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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. Roger: We have clearance, Clarence. Clarence: Roger, Roger. Just the thought of his face and his funny remarks makes me giggle. Rest in Peace Mr. funny serious actor guy with a naked gun. You will be missed.
  2. 'am listening to the Psysex - Healing album now and I like it a lot though like mentioned on the first page, it is lacking in that WoaW Psysex energy which I think we all used to love. It's defo not bad but I believe Ace ventura should get back on the Psychedelic System Exclusive train .. ^look, it even got a heart <3
  3. Hoodwink – Sound Mirrors (Wild Things Records) 2010 (WILDCD012) Wild Things Records is a label known for their ability to release, well, wild things, wild sounds in a crisp and clean psychedelic vibe with loads of fun, seriousness and acid like ventures of that UK full-on sound. When I received this album I was unfamiliar with the earlier work of Hoodwink and didn’t quit know what to expect, except that it was a release on Wild Things Records which I knew had a past of releasing tight psychedelic full-on releases for the acid frantic ones. His debut album ‘Audio Illusion’ released in 2008 got a lot of cheers for its staggering psytropical content. This is his second album, and for a person like me who has never heard his debut, I am buckling up to experience the Hoodwink journey! 1 To See The Light (Intro) 1:20 2 Acoustic Anomaly 7:18 3 New Ways 2 B Evil 7:48 4 Blah Blah Blah 6:36 5 Shimmer 7:02 6 Aura 6:41 7 Cypher 6:38 8 Syncopath 7:22 9 Arythmia 7:12 10 Chemical Emotions 6:42 The intro track starts chilled like water based life forms morphing into a puddle of life and expectations. The hushed wind and gliding fluids come together to form the beat that drives the power of ‘Acoustic Anomaly’ which is the second track. From the sun one can gaze the lust and power of staggering beats, echoing effects roaming in deep space and squirting interstellar bubbles waiting to implode inside ones brain. It’s a nice and firm track leaving you inside ambient atmospheres with enough grooves to make your toes and head bounce in delight. As the third track rolls in with space like sound effects and rolling pads, you fast realize that the bass line from the previous track has had little to no changes. The tempo continues, the crisp and pleasant effects keep on pumping out and in of the speakers. Music like this deserves massive sound system to truly grasp the minor variation devoted inside all sounds, bass and moves. As the third track enters with its massive sound effects, bubbling sounds and space traveling gimmicks, I am only faced with the fact that all the bass lines seem to be identical. Granted I haven’t managed to listen to this album on a huge mottafokka stereo system yet, but from where I’m sitting and listening now it seems as if the roll of bass and kick is 98% identical on all tracks, at least so far. Ok, so in the sweet end of psychedelic trance music it isn’t really that important how the bass and kick goes because usually and always it’s about all else which is being told and projected in a track that actually matters. It’s the sounds behind the roll, the maneuver of that one bleep that makes a journey created fantastic, or shitastic. ( .. ) Sitting here, listening to this album on a mediocre sound system I can’t help to think if this music, if these sounds which has been so tightly produced by mister Hoodwink would make so much more sense and awe if I where tripping on some crystals - Because right now I’m almost feeling bored, but only almost because these sounds does have some alluring effects. Blah blah blah – I will repeat all that has been written above. I’m sorry but I know it’s nice to have an album which follows a path that has a theme a sound a recognizable pattern, but this is a tad too similar for me. I Love with a capital L the production, the effects and the knobbing skills. They sound delicious and firm. But man, the tracks are boarding very close to the edge of boredom. So far except for the intro track which is beat-less, all tracks have sounded like one long track. I know (Correction; I hope) I’m missing something very important here presented by the Hoodwinked. There’s got to be more to these tracks then what I am able to perceive at this moment. Shimmer me this, shimmer me that, who is the shimmering beat of them all? Ah, I can see it, the dude giving a friendly and sinister wink from inside the comfort of his hood. ‘Yo man, watt opp in Da hood - the fabric of life? *grind* Finally at the sixth track we seem to have a change in both content and kick/bass. This track seems heavier than the previous ones though it follows in the same venue it seems like it has gained a few pounds which makes it much more interesting (incredible what a slight change can do ..) Aura seems to be more focused on the mystique of mirror travel; the secret is to understand time. Travelling onwards we encounter the seventh track where one can dive inside and decipher the Hoodwink codes. It starts strong with some hefty water waves rushing inside your brain only to be followed by a bass line which runs faster, plays cooler and rumbles deeper then its predecessors. The metallic bending is a classic and the groove is well familiar if you’re into full-on acid chasers. Nice flow and comfortable run. As always, Hoodwinks production is near flawless, only thing missing is some deeper imagination and maybe a couple of clever melodies would be awesome. Other than that, this shit is