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Everything posted by psytones

  1. People should be on the outlook for his EP's, this is one track. He's getting much more heavily focused on DUBstep now it seems compared to his Ooze System album which has some. Bird Box (Original Mix) - The Parallel Neighborhood EP
  2. Hi, Ok in the whole world it seems that DUBstep is taking over, and it has for some years now. In Oslo it's no different and it's so popular to have DUBstep parties. Honestly, there is shitloads of phat DUBstep around. I can just look at the ‘Other electronica' for general DUBstep reco's. But I want to ask about recommendations in thid section, the 'General Psytrance' section because I would like to kick some butt and present the good folks of DUBstep Oslo with some nifty hefty orgasmic uber cool Psy-DUBtrip-tunes. I did search and I found one nice thread http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/58069-psydubpsysteppsybreaks/page__p__952574__hl__dubstep__fromsearch__1&do=findComment&comment=952574 - though this thread I'm writing now i about more precise reco's of DUBstep in the ,,psychedelic" ,,box". So, got recommendations that will blow peoples head off? And as mentioned in the Topic Description, the FREE'er, the better! My reco's are: Some tracks found on http://www.bleepblop.co.uk (thanks Laserflip) Tracks from Mr. Rogers album 'Ooze System' (http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/53327-mr-rogers-ooze-system) and his EP's which is even better when it comes to DUBstep direction. Here is one track in two remixes: and Its kind of hard to find his tracks on Youtube because their usually called something very different from the original title. and .. Um, the Cosmic Dreams EP by LuneCell availible on Ektoplazm, I just DL'ed it so don't know how good DUBstep it is yet .. You're turn!
  3. PSYTRANCE CAN NEVER BE BOXED; NEVER!!!!!!!! thats the whole point of PsyTrance, it can be everything it has no rules no bouneries exept maybe that it has a beat'n stuff. It is influenced and inspired by everything around us, all sounds all impressions. Anyway, PsyTrance can never be boxed, NEVER!! Who's talking about boxes here, me? bOx-it dunk-a-dunk I'm not smiling so much anymore, I think I'm turning psychotic or am I ..hope not.
  4. I'm smiling (: ... just searching for some serenity, you know. And I've had a couple of erotic dreams lately. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxbeHkhH2JE Ok, so too often Progressive Trance is Full-On'ish driven (thinking Israeli, not UK, if that makes any sense in terms'n shit which only confuses more, sort of ..) music slowed down. Where it becomes psychedelic and not euphoric? .. Its about taste, most deff. I guess I like the Tatsu german progressive psychedelic trance tunes more. For me this tracks above (most of) sounds like MDMA music. I don't mind, I just have this thing about trying to actually separate psychedelic from psychotic from euphoric from trippy from hippie. lol. No your right, what I find psyched... pff.. Man, what i find psychedelic and/or trippy people find to be mind-bending. * Oh Yeah! Gotto have some confidence in that. Everything is and can be psychedelic but that really depends on what you connect to a psychedelic experience in audio. I've had enough trips and interest in music in general to separate stuff. Both tracks above will for sure work fine and give an euphoric psychedelic experience if your on LSD, but it's not nessecarly because of the music, it's more the drop inside your brainflow that makes it Wooaw that’s so Psy. Ok ok it depends on what factors your looking and connecting for. I know, I can go in neverending circles about this. I'm just trying to hold my ground without being narrow-minded, or smth peace'n shrooms PS. I do believe a lot of Psytrance may become much more psychotic driven then psychedelic driven. It's like Oh man, I made this music influenced and inspired by Ketamin (fun drug, like drunken psychedelia imo). it's So psychedelic, just listen to those chainsaws and babies crying, really cool stuff høhø. Now lets go mess up someones brainz with this shit, eheh *drool ok I'll shut up, sometimes I don't know exacly what I'm rambling about. Though I feel I have a point, somewhere ....... . <- found it
  5. [OffTopic - Not a review] It's a conspiracy I tell you! I haven't quite figured it out yet but this shit is released by purpose for some demonic reason to filter out folks or something something I donno. Look. As you mentioned the silhouette (nice glowing cover btw) is of a guy holding a gun to the head. The title is Maximum Overdrive (title and content in co-op, success? - Or is Mental Overdrive supposed to be a positive term? e. sorry, I meant Maximum Overload). The artist name is Brainwash. And the music is as you said (all these three points combined. *Gun to head *Mental Overdrive *Brainwash. I haven't and don't intend to listen to this music voluntarily, but from your description it reminds me of this release: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?/topic/55667-wicked-wires-aka-delysid-magnetic-memoirs-geomagnetictv-darkstar/#entry931187 *But mister trance2MoveU, may I ask a legit question in the artist’s psychedelic defense. Have you dropped a 250 + mic drop and experienced this album first hand? No. Then I may say you don't know what you're talking about :P <- emphasis on the 's Now at least Osom, Psykovsky and the Peace for the Wicked know how to do these tricks that the above artists are trying to achieve. Now for something funny and nice: http://wimp.com/curiousbear
  6. This release deserves a higher score. This is a gem and I will always be truly happy to have this in my collection. Man does it fly high while kicking ass, hard! Ba-bOm!! Such beautiful flow and intense flight these tracks induce! 6.9/7 - Which is a very sexy score!
