psychedelic twist which is intended to give the listeners an endless amount of possibilities to reach a higher state of consciousness while exploring the hypnotic frequencies of thundering rolling bass lines. Within this music you will find inspiration from actual life with the inspiration of collected instruments which is combining with the music and lessons that the world is being taught by the changing struggle within this realm of its existence. Dark Whisper has a strong felt message, and you get something from this experience every time you dare to dive and listen. Dancers and listeners please let go of your fear and ego and try to unfold to the experience which is “Spirit of an Age” and ride the waves and feel the lucid energy pierce through your celestial being. Where to buy and other links: Zeitgeist: http://www.zeitgeistmovie.com Whisper Home: www.dark-whisper.net Face the Dark: http://www.facebook....rkWhisper.Music SoundDark: http://soundcloud.com/dark_whisper Face the Alice D: http://www.facebook....iceD.Production Beatspace: http://www.beatspace...age/detail.aspx Discogs: http://www.discogs.c...st/Dark Whisper Psyshop: http://www.psyshop.c.../ali1cd003.html Alice D Face: http://www.facebook....iceD.Production Saikosounds: http://www.saikosoun...ase.asp?id=9131 Play: http://www.play.com/...urlrefer=search Beatport: http://www.beatport....-whisper/234061 More Weird Reviews: http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic
  13. Infected Mushroom - Twisted (Hallucinogen Remix)
  14. You know, this alboom really grew on me. Luff it Gonna play a Chillstep set tonight, though don't got too much Chillstep with me There is a lot of great and sweetly twisted Chillstep out there but to find em' .. Love the fre tracks from Kalya! <3
  15. Any Wu-Tang Clan fans here? Personally I really love Shaolin Assassin http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081506/ its the dopest martial arts movie of the dope in my opinion. And The 36th Chamber of Shaolinis also very kool. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078243/
  16. Kiriyama – Reach Escape Velocity (Devil’s Mind Records) 2010 (DVSMCD006) 1. Reach Escape Velocity 11:32 (147 BPM) 2. Congratulations (Crawl Into My Mouth) 11:40 (147 BPM) 3. 30 Cycles 10:19 (147 BPM) 4. Unexpecting The Expected 9:40 (148 BPM) 5. Moving Hills Barefoot 9:01 (147 BPM) 6. Ablaze (Time Leap Mix) 10:55 (144 BPM) 7. Rapide Ou Plus Lent 9:07 (138 BPM) 8. Space Between Spaces 7:02 (60 BPM) Swooshing in comes the air with eerie sounds of lust and plums. The haunting shims of things to become and beats of the graveling beast warn a sensation where rolling bass lines and raining acid is to fume the forest of creative splendor where excitement awaits! Tangling in the autumn leaves is where you start to believe. Squeaking worms crawl on the side with laser flipped insects yarning for their entranced trust. This track is about mystery and bewildering without deluding anyone, much. A warning of things to come haunts this track; beauty of the frightened introductional run is where we all shall come undone. 6/6 ScaryShit Psy For where better to go then into the ray of a sun. We are all meant to shine to somewhere fun without feeling shun. When we the Love the One realize the infused dimensional gong, that we are a part of its tones of cosmic Aum, the pattern of our multiflexible mental sum; then we will see that we are free without the hurtful stung of a deluded shun.. One will be able to speak, to say to you whom are standing there waiting for some answers of Om. This album is about Reaching Escape Velocity, and it is intense, sort of disturbing, subtle and very very good while crawling and wrapping itself around your ultimate being of seeing. And you also get some rebuilding bass lines to revaluationize the shamanic approach of Forest SweedPsy! ..Question still remain; do you dare to crawl into a mouth where you might see your own head trying to hang on? 5/6 Mental Forest Psy The third track again signals of disturbing brain patterns and restless hallucinations, it is demystifying you, making the growl come up to the surface so that your mind can rest in sure of being brushed off. Have a mental massage; it’s good for you even though it might sort of hurt sometimes. What mental road it paws forward is the inducing sent of free thought and neural sensations that will shake your being into another state of wisdom and trust. As the bass rolls and the flair turns into magical shapes a melodic spur strikes the pineal glance only to lighten up the signals of pleasure and astral thirst while before getting your flight on, you are again pressed down to face and realize some of your fears. But distress not as Kiriyama is behind the wheel, trying to make sure your travel is interesting, real, unreal and immensely beautiful while being snuggled by the forest-shine. 