stainless like aluminum on glorified glass walls. The number eight track tries to synchronize the path of where Sound Mirrors are leading us, the listener. The bass line has a slight faster run, the effects seems to be more hyperactive in its venture to create strange, smiling and cool vibes. Nice effort. And dude, those production skills are immense. Really fat stuff presented here, too bad it sort of gets boring unless you’re diving inside a bucket of lucid skies. After a bunch of too similar tracks with amazing production, fun filled effects and atmospheric ambience, its time (I hope) for any abnormality in the rhythm of the ‘Sound Mirrors’ heartbeat. The beat does seem to have gained a certain punch and drive to it, and the haunting vibes with metallic shimmering reflections is stronger than before. Another great track as all of the tracks are great, too bad none of them seems to be amazing, though I got to admit that the groove and flow of these ‘Sound Mirrors’ tracks are all fantastic and admirable. Finally we have reached the last track on this very much generic and standardized psychedelic full-on album by Hoodwink. I mean, no matter how cool and crisp all of these tracks has been and felt, I can’t but help to sit with a feeling of disappointment. Where’s the smart melodies at, am I so deaf here I’m sitting that I can’t catch them, because I know they are in there somewhere between bass lines and effects.. Why has the producer made 9 tracks with identical bass lines, is it so that it will be easier to make a MegaMix where one can jump from one track to another without anyone noticing? Because from my point of listening right now, I think all of these tracks sound like one gigantic track. Ok so maybe a couple of them got something extra to offer, be it some extra pressure on the bass line (like this final track) or some effects that sounds extra nifty and cool. Because granted a million times, this producer got skills and these sounds are most definitely suited best on a huge stereo system with acid frantic people dancing their naked feet off on dusty plains with patches of grass. Recommendation: Make no mistake, this is a very nice album even though it all sounds like one loooong track with different traveling aspects in effects and echo. For me the reason to come back to this album is the heaps of effects that are put into each track. It’s the realms of effects which makes this album great and eventually, interesting! - Also worth the mentioning is the album art. As all art from the Wild Things Records, there is something uber cool about them., Great art, always! I guess my last words to this release would be that it’s all done with a great execution on the effects and it’s a pleasure to be swaying inside the sounds of Hoodwink and his Sound Mirrors. I know I must be missing something here, I just don’t know what yet. Well as many great albums go, they tend to show their hidden magic after a while or after a special experience. I hope this is the case with Hoodwinks second release, Sound Mirrors. Where to buy and other links: DiscoWink: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Hoodwink+(2) WildDisco: http://www.discogs.com/label/Wild+Things+Records WildThings: http://www.wildthingsrecords.co.uk Psyshop: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/wil/wil1cd012.html Saikosounds: http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display_release.asp?id=8531 Wirikuta: http://www.wirikuta.at/web66/product_detail.jsp;jsessionid=JDGHNKLEFJDD?showDetail=241681 Beatport: https://www.beatport.com/en-US/html/content/home/detail/1/beatport#app=ab19&a486-index=3 Play: http://www.play.com/Music/CD/4-/15611463/Sound-Mirrors/Product.html?searchstring=hoodwink&searchtype=allproducts&searchsource=0&urlrefer=search Juno: http://www.juno.co.uk/search/?quick_search_records=m_physical&q=hoodwink&x=0&y=0&qs=1&s_search_precision=any&s_search_type=all&s_genre_id=0000 More Yo reviews: http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic
  4. Frost-RAVEN – Thee Olde Ones (Goa Records) 2010 (GOAREC013) Frost-RAVEN Aka. Dustin Lee Musser is a friendly and talented person located on the west coast of the United States of America. To be more precise, he’s from the beautiful and fun filled city of San Francisco. In 2008 he managed to release his second Frost-RAVEN album titled ‘Star Muse’. The album had its infected flavors with loads of progressive drive sprinkled with psychedelic stars and frosty atmospheres. The album art then was filled with light, ice and a sense of innocent hope of what the sound might induce to a listening ear, though the track titles would indicate otherwise. In my own opinion ‘Star Muse’ did its mark showcasing a person with a lot of talent for sound and drive. The landscape of which was introduced viewed more than generic full-on music for the partygoer, but tried to give more of an adventure then just you’re average and forgettable dance music with weird sounds and touches of coolness. ‘Star Muse’ released on ‘Digital Drugs Coalition’ (Which like ‘Goa Records’ is a branch of ‘Geomagnetic.TV’) went fairly unnoticed around the corners as little or no noise about its sounds where to be found from mouths and fingers of fans in the psychedelic trance world. This was in 2008. Now a couple of years later Frost-RAVEN has shed his light manifested dream vision and gone darker inside the world of fantasy, trolls, magic and infected mushrooms. 