  7. how much for one Inga PLZ? She's so retarded I wanna pump her ass full of vitamins.
  8. PS. did you know Norway sort of has its own martial art disguised in folkdance? Like capoeira? (he-he) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDXpYB1E7e4 Watch it from 1:50 to 2:16 to see the mortal kombat move I'm talig aboot. Amazing dance, very techno. :bow:
  9. And the lovely: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAbwMGZtIsY aahhh... sweet sweet tune with flowers and birds and all the beauty in the world wrapped inside a womans bosom. And some heavier electronica to end the Aj represent: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4yqvNqdSF4 .....
  10. Traditional Norwegian Music - Smørligråen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pftl-P00lrQ Thats more like it. .. Best ever and Our ultimate proudness: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBUp9zhEy9U Recognize the artwork from one Ka-Sol album? .....
  11. Seigmen - Slaves of the Sun .. Traditional Norwegian Music - Vennen Min Reinlender http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFgQD6fxiK0 -Sound like someone has been to india if you ask me ....
  12. I better represent nOrwAy(!!), Yo! Seigmen - The Brain is Alone ...
  13. Damn right this album is Huge. Amazing stuff on it, mindblowing to say the least. *Cool, Mars
  14. Since when did the electronic dance music called 'Progressive' become soley assosiated to this full-on flavored plastic fluff stuff? ..and Minimal techno, is this 'takkatakka-takka' music, right? A couple of my ffriends love that shit and spin it for hours on hours on the decks. I'm not a fan though I cant seem to stop wiggling my toes when listening to it. It's like a hate love relationship with that shit. Man, just give me Psy(as in Psychedelic, not Psychotic)Trance and shut the hell up. PLZ!
  15. Age of Love I knew but didn't the dirty hippies make trance tunes before this tune in Goa with DAT tapes n'shit. You know, cut and paste to make own beats that would become trance. Age of Love is more the first commercial or smth trance track to be released. I'm still sure that KLF and Depech Mode (for instance) was made into become the first ,,trance" tracks. And if you want the first rythmic track which reminds of trance, I believe this is one of the very first ones: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_AqSbgKKS8 I think it was first released in 1977. I mean, just listen to that rolling bass line, that psychedelic cOre vibe. I mea, if I wouldn't haveknown better I would think this trance was developed by acid frantics in some deep basement in mottaRussia.
