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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by psytones

  1. b.l.t. - blt its very good from where im sitting now !!
  2. its a concpiracy I tell you, and they most often, as i can see it, wanna play their own and friends and friends of friends music and killer hitz for ze pillz then to really give the psycurious people what they have dreamt about dancing to and Hearing in the H's sent without knowing it !! As Oopie and other all over not tooo old and bitter = boored can and do have parties playing your music with that vibe like quote. before[/i]. make it happen, and remember, if you welcome more people who has been infected by mushrooms and want more of that undescrible something, then the scene will grow in a positive direction like a mushroom growing out of the shit it needs to grow. funny eh
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3rIWaYRaJU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rSMsZl56bc&feature=related anyone hear a resemblence to one of the tracks on CPC's Subliminal Nessages album`I do.
  4. + 1 ^ I hope it will get better with time, but as far its good.
  5. haha what a kool idea for a topic! + 1 on the ?, hope someone replies soon with interesting information! ko-ko
  6. yeah i like them stars too. I hope that when a album gets soo many 5's it will change colour to purple or red or something to stress it's classic strength
  7. Listen to this one with good deep sound: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5qamE4WjPU&NR=1 Krumelur always manages to suprise and chase away monsters, or mayeb gather tem in monsterland
  8. Sounds like a great plan Mars, nice to read it's on your to-do-list. Patience On!
  9. Hi, just stumbled over this video of a Brazilian (i think) DJ who spins music with his feet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OK57Djaf7qc&feature=player_embedded His name is Pascal Kleiman. wow, i mean, thats super awesome! The guy must have used years practicing to make it all flow so beautifull without hands. He's really good! Respect!! Got to admit though, when he picked up the CD's with his toes, I was worried they would skip in the CDj's because of stains hehe.. And I can sort of understand why he chooses to play with a blanket so noone can see him, but he deserves to see all the happy people dancing. If anyone books him for a club-set (indoor), please provide him with a One-Way Mirror (I guess he doesn't always hide himself!!) Again, mad respect. It's hard enough with hands sometimes! Got any special's ?
  10. After Redington's massive NIN spam I've spent now hours listening to NIN + MM :D Oh I wish they would team up again with brilliance! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtfYYEszo_o
  11. wow that must have taken some time to publish so thanks a million from me too! Will defiently DL them when I get my computer!! kudos!
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQsVsQDXM0E&feature=related enjoy !!
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPw1i9dAJiQ&NR=1 If you can't dig this, your strange! Music is futured on the Lost Highway OST.
  14. Yeah! You better , or else .. !! http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhN1lRctic0
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhN1lRctic0 :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
  16. Hehe !! .. a) Their trying hard to look like lions. They nicked their sisters self tanning cream and went bananas. c) Their going army and will soon jump behind bushes. d) they are going to a kebab-shop and wishes to fit in better. e) Their personal hero is Chevy Chase. f) They had a terrible accident with their grandmothers caramel pudding. ..Or.. g) Their fucking idiots. RTP, did you ever nick your sisters self tanning cream before going out to a shav-party? ..or brown cream (whatever)
  17. wow thanks for the link Day Tripper! Very cool to see this in it's whole pea(e
  18. RegeR is spelled RegeR backwords correction, I've always noticed the other female voice, but honestly, I didn't give it more thoughts until you highlighted it.
  19. Hey get your nipple out of the mailbox and re-post the links! I didn't get to save the tracks for future usage!
  20. Hi baba Psy :D! Sup neegro?

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