1 Thee Olde Ones 2 Warlock 3 Ectima - Feed Your Ego (Rmx - Frost-RAVEN) 4 Molly 5 Trolls 6 Merlin The Wise 7 Morgana The Wicked 8 Deka (7th Mix) 9 Seraki Mire The introduction track which is also the main title track starts eerie with some wind, monk like choruses and a steady yet rampaged progressive beat with nice echoing sources of enchanting sounds making you become ready for a trip into ‘Thee Olde Ones’. The steady beat is followed by tribal drums to make it all become more lively and fun. After the introduction of steady beats the groove gets a bump and the bass gets the strength it needs to really rock the room, making the wall vibrate in a delightful manner while playful drums follow its lead with blended effects coming and going to keep a keen ear interested and curious about how it all will progress. – As the first pause comes you’re indulged in echoing effects heavy bass like sweeps and a mood which settles in while the sample comes in to mystify the whole scenario. Again the bass line gets another bump in power and firm energy. Its rock steady as the groove trembles the mind making the foot stomp until finally the melody sways in to lift it up to another level of friskiness. As the 10 minutes long track ends the sample sort of repeats and the track ends its glory leaving you mystified about what and where the album might lead you. Sample: No they can't help you, I mean it. If...you're talking about a sarcophagus that doesn't match any thing in our records. There's nothing that's not in our records..Except what came before. The old ones." The second track named Warlock enters with a thin percussion sound which builds itself until an eerie and more or less disturbing synth comes in to make weirder electro humps and bumps of blipping and jumping sounds as the progressive groove vibes in to a field of harmonic air and stronger leads of progressive stomp. The melodic flow is staggering and snorts of evil powder making the sweaty palms clinch into a fist of grinding power. A slapstick track of little inspiration though with some effects and remixing play, it may and will show greater power than presented on the album. The third track which also follows in the progressive manner with nice float and flexible drive proves how good Frost-RAVEN is at bringing the psychedelic vibe into his progressive drive. This is originally a track produced by Ectima which is a psychedelic progressive producer with full-on influences. I’m not familiar with the original but as always I do like the approach Frost-RAVEN puts on his art. I like the motion and drive, the effects and the storytelling and especially the power he at times unleashes on his bass lines, which I promise, has an amazing drive at times. This track almost slag itself with a sample saying; ‘Listen to my words, this is an experiment. Double gated, high and dry. Progressive? Yeah,right!’ Welcome … I’m working a new word’ Not totally sure what the voice say all the way through the sample or what he means. The drive is more a crossover between electro and progressive. Again the sample is trying to communicate some words which I’m not fully capable of understanding. I mean the words them self and their deeper meaning if you will, I guess I might encounter a day when they will fit and make sense in some kind of bizarre scenario. It’s a nice track with a pleasant flow yet I got to say it’s also one of the more boring ones. Anyway, as long as you don’t go overboard and become an ego monster, it’s both nice and important to feed your ego, to acknowledge that you are doing a good job; and Dustin, you are doing some great work on your musical art, I can confirm that. With Molly things are picking up, the tempo is being raised and the flow is floating firmer and more exiting then before. Gone are the dull progressive drives and in come the faster phased beats and lingering effects which follow the stream of Molly-glow. The track contains your echoing sounds; beat manifested drives which may change direction to make it more fun and a story of power and lust that is fundamental for Frost-RAVEN’S musical style. I’m not sure if this track (Molly) is dedicated to a girl in Dustin’s life or if it’s about a fish he or someone has in an aquarium, but that doesn’t really matter as this is a flying track which has an up-tempo drive with hints of infected twists and mushroom like glow. For me one of the absolute highlighters of the album must be the bastard track named ‘Trolls’. Its fast, it’s furious and it’s wicked. It has a fast phased tempo of 150 BPM and the drive tells us that this is something to be aware of. When the climax settles in you can’t help but to wave some arms around and play along with the affectedness of the story being told by a person diving deep inside the world of fairytales and mushrooms. What makes this track a personal favorite is the sample taken from a 7 hour long Hallmark movie named ‘The 10th Kingdom’. For fans of Infected Mushroom and their track ‘Roll Us a Giant’ will quickly recognize the troll’s voices where they have captured the princess. ‘She’s a captive of the merciless trolls now. Merciless! Without mercy, he he - This could be a long torture session. Rush a torture ruin a torture’. One can have a lot of fun affecting this sample. As the track continues though I feel it lacks something to keep the momentum up. Instead it has more of the slamming doors effect and melodic clinging. The tempo seems a tad too fast for its own good, it’s like the track is struggling with giving us a slamming ending to an otherwise slamming track. Next is maybe one of the absolute strongest and twisted tracks on the album as we continue in the infected land of fairytales, magic and might. This