  16. The latest Frost-RAVEN release is interesting in it's trollish fairytales of magic and might. It has it's charm
  17. PhasePhour – Fun From Far Away (Morning Star, Geomagnetic.TV) 2008 (GEOCD028) 135BPM - 01 Fun From Far Away 8:03 138BPM - 02 Scary Up Close 4:30 138BPM - 03 Too Sexy 8:04 130BPM - 04 Flowting Away 4:39 128BPM - 05 What 6:28 135BPM - 06 Still No Flying Cars 6:24 138BPM - 07 The Worlds Biggest Midget 6:15 138BPM - 08 Thinking Of You Was A 5:43 140BPM - 09 Nothing Man 8:11 084BPM - 10 The Land 3:41 PhasePhour is one of the few legendary psychedelic trance producers from Norway, or used to be, now we got plenty of forest flavored trance which is gathering legendary statuses as I write these words. Together with Trold, PhasePhour are the old-skoolers of Norwegian psy focusing on PsyTrance with a certain full-on flavor (their debut album ‘...Boiing & Zipp’) to more progressive attitudes with some popular potential (this album). The album begins with its absolute highlight, the gem of the album. The title track itself. It’s a really nice progressive remix of a known band which because of copyrights I’m obligated to not mention. Let’s just say it’s got something to do with a Circle and a Pet. This is a nice rhythmic track with progressive progression and some absolutely nice bass lines that wobbles along silent strings of harmonic peace of what to be expected and encountered. The drums make the track become solid in its venture and the snaring effects fly by like flying mopeds with comfortable engine noise. The melodic additions are beautifully arranged with echoing synths making up the melody which is levitating by the drums and trumpets. ‘Back to slee eee eep ...’ Ah what a drive this tune has. What a great remix to a good song! At 06:37 the strings reminds me a lot of the strings used in Traci Lords – Control (Juno Reactor Instrumental), I’m talking about the strings used at around the 03:27 mark. Ok maybe not so incredible similar but they reminded me of... Anyway, this is not a track to be missed!! 10/10 Next in the story of Fun From Far Away we get a ‘Scary Up Close’ track which uses some voice samples making effects upon beats that gather to form a slow moving thumper with eerie background noises that might scare when up close. The rhythmic aspects is one of this albums strong sides as the general trance flow is gone and replaced by beats, drums and rhythms of progressive flow and staggering bow to all the sounds that are squeezed into the (scary) background. 7.5/10 Michael Jackson was a master of those human-beatbox sorts of sounds which is used a lot on this track, now he was scary up close: http://www.myentertainmenttoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/scary-michael-jackson.jpg As the scare floats away a rumble of a bass line comes to play and the mood is lifted a couple of notches. From scary we get something that seems to be ‘Too Sexy’. Now for me when something is too sexy it’s either damn hot or it’s something that might scare. Never almost trust anything that is too sexy. Fire might look like honey but you better not get burned (Take a extra look at that beautiful album-art made by Spook). I don’t think this track is too sexy in any way. The tribal drums (!!) and progressive drive are mind-blowing, I love them. The initial melody is more haunting then sexy though the tingling melody that plays along with the voice sample at the tracks ending minutes just confirms my beliefs. Why you so sexy? I’m not sure what plot or deeper understanding/message I’m missing out on here, so it would be fun to hear from the producers what their thoughts and ideas behind these tracks are. 8/10 Anyway, here is an image of someone who is too sexy: http://lukehimself.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/wildenstein1wenn_468x696.jpg She's also Very scary up close. Cosmetic surgery, don't go there you will only become full-on in that not so positive way. And so the next track speaks; ‘Do you know what’s going on, somewhere, down there. Waiting for you. Trying to know.. I want it - Sonic waves' This is a chilled down tune without being downhearted (Ok I meant downbeat, but I wanted to use the word ‘downhearted’) or ambient in any way. It’s still in the well established PhasePhour progressive world of drums and floating flow. Plus the lovely lady speaks nicely about sonic waves which seems to be ‘Floating Away’. – Ever get that feeling that important messages and communication is transformed and sent around the globe through psychedelic induced electronic music (among others)? I do. And I vaguely know what’s going on. 7/10 We continue in the chilled area with a very floating and strange intro part while the kick kicks in with same vibe and strong drum work like most of the tracks, though this time a rugged bass line is following the lead making the track seem rougher and sort