4/6 Forest Psy of confused Weed When you are unexpecting the expected things may take its toll on you as you are trying to ignore a fact of the expecting ones that you know are to be unexpected. This track is more about the tingling falling sensation of flowering birds crawling on top of hefty clashes of beats and sweeps. Hungry for attention the expected ones are feeling the groove of a suffering moon. Again there is more of the Swedish invention (?) of staggering rebuilding the true experience of shamanic trance and what this state can and will accomplish when all minds are set and infused into one higher state of being. 5/6 Twilight Forest Psy As the four first tracks are swaggering on the twisted mental side of sonic waves and brain signalizing stems, this fifth track is tightening its flight for you by giving you a cool bass line to ride on and pretty smiling melody lines to float on- flying above and away from your (most probably) irrational fears. This track has deepness like a hurricane while being elegant, chaotic and majestic as a flying butterfly. True bliss this track is, really nice and elevating with phat basses and traces of lovely cheese. 6/6 Goadelic Forestpsy As the melodic part has had its major introduction in the Reach Escape Velocity adventure, the beat transforms into a more techno vibe feel with Winking synthesis and hard hitting basses in intense flavors. Still we are inside a unionized forest land of crawling insects wrapped in moss, puddles and echoing drops. Really cool the way Kiriyama rides this dragon lodge from styles to sensations without ever forgetting what propulsion power he is manifesting. 5/6 GoaTechno in the Bush So what acceleration would you like to feel, something faster or slower? We are able to bring you to all the phases you wish, as long as your mind is free and you feel capable of being a co-pilot of your own astral journey. Destination is to be felt, not directly thought. Destination is to be free from your own captive opinion of self forced upon you by yourself and unfortunately, ignorant people around. Feel the sting be the float and see the mental rout. Smiles upon you, always. 4/6 Elevating Mentalism in Pie After an infused journey through the forest mind with glances to the cosmic Goa sound, Kiriyama brings the pressure down to a relaxing field of stress less feel in 60 BPM. Shimmering roots and electrical cute is humming on its way with luring background noises sharpening the curious ear to hear about the space between spaces. Dubadelic clings of happiness and darkened elevations runs over the plain with flying rotors and peaceful insects like crickets and other strange strings. 5/6 Downhearted Dub of Wonder Recommendation: This is an awesome album and I love it because it goes from forestry sounds to high Goa vibes while being mentally astral. And as the sticker on the original copy reads; ‘Infused with the twilight sound of Scandinavian and mysticism of Goa trance. Ready to travel north?’ .. I just wish this album was twice as lengthy with more tracks to really fill in the journey presented by kiriyama. This is overall in simple words an album that rides a mental beast filled with scare, eerie fear, rolling basses, beautiful aspects of tingling melodies, sensational floats, hard hitting thumps, nostalgic forms and slowed down relaxations of mystical wonder. The artwork (by Pelle Nyman) is as expected from Devil’s Mind rec. absolutely stunning with a real forest flavor and some extra eye candy inside by Alex Povidailo. This release is as other DMR-releases really well thought out with important details for collectors and DJ's. This album contains a 6 paged booklet (fold it out) with beautiful art photographed by Cina Gustavsson and some writings which for me is really nice, I love these details and that one can read some heartfelt words from the creator of the music himself. It is also included a DJ-slip which is (unfortunately) rare these days and that is definitely something to appreciate! Overall Score: 5/6 Where to buy and other links: The Devil's Home: http://www.devilsmindrecords.org The Devil's Discogs: http://www.discogs.c...ls+Mind+Records The Devil's Space: http://www.myspace.c...vilsmindrecords kiriyama Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Kiriyama Kiriyama Space: http://www.myspace.com/kiriyamamusic Wirikuta: http://www.wirikuta....owDetail=243609 Saikosounds: http://www.saikosoun...ase.asp?id=8610 Goastore: http://www.goastore....roducts_id=4130 Bravo: http://www.bravoreco...et/product/1261 juice: http://www.juice-net...82&&kw=kiriyama Juno: http://www.juno.co.u...s/410042-01.htm More mentalized Reviews. http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic
  17. Good to hear you're still alive.