track has a theme based around Merlin and his apprentice. The bass line is orgasmic, the strings floating around are lush and beautiful, the effects are to make their scenario interesting and the build to the main sample of Merlin is magic. It contains a lot of truth as there are many who seem to only have mastered the art of rattling snakeskin and other scare tactics. This is yet another strong track that in the right circumstances and with some knobbing effect making will make inner magic glow. The weirdness which floats around and especially the weirdness of effects that come after each spoken sample is nothing but pure awe. It’s powerful, magical, evil and with glimpse of snarling smiles with blinking eyes. Frost-RAVEN, you are worthy and you seem more than ready. Morgana the Wicked comes in with more samples of an angry and powerful woman telling someone off. A Morgana is someone who is mysterious with stunning good looks who may be a dark angel who is highly creative within music and art. This is yet another very seductive, beautiful and strong track. The drive and magic which comes after the second sample blows me away as it floats in angelic ways with some evil strength for the mesmerized ones. Powerful tune with some wild and trippy bubbling sounds in the background, and the samples is strange enough - sometimes in another language and some lines in plain English. All in all it’s a very delightful track with all its shimmers and scrumptious wraps and echoing choruses. After three strong and adventures tracks from the more darkened land of fairytales and magic, we again enter a tune focusing more on the travel and swaying effect. Gone are the fairytale samples and in comes the storytelling in semi-melodic scenarios and powerful electro breaks. I have no idea of what ‘Deka’ actually means or refers to, but I think it has something to do with the metrical system (?) This is the 7th Mix, or so the info reads. However on the physical album cover it only reads ‘Deka’. It’s a beautiful electro journey filled with layered melodies from a Goadelic era with some harder electro interruptions which staggers the track so it doesn’t fly in loose air. At 03:17 the sounds used actually reminds me of the Infected tune ‘Intelligate’. But hey, in my ears a lot of the synthwork, approaches and fairytale like adventures presented on this album remind me of infected vibes. As a closer to an adventures and darkened trolled album we get a down-tempo track in the range of 150BPM. The sample used is about some space crusaders who have found a fertile land which they will, well, call ‘This Land’. It’s a humored sample with some alien trolls who interrupts the man who has found the land and wants him to call it his grave. I think the sample is from a TV series based on Serenity or something, not sure. The track itself is Ok with some interesting sounds and rolls. Recommendation: Now this is a strange album me thinks. On one side it got all of these powers and fantasy, it has loads of phat bass lines and infected synths which really bend the mushroom view. Objectively I think this is a powerful album with some strength not always apparent. Some of the tracks played at the right circumstances with maybe a touch of FX and manipulation will showcase strong Goa flows and hyper cool twists and turns. For me the best tracks are the ones with the samples (Except Molly which is hyper Omg infect me cool) though the samples used aren’t always suited to be played in any DJ-set or at certain times. Then again, sometimes they fit perfect. It’s a very dark and gloomy album, maybe not in that proper dark and gloomy fashion, but absolutely in the fantasyland of an almost negative and sorrowed place with furious and raging beats running on a path of inner love and light. The cover design is dark, dirty and hard to understand. What is it, is it a rusty metallic plum welded on an iron wall? The track names all have these darkened themes around them while the sounds presented are at times beautiful, strong, fun and really cool! I adore most of the drive and as mentioned, the bass line when it puts on its power is mesmerizing boarding to stunning. Thee Olde Ones .. What will Frost-RAVEN’s next album sound like? I am eager to listen, because this guy has immense skills to admire and follow. PS. Frost-RAVEN also released a free to download experimental downbeat album named 'Deep in Blue'. You can get it here: http://www.spectralonyx.com/catalog/frost-raven-deep-in-blue/ :) Where to buy and other links: DiscoRAVEN: http://www.discogs.com/artist/Frost+Raven?anv=Frost-RAVEN Frost-Space: http://www.myspace.com/frostraven DiscoGOArecords: http://www.discogs.com/label/Goa+Records GoaRecords: http://www.goa-records.com Geomagnetic.TV: http://www.geomagnetic.tv Psyshop: http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/gre/gre1cd013.html Play: http://www.play.com/Music/CD/6-/Search.html?searchstring=frost+raven&searchtype=musicall&searchsource=0 Goastore: http://www.goastore.ch/product_info.php?products_id=3857&osCsid=7e0beed4c44f1f98ca68ce2b385b6e98 Juice: http://www.juice-net.jp/shop/detail.php?seq=4578&&kw=frost+raven Juno: http://www.juno.co.uk/search/?quick_search_records=m_physical&q=frost+raven&x=0&y=0&qs=1&s_search_precision=any&s_search_type=all&s_genre_id=0000 More trollish reviews: http://www.myspace.com/psytonesmusic
  5. + me Btw. np. Frost-RAVEN's new album. Gonna check more of Ormions music later ^^
  6. Thanks man Very nice! e. I can't get the link to work. I guess I'll keep my self smiling with the Ektoplazm releases then :)