of stronger. The ‘What’ melodic theme passes by and I can’t help to feel that something is missing in the spice. It’s all very nicely put together, the album seems to follow a story which is being told and at times it seems like it contains important information pulled out of the artist’s cosmic mind. Some more gentle melodies come and goes making it all float very comfortable. I’m not totally sure what the sample is repeating but at times it sounds like ‘Idiot’. Hence maybe the tracks name, ‘What’. Hehe 7/10 Dreams of flying cars, the ultimate 50’s dream vision of what to come in the futuristic age of 2008. Well you sci-fi oldies, ‘Still No Flying Cars’ around. Heck, we barely have electric cars though I’m happy to announce that Oslo, Norway is doing some nice but slow effort in building charging stations for cool urban electric cars that look so shitty that they are ultra cool, like ‘Buddy’ ( http://www.hegnar.no/multimedia/archive/00039/buddy2_39359a.jpg ). Wouldn’t you like to drive around in a Buddy!? I would! I would have painted it in some nice patterns like flowers, hearts, clouds, and flames – multitude of colours and I would install a huge mottafokking stereo system. How is that supposed to be supported with energy you ask? I would attach a trailer Of Course! And jupp, you guessed it, on the trailer I would have an aggregate to pump the juice needed to play my Fun From Far Away album Real loud and fat in the city. That would be so awesome. 8/10 I mean, look at this shit http://www.treehugger.com/Buddy-Norwegian-All-Electric-Car.jpg - Sexy eh (grr - wraff). Anyway, they are promising to have over 400 charging stations in Oslo ready for 2011 which is great news if they succeed. http://media2.paultan.org/i/elektrobay.jpg At night time they even have this very nice neo-glow colours coming out of them, like green, blue .. It looks awesomely awesome like the future is here now clean and green. And with those words the track ends only to make some groove changes with ‘The World’s Biggest Midget’ which got a steadier beat but still with the same sound scope as the previous tracks. After all this is sort of like a story being told. Let’s see if I can make any sense of all the track names: Fun From Far Away may sound Scary Up Close but indulge in it’s Too Sexy vibes and you will be Floating Away. What you ask, Idiot? Well there are Still No Flying Cars and the most spectacular show we have for you tonight is The World’s Biggest Midget. And admittedly, Thinking of You Was A thought of a Nothing Man that saw the Land. .. Ok enough goof, this track has again the trademarks as the rest of the album, great percussion on the tribal drums, the staggering slams keeps the feet grounded with stomps and the melodies all float nicely but for me they become sort of uninteresting after a while unless they come under the right circumstances. 8/10 When ‘Thinking of You Was A’ sweeps in some flamenco (?) guitars alla Juno Reactors Pistolero guitar slowed down (not comparing, if that’s what you thought) gets some play time and with that notion things seem to be picking up in both phase and trance. And a voice sample resembling an Underworld track comes in with a more then welcoming feel of ‘Like it so much’. A very nice track and with some different sounds and flow it’s very welcoming with groove and metallic drums of sorts in the background. With most or all of the tracks the layering is also beautifully arranged. 8/10 We’re close to the PhasePhour’s end of a journey, it’s been a thrill and I’m now ready to get close to the fastest beats per minute track on the album (a whopping 140BPM, Whoo-Ha!)). The track starts out real sweet with tingling melodies and a heavy Dub-bass then morphs into a hefty bass line that really sends thrills down my spine. The sound image on 'Nothing Man' seems tighter yet still with a deep and delicious aroma and the sounds cling closer as the tune turns into what for me sounds like yet another variant of Underworld (Born Slippy comes to mind) and their sound/voice samples. No worries, it’s definitely not a copycat but it has that certain flow and flavor (I’m not a huge Underworld expert so don’t trust my words blindly). Love the breaks btw, very beautiful and the more I sense and feel this album and think back on its journey, the more I love it. It’s a great album though it might tear some patience here and there if not in the right mood. 9.5/10 Hm, to experience this album in the fourth phase must be spectacular, I would hope.... Last but not least (Ok it got my lowest score and it's the last track on the album, but thats not the point) we get a very folksy tune with a woman+man (husband and wife?) singing like natives (the words spoken) about 'The Land' of bears and eagles that roam across the mountains where their, or rather our home is. It’s nice but not totally in my cup of taste. It’s too folksy for my sake though I appreciate its beauty and storytelling of freedom of nature. Has a very authentic rainbow gathering vibe to it except for the electronic devices used to make the sounds. 