    s'pose you lead a busy life nowadays.

    anyways man, keep safe!

    1. psytones


      Hey, jah its been a lot in my life which is rokking good!! :D Take care and stay true! :))

  18. Homie, Where art thou!

  19. Just read on da Izratrans that the guy who maka da beatz, whatta his name again. He makes Psytrance, and he is the brother of Artifakt .. wicked
  20. PhasePhour interview on the move:: *Hi guys, how was your flight across the sea, any action? Hi, Our flight over to New York went pretty smooth. Its always a hassle going through the immigration and customs in this country, but even if we had lots of equipment and extended visa… things went pretty amazing. First thing we did after dropping our bags and sleeping away the jetlag, was to do a dj set for a friend of ours called Green Apples. He did a party called Spring InPsyD the 9th of april with Avalon and Ctrl Alt Del. It was a great party, and a amazing introduction for things to come. After renting an apartment in New York, we went down to Guadalajara in Mexico for doing a live set at the Power Up party april 16th. Even if you read horrible stories and fear the worst of Mexico these days, they really have great parties and beautiful people. This weekend (22-23rd april) we are going to Sayulita which is a small surf town close to Puerto Vallarta. We are going to hook up with Blue Lunar Monkey and hopefully be able to write a track with him. Its spring in Mexico and the weather is absolutely perfect, so life is bliss. We will stay here until next thursday (28th) before we leave back to New York and then for a gig in Boston april 30th. After this we have lined up quite a few gigs for the summer. Smiles, PhasePhour
  21. Best psy uptempo album 1: Frost-RAVEN* – Thee Olde Ones 2: Psykovsky – Tanetsveta 3: Artha – Influencing Dreams 4: Battle Of The Future Buddhas & Ka-Sol – Masters Of Outhouse 5: Eddie Mis – Rabbit Dream 6: Kiriyama – Reach Escape Velocity 7: Various – Temple Of Chaos 8: Wizack Twizack – Pathogenesis 9 Electrypnose – Magnetic Memoirs 10: Avalon – Distant Futures Best psy downtempo album 1: No ChillOut releases anno 2010 on me, DAT's terrible <3
  22. http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/55873-ozmali-forest-fusion-ozmali-rec-cd-01/page__view__findpost__p__949552
  23. Love both labels. Don't have many releases at all, but the few I do own is superb, awesome stuff. http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/52879-va-unconventional-compiled-by-alic-horns-hoofs-rec/page__p__932386__hl__boshke__fromsearch__1#entry932386 http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/52570-va-chronika-chapter-iii-boshke-beats-rec/page__p__927346__hl__boshke__fromsearch__1#entry927346 *
  24. Hey pienews dudes and dudettes, I thought I'd ask you for some input on this matter. I'm trying to gather some good and interesting questions for the PhasePhour guys while they tour the States (from April to October 2011). I'm not so good at this yet, thinking my last interviews with Bluetech and InDepth... I would hope that there is a fan or two out there with some curious questions regarding PhasePhour and their music. I will of course let the question credit go to the one who asks. For those who do not know them, they are one of the oldest PsyTrance acts from Norway being legends in their own way, like 'Trold' which might be the most famous Norwegian Psy-act. They have released some singles and two full lenght albums where the first one is more or less FullOn directed and the second album is in the progressive manner. Link: http://www.discogs.com/artist/PhasePhour Hope to get some quick replies Kind regards, j-e PS: this was asked to the Isratrance forum as well but I doubt I will get any feedback so I thought I'd take my chanses here.
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