  7. Exelization I didn't know this Ormion guy could make such awesomeness musikk :D Very kool!
  8. Yes celebrate your X-mas so that your stomach gets overly full and mind gets hunger for more. Yes, celebrate it so much that the stores get richer and your family gets poorer. Beh! http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0W2j1HmHPc&feature=related MERRY FUCKIN XMAS http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SeVZsaInxg Merry christmas everyone all over the glObe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Bip Bob Baluba. Baba bioband.

  10. If I would have to show a person 1 darkpsy track, I would play them 'Fungus Funk - Metropolis (Robot Empire), (Propаganda Remix) Remix by - Psykovsky for reeal.
  11. psytones


    There is a dream inside a dream, I´m wide awake the more I sleep - Marilyn Manson Man, I am eager to watch this movie soon. I have shut my ears and eyes to all commercials about it, and didn´t read much of this thread. I did however read glims of comments like Not Dreamlike, dissepointed. Now that makes me feel sad, I was hoping for some uber dreamy stuff .. still eager to watch it though !!!!
  12. first time i saw it I was half asleep, stoned out on hashish and didn´t like it much, thoought it was boring plus I watched some of it with eyes closed .. Second time I saw it I snorted a not to long but long enough liner of Ketamin (jeje, what you gonna do, judge me?) and was blown away. It´s pretty much a very intelligent movie that drags the viewer into the world of the nutter (Leonardo). So funny to see him with his too large detective jacket seeing him loose it not knowing where he stands and the scene with the lady in the cave, some of those moments, wooaw, really intense mind stuff when viewed with brain. I´d give it a 8.5/10, which is good, right? Ok maybe 9, but thats because of the Ket ... sad to see him slipping away, actually, it´s very sad to see anyone or even yourself slip away. Good movie in all angles (directed, actors, script .. )
  13. I heard Proc´s playing his Downbeat world premier project at Open Source in Norway not many weeks ago. His project is called Stellar Ink Pony. Was blown away by the music, beautiful forestry chilled stuff (:
  14. You know Tiesto was his mentor or smth like that, right? Isratrance in it´s finest Eurotrance hours
  15. I have two releases from EDR. Psyknights whichs is good and sometimes bad but overall very kool. And Down and Dirty VA which is defo not my cup of juice. Will have to check sounds from this release another time.
  16. hrm .. Alien Jesus .. E´nuff said I think. Haven´t checked the music so I guess I should keep my mouth shut even though it is my opinion. Want good music (imo) with same directed name? Check out Alienated Buddha Peace and Love
  17. No! Bad Basilisk, bad. Don't you know that Twitter is evil Have you never seen all the Twitter shit on CNN, FOX News??? Have a nice late summer people!!
  18. They have released this album, I got it. It's not great and I rarly listen to it, but it's a nice item to have and to pull out every other year for a listen. I also saw Eat Static live in Oslo, Norway some years back. It wasn't amazing, I'll tell you that (Venue and all was pretty poor which made the whole 'Eat Static Live' experience into something empty.. sadly. But hey, at least I saw E.S. LiVE! this track is amazing!! Yes and you have IM - CotF as U'r avatar, so ..
  19. Sure, have fun hang loose My bad, first, i didn't see close and connect his name to your 'Ant Arise', I only read his text. Second, there is maybe no second.
  20. If i misunderstand you correctly: *i guess maybe not, Ant Arise is like a variation of the whole text you quoted, maybe right?
  21. Like man, where's the Lieke button. We should have a like button like in Casehook. e. found the + button but-on it doesnt work.
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