6/10 This track was also present on the Heart's Eye Records release; Chilldren Of The Blue Ray - 13 Moons (http://www.discogs.com/Various-Chilldren-Of-The-Blue-Ray-13-Moons/release/1620917) Recommendation:This is a very steady and interweaved album with enough progression and drive to blow most minds. What impresses me the most on it is the drums and the percussions, the immense background noises used to create a full audio image and the connectional storytelling. It's a album that should have gotten more praise in both the underground media as well as in the more mainstream media in these days of Electronica hypes like Trentemøller and Røyksopp (though the taste of PhasePhour is very different). The title track is especially on my mind though some of the other tracks would be interesting to hear how they would sound if remixed by some more commercial names like mentioned above. I guess the fail here in that commercial potential is the fact that few of the tracks actually manages to stick to the membrain (except the title track - did I mention I love that track?) and that the general flow or aroma of the album is trance based, of sorts, which is very baboonish to like I think. If you want progressive trance with psychedelic backgrounds and something that sounds unique enough, then do yourself a favor and buy this album, it will be a nice gem to have in your collection and I once again have to bliss the artwork by Spook, it's very inducing floating like honey-fire. Only complaint I have is the pale colours used in the printing, but that might just be my copy since it may be a promo (cheaper) version? I hope so because as the music, this artwork deserves to 'pop' out to really catch your attention. All of this said, I would like to wish for PhasePhour to release a super hard knocking Psychedelic Trance album when and if they/he decides to release more albums in the PhasePhour moniker. That would be nice. Can be collaboration or a remix album for all I care. Btw Omg. On their MySpace page they now stand as sign to Shiva Space Technology (!!). If this means more power to the psychedelic trance juice I might faint. Keywords: Progressive, tribal drums, drum stomps, psychedelic, trance. Favorite tracks: 1(!!), 9(!) Final Score: 7.9/10 Where to buy and other links: DiscoPhase: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Phasephour PhaseSpace: http://www.myspace.com/phasephour ThePhasePhourStudio: http://www.freetransform.no Geomagnetic.TV: http://geomagnetic.tv GeoArtistProfile: http://geomagnetic.tv/artists/PhasePhour.htm Psyshop: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/geo/geo1cd028.html Saikosounds: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display_release.asp?id=7095 Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content/home/detail/1/beatport#app=ab19&a486-index=4 Play: http://www.play.com/Search.html?searchstring=phasephour&searchtype=allproducts&searchsource=0 juno: http://www.juno.co.uk/ppps/products/305141-01.htm Goastore: http://www.goastore.ch/product_info.php?products_id=2231&osCsid=7620f0c2799ff737da0041b595fb8777 More Fun and Far Away reviews: http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic
  18. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR85PevysUs
  19. hey there is nothing Astral about those files! (e. Ok maybe slightly Astral with those white markings on the markers and the shimmering sort of files that are astraling out of the drawer) ok Go-Goa, wha you gonna bring to the pietabel?
  20. Yeah! I got this recommended to me a few days ago. I had totally forgotten about the recommendation! Thanks Will try to remember forward and see it one day
  21. Genialt! .. A question though to your uber hypodermical correct and educational weeded out chart for shroomers on acid. Didn't Psychedelic Trance come before trance? I'm not sure but I do know that Goatrance was ,,invented" or ,,discovered" before Euro-Trance (Isreali Full-On is the same same as Euro-trance, only more fancy). - Hm, this would be nice to know actually, what sort of trance induced 4/4 beat oriented music came first and what spawned what genre within trance. GoaTrance DreamTrance EuroTrance IsraTrance Aka. Full-On Trance (Not including the UK based FullOn which uses the term 'FullOn' in another way then what the Isreali Full-on connects to) Anyone care to shed some lights on this Trancequation?
  22. Uhm .. A Blueprint For Survival - by - Blue Planet Corporation?
  23. IF thats not correct, i'll have a go and guess; Star Sounds Orchestra e. Wait, is this the name the album title or artist name or both or what's the fuzz around this game? Dancing Galaxy is the album name by Astral Projection, right!
  24. Beat of the Year? Post of the decade! Love this album btw!
  25. Psysex – Healing (HOM-Mega Productions) 2008 (HMCD57) The legendary Isreali psychedelic trance act Psysex, minus one essential person. How does it sound, feel and most of all, does the magic still work? 01 Psysex - Intro 0:29 02 Psysex - Goa Human Experience 8:11 03 Psysex & Marcello V.O.R - Birth Of A Pitched Wave 9:07 04 Psysex & PTX - Hologram 9:00 05 Psysex & U-Recken - The Message 9:46 06 Psysex - Frectus 7:39 07 Psysex - Megasex 12:17 08 Psysex & Marcello V.O.R - Inertia 8:03 09 Psysex - Magnetic Heart Beat 0:36 10 Psysex - Back To Nature 8:45 11 Psysex - Tribute 5:15 (T1 – Intro) Wanna heal yourself. Is that it, is that why you came? This is the energy for you; it’s not an accident you’re here. Understand the nonlinearly of healing. That is metaphysical that it is not time dependent. Healing will be easier. Celebrate your healing. 10/10 Over the years with Psysex’ music we have always been a custom to their incredible trance driven power and their lust and love for humor and gags with touches of breakbeats in the background and fat bass lines. There was something about their mental foundation and glimpse of astral voyages which took most on a beautiful trip through the imaginaries of psychedelic System Exclusive. As time has passed and one important and beloved member has left the Psysex project to chase his own full-on progressive sound and smooth vision with the Ace Ventura moniker, DJ Goblin was left alone to give us perhaps the last album with the brand name, ‘Psysex’. Most people after Yoni left the group considered Psysex a closed chapter in the Isreali Psytrance book. But this was not to be the case as in 2008 DJ Goblin Aka Udi Sternberg decided to give it another go to create more of the delightful Psysex sounds we adore... with a twist. On this album you will find the rule breaking sounds of tracks that play with electro, progressive, house and breaks with underlying hints of GoaTrance always present. So in other words, with the help of a couple of friends like U-Recken, PTX and Marcello, Udi has made a diverse sounding album that will please old fans of the Psysex sound as well as newcomers who are looking for something special in their electronic dance music alla Psytrance genre. The album continues nicely from the healing intro into the Goa Human Experience (T2) which is playing on the psyche of who one is and where one belongs and where one comes from. It’s the everlasting question of Who-Am-Is and -where. This is a sort of break-beat oriented track with a strong electro approach, or the other way around! It’s got some delightful sprinkled synth-work that lifts the whole mood while a heavier beat based stomp interrupts so that your feet doesn’t levitate too far up in the air. The samples are sexy, curious and life questioning. 7/10 As the music continues and floats over to a different and steadier beat with again heavy electro influences, one starts to wonder if that cosmic Psysex trance drive will ever arrive. Birth of a Pitch Wave (T3) is in all its glory an interesting house based piece of a tune which has collaboration with a certain Marcello V.O.R. whom I know nothing about. But from the sounds of this track I guess he is into groovy Electro House, and I think this track with Psysex works its magic. It’s humping, sort of sexy at times and got some drum-works which develops into becoming an electro full-on number with pitching gliding in waves (though admittedly, the pitched waves becomes more irritating then enjoyable at times). 5/10 Next we have a more groove bass driven track with the help of a guy who calls himself PTX. PTX is a part of the whole Israeli full-on movement with acts like Black & White, Rocky, Onyx and Xerox & Illumination (at least according to his last album ‘Color Your Ears’ where these full-on acts are collaborating). Hologram (T4) starts out humping not going plastic full-on power at all. Instead it takes it’s time to build the groove and to let the senses catch the drift of where this hologram might fly – Colours are amazing, that’s for sure. Does this track induce vivid colours? With the help of some interesting samples the track seems steady yet a tad boring as there is little or no evolution though it does progressively build itself to embrace the rest of the album which with hope will become more trance induced and psysexerianated. 6/10 And so it seems, with the rolling end of Hologram comes a more powerful vibe with a strong sample of a man concerned about bringing you ‘this important message’. It is with the help of U-Reckon this message is delivered and the smell is a change of beats, bass and groove. Away flies the electro house grooves and in comes the steadier trance driven beats with full-on kick. The Message (T5) indicates a change in the albums flow. The bass and groove still lurks of house driven electro with some psychotic sounds running by its side. A lift is raised; a climax is built to a more or less familiar Psysex take-off. This is a track that morphs the electro house-break-beated foundation the previous tracks has provided with a more steady 4/4 bass line, which is more than welcome and a hope for an even stronger evolution in trance-drive after this track is to be cherished- A melody enters with a gratified smile, a beautiful piece with some lingering emotions carried by break-beats alla DJ Goblin. 7/10 With the Frectus (T6) comes a sound that should be recognized by most Psysex fans, it’s about Come in Peace, and from electro house vibes we are now being pulled inside a mentally grooved bass line which humps in a most sexy fashion with tingling sounds running by its path. A melody joins and it’s in the spirit of the previous track melody and sure enough, now we are beginning to feel the blast from the Psysex past with some more intense trance vibe seduction for the master blasters. Ah this is the kinetic flow I love, these grooves together with that synthetic blow is the best. Even the crowd in the background is so happy they scream and cheer for the Psysex trademark trance-flow. And the bass line ... Oh my erection it’s hard and phat! 9/10 It’s about time the album made a turn and became all Megasexy, because now after half an album filled with house electro pie; it’s a delight to get some real stompers of trance’n dance on the plate. Megasex (T7) is the longest track on the Healing album with its 12 minutes and 17 seconds. It follows hard in the previous tracks realm though the bass line is less jumpy and this time Udi has included a most appreciated synth. I donno what synth it is if it’s a 303, 604 or a 707. I have no clue, only thing I know is that it’s a classic and I love its screaming effect and strong drive. This track has a great drive and some voice samples that manage to confuse/settle things in that nice way. It’s about inner healing, and most of all, it’s about MEGAsexy megasex! 8.5/10 … After a massive blast from the trance past we are back with collaboration with this Marcello guy and this time the hump is still strong with vibrating bass lines for the ladies and killer leads for the gents. I guess this guy isn’t so electro house focused as I initially thought, or at least Udi with the track Inertia (T8) is leading the guy into more trance filled venues of strong precisions and foxy developments. It’s about going somewhere until you come to a hick’s field that keeps us going. A good track though it seems to fall into a sort of full-on ditch that I’m not overly keen on though it provides those lovely Psysex leading strings that makes the track fly in a psysexy way, which I always love and pursue. Nice healing sample with a tough follow-up dunk-a-dunk. 7/10 ( .. ) and woof your thrown into a Magnetic Heart Beat (T9 - Pause) which is a nice paused piece with, well, magnetic heart beats. 10/10 -And Back to Nature (T10) we’re thrown. After a few strong and fast phased driven tracks the beat settles in to become more relaxed and back to the electro vibe with some funny sounds and yet again, a very sexy and hard driven wobbling bass line that just shakes the house so nicely the neighbor comes in for a swing. This track is swaying from being electro driven full-on to be house pumping electromagnetic fields of radioactive power juice. Also Udi uses samples from the Mescaline driven cowboy movie; ‘Blueberry’. And it’s done in a masterful way, a pleasure to listen and experience. 8/10 As a closer we get a track named Tribute (T11). I’m not sure if his voice thing is screwing up the word Boom boom or if it’s something totally different. But this track is about the groove anyway, not so much the boom. Here we get a more funk’d-up piece with some soul indulged voice samples from a woman in awe. The beat is varied not following either trance or house drives. Biggie beats for MC’s and Yo’s alike. It’s a sort of cool track with a strange ending up in da hood. 5/10 Recommendation: So Ok, what can I say, the magic is still there, vaguely. A couple of the tracks has the energetic Psysex drive I have always loved since I first heard a track from the duo (Also thinking about their earlier project named ‘Children of the Doc’ which is hyper cosmic trance driven with pie). For fans of Psysex and DJ Goblin they should do them self a favor and get this release. It might not be as trance driven as one might have hoped for but it has its shining moments and I have to give my respect for the overall flow of the albums journey. The evolution from electro house like psychedelic trance tunes to full-on driven galactic tunes out of this sexy universe is nice and makes a lot of sense though at times I’d wish for more interstellar journeys. Also worth the mentioning in the connected healing journey throughout the album is the varies samples of a dude and a dudette speaking about life important matters. A big Up for the bass lines, some of the work put in is just immense, beautiful and roof shattering. The album art is nice enough with a faded heart surrounding large spray-can letters reading Healing with a classic Psysex logo on the lower bottom. My copy isn’t a jewelcase or a digipak. It seems to be a more cost reduced solution of cardboard which in my opinion is A-Ok because they compensated this with including not only a nice sticker, but also a DJ-slip which is highly appreciated in my book of standards. 7.5/10 (Because I gave both the intro and the pause track a 10 out of ten points) Favorite Tracks: 1 (intro), 6(!!), 7 (!), 9 (pause), 10 Where to buy and other links: DiscoSex: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Psysex PsysexHome: http://www.psysex.org HOM-Disco: http://www.discogs.com/label/HOM-Mega+Productions HOM-e: http://www.hommega.com/newsletterPromo.php Psyshop: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/hom/hom1cd157.html Saikosounds: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display_release.asp?id=7292 Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content/home/detail/1/beatport#app=ab19&a486-index=3 Play: http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/13703902/Healing/Product.html?searchstring=psysex&searchtype=allproducts&searchsource=0&urlrefer=search Goastore: http://www.goastore.ch/product_info.php?products_id=2323&osCsid=2abede2c631db44766531eef0d7182d4 More sexy reviews: http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic
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